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Image Embedded For ray34iyf (and everyone :) Detoxing & healing Accutane/Lexapro/Celexa
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For ray34iyf (and everyone :) Detoxing & healing Accutane/Lexapro/Celexa


Greetings Dan (and everyone, of course :) --
'Sorry about the lost time/data (I never did figure out what exactly happened - 'just another frustrating 'cyber mystery'). 
I'll be starting with some generalities that I want to make sure you're aware of ...about me & the forum basics, etc; links with 'must read' information (if you're planning on effectively healing yourself and becoming your own doctor); then continuing onto your specific reported issues (and what it seems to me you're dealing with), and then concluding with specific suggestions for healing. There are more links/information scattered throughout the post.
At the very end are some extremely thorough lists of adverse effects from the drugs you were prescribed. When reading through these lists, try to imagine what each drug must have done in the body to cause the hundreds of different adverse actions listed (it's amazing any of us "escaped alive"...I was on Prozac over 15 years).
--Firstly, I always err on the side of 'too much information' rather than too little. When making recommendations, I recommend what I would do for myself (or my husband Rocky53) - leaving no stone left unturned that I can see. I always figure that after spending weeks/months/dollars putting together and utilizing a protocol, no one wants to hear "Well, I thought of that initially, but I didn't want to seem too overwhelming (or too expensive), so I just thought I'd leave it out." :( 
Ultimately these long, informative posts of mine end up with thousands of hits - so know I'm not just writing 'for you', I'm writing for thousands of others...and those people may not know what you know (or have any idea what you've experienced) please don't think I'm being condescending (or ignorantly repeating things). I'm just doing my best to be the best teacher I know how to be.
Speaking of which, it is teaching that I do...I don't 'write prescriptions' or tell people 'what they need'. I share what I've learned about natural health & healing; do my best to put together 'symptoms & solutions'; and then you depend upon you (and your doctor within) to make all the decisions  
There's no such thing as too many questions! :)
--What is "bandaiding a symptom"? It's when our body is experiencing symptoms (symptom = the only way our body has of crying out for our help) and rather than addressing the cause of the symptom, we put a bandaid on it to cover it up so it doesn't bother us. This is common in both allopathic & alternative medicine, and makes about as much sense as putting a piece of duct-tape over the oil light on our dashboard (when it comes on) so we can't see it anymore :( Some people actually refer to this as "healing" :::eyeroll:::.  This is what happened to you with the Accutane & Lexapro/Celexa...and not only did the 'bandaids' plow your body with poisons which created symptoms of their own, it's very likely that they have done some damage that needs to be reversed.
--Just so you know, this forum is dedicated to fundamental natural health & healing (based primarily upon the works/teachings of Drs. Gerson, Schulze & Christopher), which is 100% opposite allopathic medicine, and (getting close to being) nearly 100% opposite 'alternative medicine'. Allopathic medicine uses poisons & toxic chemicals, radiation and carving & slicing/splicing the body as their bandaids; alternative medicine uses many bandaid supplements & therapies...mostly based on the same demented "science" (cover up, hide, and squelch the symptoms - while never dealing with the true root causes). Frustratingly, the bandaids of alternative supplements/therapies are many times very toxic to our natural bodies...particularly the "isolated/fractionated substance supplements" (drugs in 'natural' packaging) can be very harmful. There is nothing natural about using a laboratory to isolate one chemical from a plant or animal (stripping it of dozens/hundreds of naturally occurring chemicals & cofactors), putting it in a bottle and using it to bandaid symptoms...and certainly nothing natural about synthetics.
Note: I commonly use Vitamin C/Ascorbic acid as the example here because it's the isolated chemical that most think is THE most innocent & harmless.  So, please don't think I'm "picking on you" because you mentioned you use it (but it's even more important that you read these, since you do use it). Check these out:
(other symptoms/studies from just 250-500mg of ascorbic acid daily? hypo/hyperglycemia and lack of B12 :(
This chapter (which includes MANY other examples than just ascorbic acid, and very integral information) is extremely important if you want to know how to avoid many of the pitfalls of alternative medicine: Ascorbic Acid Is Not Vitamin C
Just imagine someone trying to overcome a serious illness with a substance that lowers plasma copper levels, increases plasma iron (lowering the stores); alters blood sugar, depletes B12, harms the arteries and lessens oxygen flow...while using handfuls of other similar isolates (with similar side-effects). It may 'bandaid away' symptoms (even cancer), but it always does it at the expense of harming something else. I call it 'supplement roulette', and I don't recommend playing (nor do I recommend "bandaiding").
