please help me
My problems started with abdominal pain, few weeks ago pain isn't bad, but now i'm having lots of pressure deep in head an forehead, sinus troubles, an lots of pressure at brain stem?
I keep having scary thoughts, irrational thoughts, memory problems, i feel like there is no world outside the room i'm in. i'm forgetting what people mean to me, forgetting who i am. Losing my mind, i'm having insomnia, digestion problems. I cant take probiotics or enzymes they give me severe reactions with sensation in limbs an panic attack and extreme itching an insomnia.
I feel i'm overloaded, somethings squeezing my brain stem, i feel the walls closing in around me.
I've been trying to alkanize my diet, i eat some coconut oil everyday for fat, i eat mainly veggies, i have a little oatmeal with BSM an a little turkey for protein. I take alkaline baths, oil pulling.
Trying to alkanize my head. it feels like sometihng is putting massive pressure on my spine/brain. But the pressure moves around sometimes up the forehead or behind nose etc...
I feel i'll die soon, i'm at a loss. I just ordered
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement incase its a brain parasite.
I tried ornithine incase its ammonia...but i cant get the aspartic acid anywhere around here.
My memory is worst, my perception of time is skewed, i get spells where i totally lose control an forget who an where i am. I'm losing my mind. I feel like I need something, yet i have no idea what! i wish i could do some biofeedback an just have it tell me what i need.
Please any ideas? I don't know what to do. something is taking over my mind, maybe a deficiency? parasite? bacteri? this pressure is driving me mad.
They want to admit me to a hospital, but i know convential medicine will kill me. I had a CT scan there was no sinus inflammation thats what i thought it was.