Re: please help me
Jboy, I read the thread in the entirity that is showing in Barefooters' Library and a good portion of Uniquity's answer to a previous post of yours. Here's my conslusions:
1. Allopathic and holisitc messures don't mix unless you're using an intergrative doctor that KNOWS WHAT THE HECK THEY ARE DOING. Many herbs change the effects of Rx.
2. There are people here at curezone that have known me for 5 yrs now. They'd tell you if plzchuckle advides a doctor, she's SERIOUS. You need a holistic or intergrative doctor to get this mess all straightened out for you, and not just A doctor, but a GOOD doctor. I'd advise speaking with the employees in the supplement section at your local health food store for recommendations. They are the folks who put together seminars, etc and know the top holistic practitioners in your area.
3. STOP taking herbs until you can get weened off the Rx ... get off the meds under a doctors care/preferrably a holitic or intergrative doctor ... THEN begin to clean up your mess.
4. readReadREAD on holistic lifestyle, cleansing, diet, ingredient detecting, water, juicing, fasting and so-on. Make notes, be creating your own holistic lifestyle during the time it takes you to ween off the meds.