What we do on this forum is get down to the cause of the body being compromised and allow the body to use it's own advanced healing schematics to repair itself, while we support the process using foods, juices, herbs & substances that are as natural to the human body as possible (the most unnatural things we use are juices, herbal teas & tinctures...and really, juices aren't truly unnatural because chimpanzees commonly 'juice their produce': Destroying another "juicing myth"! Did you know? (this is cool!))
[late breaking insert - in rereading this before posting it, I realized that I've likely been 'heavy' on all the information about isolated/fractionated supplements above (when you may not require it at this stage of the game). It's just that I've helped SO many people that have spent 10's of thousands of dollars on ND's and toxic supplements, only to end up years later much worse than they ever were, with much more work to do. And I've got this knee-jerk-caring-reaction thing happening that makes we want to prevent it from happening to anybody else! So please pardon me if that was too much came from a caring heart, for sure :)]
One last thing before all the info...I've just got to take a minute to tell you what an impressive man you are (particularly to be only 23!). I've been scanning through your posting history for information about your 'issues', and the one 'issue' that keeps popping up is your willingness & ability to learn and take control of your health and life!  
Onward to getting you back in control of your health and life...
Likely one of the biggest mistakes we all make is referring to the liver as an organ of "elimination" - it doesn't actually "eliminate" in the way we normally perceive the word - the liver transforms, detoxifies & converts poisons into harmless substances. Our kidneys filter & eliminate; we eliminate toxic gasses through our lungs; our skin is the largest organ of elimination, and our intestinal tract is a major eliminator. Hard minerals commonly build up in the kidneys and all kinds of toxins build up in the layers of rubbery, putrefying 'mucoid plaque' in the colon. Here's what the liver does with toxins & poisons:
The liver is one of the most important organs in the body when it comes to detoxifying or getting rid of foreign substances or toxins, especially from the gut. The liver plays a key role in most metabolic processes, especially detoxification. The liver detoxifies harmful substances by a complex series of chemical reactions. The role of these various enzyme activities in the liver is to convert fat soluble toxins into water soluble substances that can be excreted in the urine or the bile depending on the particular characteristics of the end product. Many of the toxic chemicals that enter the body are fat-soluble, which means they dissolve only in fatty or oily solutions and not in water. This makes them difficult for the body to excrete. Fat soluble chemicals have a high affinity for fat tissues and cell membranes, which are composed of fatty acids and proteins. In these fatty tissues of the body, toxins may be stored for years, being released during times of exercise, stress or fasting. During the release of these toxins, several symptoms such as headaches, poor memory, stomach pain, nausea, fatigue, dizziness and palpitations can occur.
The major percentage of blood being filtered by the liver is from the portal vein, which carries blood from the intestines. The liver can remove a broad spectrum of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites from the blood...
The liver neutralizes a wide range of toxic chemicals, both those produced internally and those coming from the environment. The normal metabolic processes produce a wide range of chemicals and hormones for which the liver has evolved efficient neutralizing mechanisms. However, the level and type of internally produced toxins increases greatly when metabolic processes go awry, typically as a result of nutritional deficiencies. These non-end-product metabolites have become a significant problem in this age of conventionally grown foods and poor diets.
Many of the toxic chemicals the liver must detoxify come from the environment: the content of the bowels and the food, water, and air. The polycyclic hydrocarbons (DDT, dioxin, 2,4,5-T, 2,3-D, PCB, and PCP), which are components of various herbicides and pesticides, are on example of chemicals that are now found in virtually all fat tissues measured. Even those eating unprocessed organic foods need an effective detoxification system because all foods contain naturally occurring toxic constituents.
The liver plays several roles in detoxification: it filters the blood to remove large toxins, synthesizes and secretes bile full of cholesterol and other fat-soluble toxins, and enzymatically disassembles unwanted chemicals. This enzymatic process usually occurs in two steps referred to as phase I and phase II. Phase I either directly neutralizes a toxin, or modifies the toxic chemical to form activated intermediates which are then neutralized by one of more of the several phase II enzyme systems.
My point? While it is possible that there is residual Accutane in your liver, it is highly improbable, because Phase I Phase II detoxification of the liver transmutes & neutralizes toxic chemicals with every pass the blood makes through the liver (once every three minutes)...and it's been 3-4 years since you ingested Accutane. What you experienced was clearly the exact same adverse-effects you experienced when taking Accutane orally. BUT, there is a place in your body where there can easily be a huge build-up of Accutane, and that's in your colon.
What substance from the body 'breaks down' fat soluble poisons? Bile

