Re: please help me
Hi jboy,
I can't totally sympathize with what your going through, I've been sick for almost a year now (10 months at the moment). I got sick after returning from a trip to Peru and every day has been hell since then. I've gone through countless doctors and done many many tests and so far no luck. I suspect that the MRI in your case will also yield a negative result but give it a shot. When this first hit me I felt like I had a psychotic breakdown for 2 months (not fun), my symptoms included extreme restlessness, fatigue, weakness, feeling like I'm disconnected from reality, migraines, insomnia, total brain fog, air hunger, mood swings, panic attacks (only a few times fortunately) and the list goes on and on. It's worth noting that before all this, I was never sick, would never get so much as a headache. I've posted on cure zone and other sites looking for answers with little luck... So like you I started trying stuff out and seeing if it sticks, if any of my symptoms would get better. I did several months of
Antibiotics initially to treat Lyme (I tested positive according to Igenix) but I got very little relief from that. I did a Humaworm cleanse for suspected
parasites and I definately killed off some stuff but my overall health was still shit. I stopped with the
Antibiotics and started heavy probiotics and thats when I noticed that my weakness had gone away (all my other symptoms where still there). After a couple of months of probiotics with most of my other symptoms still intact I did the triple drug therapy for Blasto from ... This seemed to clear out most of my serious neuro symptoms, I still have them but they tend to be milder. In my particular case I get these periodic "attacks" that severly weaken my body and leave me very rundown, that's when all my neurological symptoms start up again until they slowly start to improve until my next attack. I believe that once I'm able to eliminate these attacks that my body will naturally find homeostasis again. As to whats causing these attacks I doubt it's any large
parasite or Lyme for that matter. It could be a virus (doubtful), a ongoing bacterial infection (also doubtful considering the amount of
Antibiotics I've taken), a resistant microscopic
parasite or systemic yeast. I had a gentleman on here look at my blood and he was able to culture yeast from it, so the current thinking is that it's systemic yeast that's causing my immune system to be over active every so often. I'm on herbal anti yeast medication at the moment and I plan on doing something more powerful in the near future. I've thought about anti psychotic medication but my issues really are biological and I don't want to run the risk of f***ing up my potential recovery these mind altering drugs. I'm officially done with doctors, they are fcking useless and they simply don't give a damm about your health. Take your health into your own hands and trust what your body has to say... I would explore anti yeast herbs in your case and see what happens... Read my old posts if you want know some of the shit I was and still am going through... Good luck man...