Re: 40 day water and juice fast over day 4 of refeed.
Well did have some rice last night and bit of stuffed chicken breast with brocoli few bites of wifes and did have couple of 90 cal yogurt fruit pop things for evening snack.
Did bike at night for 30 minutes and did heavy shovelling for hour or so yesterday as well.
But this morning the scales were up to 220.0. So pretty sure water weigth and maybe food in system.Although did go to bathroom a few times both types yesterday.
According to my fancy tanita ironman scale bodyfat was bit lower at 34%, water was up to like 48% and viceral fat was down a number and lower is better. So seems not really of course gaining fat just holding bit more water. Its not the end of the world to regain a few
pounds post fast and so far 3
pounds is not a huge deal from lowest at end of fast but am trying to keep the regain as low as possible and continue on my downward journey.
So not sure what to do today for food. I am skipping breakfast pretty much skipping it every day and not really hungry at all right now.Was going to take 93 year old father for lunch and still will but now not sure what I should have for lunch. Today is also valentines day, 17 year wedding anniversary and my birthday is on 16th so normally go out for all that and have fancy dinner like steak and lobster,desert,etc in one combined dinner but will put that off till end of week or next week but still might go out and have something simple and low calorie today but would be easier to have something like that at home.
Also will do an eat stop eat day tommorrow so no food after 6pm or so tonite till 6pm or so tommorrow.
Exercise plans today are for treadmill shortly and to do weights this afternoon. That should speed up bmr and might take some green tea capsules as well .Took some during the fast and they seemed to help energy and burn more fat off.
I have pretty good energy since back on food.