What substance from the body reabsorbs/reassimilates into the bloodstream faster than any other? Bile. 
So what happens if you do a liver flush and dump a quart or so of very condensed bile from your liver into your intestines and it seeps through substantial amount of Accutane residue (for hours & hours & hours before being expelled?) An ultra high "dose" of Accutane in your bloodstream (plus a strong dose of whatever else is built up in your colon).
It may seem there's no way (after 3-4 years) that you could possibly have that much Accutane anywhere in your body, but check this out: Journey to the Center of your Colon  (be sure to take your time reading that chapter, and be sure to look for the story of the guy who worked in an ammunition/explosives factory and did a colon cleanse 25 years later). And while reading this you'll also understand one of the reasons why you're having trouble maintaining/gaining weight. (Also note, the author suggests 1-2 bms daily is "healthy & normal". WRONG. It's normal for us, like all other animals on the planet, to have a bowel movement about 30 minutes after every meal we eat...and one when we wake up in the morning, and maybe one before we go to sleep. 3-5 bms daily is normal & healthy, not 1-2).
How can this level of build up occur? According to V.E. Irons' theory: V.E. Irons: Colon - Sewer or Cesspool
V. E. Irons explains this in his newsletter as follows:   
"When food that is not wholesome or is harmful to the body reaches the stomach, word is immediately sent from the stomach to the mucus manufacturer, warning, 'Get busy, the enemy is on the way!' We know that mucus starts to be produced immediately and the colon is lined with it. 12-18 hours later, when the poisoned or harmful food from the stomach finally enters the colon, the latter is well prepared with a layer of mucus lining it, so that the body does not absorb any of the poison. Were this to happen once or even several times a month, this mucus, having been used, would disintegrate and slowly be discharged from the colon with no harm done.   
But it is now certainly apparent that nature never intended that protective mechanism to be used as continuously as it is today . . . The result is that layer on top of layer is secreted until its accumulation thickens to 1/8" to 1/4" thick. Sometimes this layer or layers gets to 3/8" to 1/2" in thickness, becoming as hard and black as a piece of old hardened rubber you see on a highway, torn from a truck tire.   
We have had specimens preserved in alcohol from several inches to a few feet in length, while the longest we have had was 27 feet, in one piece. Sometimes it will come out as a pile weighing as much as 11 pounds and continuing to come out for several days to a week.    
Regardless of your financial standing, regardless of your past health history, regardless of your age or sex, YOU (meaning the reader and 95% of the USA) do have this hardened mucus in your colon, and you will be amazed by what comes out of you."   
Even the United States Health Service, in a rare display of candor, admitted several years ago that 'over 90%' of Americans are walking around with clogged colons.  Irons cites the experience of one of the most famous and highly respected surgeons in American history, Dr Harvey Kellogg of Battle Creek, Michigan, who wrote, 'Of the 22,000 operations I have personally performed, I have never found a single normal colon.'  And that was back at the turn of the century, long before American eating habits had become completely corrupted by processed, denatured foods as today.  As Irons puts it, 'About the only place you see a normal healthy colon today is in an anatomy book!'   
Here's the last reading assignment regarding colon cleansing & health (a very important one): Dr Schulze 2001 Bowel Newsletter
Remember while reading, 'constipation' means a 'lack of 3-5 natural, healthy bowel movements daily'...not just someone that has only 1-2 bms weekly (or monthly).
And THAT (once you've read/assimilated it all...whew) is why the order of cleansing our organs is ALWAYS "colon first!" (or at least, cleansing the colon while cleansing the other organs). 
Liver - It seems to me you're already well aware of the need to cleanse and restore the liver...and you should definitely continue doing so (see recommendations below). But until you've got a couple of weeks of colon cleansing under your belt, I don't suggest any massive bile purging...especially when the bile is going to lay around in your colon for 8-12-18 hours to be seeping through a colon full of pharmaceuticals.
You can still be aggressive with your liver if you'd like, and the way to do that is with Coffee Enemas until you've got the IF#1/IF#2 regulated. Not only do Coffee Enemas stimulate the liver to release bile (yay), but while they're being retained (15-20 minutes), the liver is triggered to become a "toxin & free radical blood dialysis machine"...and that means your bloodstream will be cleansed of toxins & free radicals every time it goes through the liver (5-6 times during the CE). And (if that's not good enough), CE's also trigger and increase peristalsis (the muscular squeezing action of the intestines & colon). So this enema not only doesn't weaken your musculature & cause your colon to become dependent upon enemas, it actually strengthens the colon and help to restore weakened persistaltic muscles. Here's the nutshell version: The Secret to the Coffee Enema 
Also, check out the FAQs for the source (S.A. Wilsons) for the best organic coffee (created/roasted especially for use in enemas) and information on foot reflexology and doing castor oil packs (both are VERY good adjunct therapies for liver healing and detoxification): [FAQ] Healing Cleanse: Liver/Gallbladder: Working File Thread [FAQ] Healing Cleanse: Coffee Enemas: Working File Thread [FAQ] Healing Cleanse: Castor Oil Packs: Working File Thread
Just to clarify, when I was explaining about the liver and how it detoxifies, I didn't mean to imply that stale bile from the liver isn't "toxic" is compromising to the body and we should always be sure to get it out as quickly after flushing as possible. That's why the Clark flush (and others) have those doses of Epsom Salts the 'day after' - two CE's is much safer, healthier and more effective.
Kidneys - It seems all we ever hear on CureZone is liver!liver!liver! and colon!colon!colon! and that most people act like we don't even have kidneys until we have major problem with them When all the water we drink is seeping through a colon that is full of poisons and the liver is compromised, our kidneys are having to deal with their own job and the extra workload it because the liver isn't getting it's job done. If you're not aware of the correlation between Accutane & kidney damage, prepare for an anger-surge. Here's a Google search (Accutane +kidneys OR renal):

Under Federal Law, the manufacturer of a drug is required to revise its label to include a warning as soon as there is reasonable evidence of an association of a serious hazard with a drug.

The FDA has required Hoffmann-La Roche to change their label for Accutane many times. The most recent label under "adverse side effects" states - Urinary System: glomerulonephritis, nonspecific urogenital findings

Pursuant to FDA Rules and Regulation, the reporting of Adverse Side Effects is on a voluntary basis. In other words, the doctor, hospital, or other medical person or facility are not required by law to report an adverse side effect from a drug. The FDA reported that perhaps only one in one hundred side effects ever get reported. One could only imagine about how many serious Adverse Side Effects there are from taking Accutane, that have never been reported to anyone!


Acute glomerulonephritis is an inflammatory disease of both kidneys. Chronic glomerulonephritis can develop over a period of 10-20 years and is most often associated with other systemic diseases, including diabetes, malaria, hepatitis, or systemic lupus erythematosus.

Acute glomerulonephritis is an inflammation of the glomeruli, bundles of tiny vessels inside the kidneys. The damaged glomeruli cannot effectively filter waste products and excess water from the bloodstream to make urine. The kidneys appear enlarged, fatty, and congested.

It is thought that the kidney is damaged with exposure to the toxins that are excreted into the urine.

Mild glomerulonephritis may produce no symptoms, and diagnosis is made with laboratory studies of the urine and blood. Individuals with more severe cases of the disease may exhibit:
·         Fatigue
·         Nausea and vomiting
·         Shortness of breath
·         Disturbed vision
·         High blood pressure
·         Swelling, especially noted in the face, hands, feet, and ankles
·         Blood and protein in the urine, resulting in a smoky or slightly red appearance
[Uny here - other symptoms in less severe/chronic cases are: darkened urine (tinged with the color of tea or cola); infrequent urination; foamy urine; headaches; blurred vision; weakness; fever; fatigue; loss of appetite; nausea...]
The individual with chronic glomerulonephritis may discovery their condition with a routine physical exam revealing high blood pressure, or an eye exam showing vascular or hemorrhagic changes. The kidneys may be reduced to as little as one-fifth their normal size, consisting largely of fibrous tissues.

For more information, please visit the Family Practice Notebook.

FDA - Accutane Information Page
Adrenal glands - anytime we ingest SSRIs (virtually any psych-drug), there's always a likelihood of some level of adrenal damage & distress. Here's a good explanation:
From here (bold/emphasis theirs):
The Serotonergic System, the Pineal Gland & Side-Effects of Serotonin Acting Anti-Depressants
Note/Uny: as these drugs relate to adrenal issues, the SNRI's are likely even more destructive to the adrenals because of the addition of a norepinephrine 'booster' :( 
"But why do I hear people talking about benefits from these SSRI-AntiDepressants?", you might want to ask in this stage. "They surely must work somehow don't they?" The answer is yes, they "work" somehow, but not in a very proper way. The mechanism of action on serotonergic neurons implies a lot of other neuro- endocrine responses. What actually happens when you increase serotonergic neuronal activity or elevate your serotonin levels is this: the stress hormones "Cortisol" & "Adrenaline" (Epinephrine) in the brain and body are triggered by increased serotonergic activity or elevated serotonin levels. It is a natural reaction from the body to combat the excessive serotonin levels. These released hormones, cortisol and adrenaline, are secreted from the "Adrenal Glands." They give the human personality a boost, producing a euphoric state, which can last for a prolonged period of time. In this manner SSRI-AntiDepressants initially produce the deceptive results the doctor and "patient" are both expecting. *
If a patient continues to ingest a particular SSRI-antidepressant over a prolonged period of time, eventually the bodies Adrenal Glands may lose their efficiency and "Adrenal Exhaustion Syndrome" will be the end result. Adrenal Exhaustion causes levels of adrenaline initially to fall and levels of cortisol to rise. Ultimately, also cortisol levels fall. When untreated, Adrenal Exhaustion will lead to seriously declining physical health. Many (former) SSRI-AntiDepressant users reported fatigue as a long term side-effect or were diagnosed with "Chronigue Fatigue Syndrome." People suffering from stress are generally diagnosed with this disorder. Symptoms range from simple exhaustion to much more complex problems that are secondary to excessive output of adrenal hormones in the bloodstream, leading to Adrenal Exhaustion. Unlike the other hormones, it takes a long time before the Adrenal Glands have their adrenaline levels restored. Could we say that the SSRI-AntiDepressant "works" by slowly excavating the body's Adrenal Glands?
Suggestions/recommendations (items that are available in our Storefront are underlined - or some can be purchased from Dr. Schulze or Health Freedom Resources -; single herbs can be purchased at Pacific Botanicals, Mountain Rose Herbs or Starwest Botanicals. Always choose certified organic, grown in the US, whenever possible. Herbs grown on P/B's farm are ultra-high quality - however their Ashwagandha is so fresh/strong it's unpalatable to most...there are two people on the forum that prefer it, but most cannot 'get it down').
-- Deep, thorough cleansing/healing and detoxification (an absolute minimum of 30 days) using IF#1 & IF#2. I suggest adding 1-3 teaspoons of activated charcoal to each dose of IF#2 once you've started taking it and are having 2-3 bms daily. Once you've done 30 days, if you choose to do another 30 days (and you should) then you can 'switch up' to the IF#2 Ultra (the Ultra has additional bentonite & charcoal - which can be constipating, so I don't suggest people use it until they're sure they achieve 3 bms daily with the regular IF#2). You can read about the ingredients in the IF#1/IF#2 and the basics of how they work here:
--daily Coffee Enemas (increases & strengthens peristalsis along with other benefits to the liver & detoxification...more below on CE's)
--after 1 week on IF#2 with charcoal, continue flushing aggressively (minimum, one flush every two weeks) using whatever flush you prefer until the amount of stones/debris coming out is consistently less than the flushes before. Some people will choose to flush until several flushes yield nothing, but this is not likely necessary. Always follow each flush with two CE's the following day (one after rising/first bm, then again in mid-late afternoon or early evening).
--you can support the efficacy of your liver flushes and the health/restoration of your liver by doing a 5 day liver cleanse before each flush (which consists of a morning 'cleanse drink', Liver/GB tincture, Liver/Detox/Digestion Tea and optionally the Blood DeTox tincture. Since your liver is not 'clogged' and is responding to the liver flushes beautifully, this 5 day cleanse process isn't "imperative", but it's beneficial in many ways. The daily 'cleanse drink' is the part I feel you could skip, but the Liver/GB tincture is something that is a STRONG support for the liver in many ways, and the Liver/Detox/Digestion tea is very beneficial for soothing away all the 'urpy burpy' digestive disturbances we have while cleansing and restoring our liver. You can read a synopsis of how these two herbal formulas work here:
The Blood Detox tincture is extremely effective for supporting blood/lymph detoxification - you can read more about it here (I think this would likely be extremely beneficial for you, even though you could likely 'get by' without it):
(In our Storefront, these are packaged as 5-day or 10-day Liver Cleanses...with or without the Blood Detox formula, or you can get any of the tinctures/teas separately).
--Bitters - every time we sense something bitter on our tongue, our liver is cued to create/release bile. The Liver/GB tincture is extremely bitter and works perfectly for this. A 2 oz bottle will last a couple of months. Usage: after every doses of IF#2 (5x daily) put around 5 drops of the tincture on your tongue.
Kidneys - Two 5-day Kidney Cleanses (a bit less expensive if purchased as a 10-day Kidney Cleanse) Kidney cleanses are SUPER easy to do (just a morning lemon/lime drink and several cups of tea with tincture in each every day). After reading all the damage Accutane can do to the kidneys, I suggest you do at least two 5-day cleanses (you can do both the liver and kidney work while doing the colon cleansing). Most folks prefer to alternate "one week on liver; one week on kidneys", but you can do it however you'd like. [FAQ] Healing Cleanse: Kidney/Bladder: Working File Thread
Nutrition - there are engines (us) and there is fuel (nutrition)...our engines perform in direct response to the quality & quantify of fuel they're given (and how much they assimilate what they're given). Your engine is being asked to not only perform adequately in an ultra toxic world (which means it's got a brick on the accelerator 24/7), but also to expend even MORE energy to detoxify and restore itself from damage,,,while a couple/three of it's major systems are compromised.  You're losing weight - go figger, eh? MORE PREMIUM FUEL (particularly fuel that's easily to assimilate). 
--Superfood or Superfood Special Blend (4-6 Tablespoons daily (Superfood is designed for vegans & juice fasting - it is half nutritional yeast that is loaded with B vitamins & protein; Special Blend has less nutritional yeast & more 'green goodness' for those still eating meat & dairy...they get plenty of B vitamins). SuperFood by Dr. Schulze
--Bee Pollen - work up to 4T daily (or more, if you'd like). Bee Pollen is the perfect food and it contains 25%-40% protein Get'cher pollen on... BEE POLLEN info ...Buzz Buzz!  If you can find bee pollen locally (from a beekeeper that doesn't use chemicals in the hives), that would be great. It's also available at Mountain Rose herbs, and at Dansk Farm (very good quality from Dansk, but slow shipping typically)
--Fresh juices - minimum of one quart daily. Juice fasting (with the Superfood & Pollen) at any point after you've regulated the IF#1/IF#2 would be the absolute best thing you could do. Juice fasting = 1 gallon of juice daily.
Juice fasting always helps our body to release vast amounts of stored toxins; I always recommend taking IF#2 when juice fasting (and many people need the additional charcoal).
Juice fasting is THE fastest and most effective healing modality on the planet, and a quality juicer IS the best investment you can ever make for your health (yes, the type/quality of different makes a HUGE difference in the amount of nutrients (and juice) you get out of the produce (and the amount of money you spend on produce).
Here's 'most all the information you need to know on juice-fasting and juicers:
Water - the "tap/fountain water' HAS to go! (you knew that, right?) No chlorine, no fluoride and no pharmaceutical residues (all in tap water). Reverse Osmosis filtered or distilled only. Regarding Distilled Water +edit
Adrenals - the number one adaptogenic herb for balancing and restoring adrenal glands is Ashwagandha. I suggest 1-3 Tablespoons (root powder) daily mixed with a few 'gulps worth' of juice. It's pretty nasty tasting (the word Ashwagandha allegedly translates into 'strength & sweat of a horse' - and it tastes like horse-sweat, for sure)... but it's benefits more than make up for it.
 Here's some general information on Ashwagandha:
(scroll down past the generalizations and advertising for the meat): (General) Ashwagandha Research Article
How much do you need to order?
1-3T daily  = 7.6 - 22.8 grams daily x 30.5 days = 232 - 696 grams (454 grams in a pound)
Dr. Christopher's Adrenal Tincture is available in the Storefront (we doubled the amount of adaptogens in his formula since our levels of adrenal stress are at least twice as severe as what they were in the 1940's - 1970's). If you already knew you were dealing with adrenal stress, you might want to take this tincture along with the Ashwagandha to get more relief/healing, faster (for about a month or so). The dosage would be 2-4 droppersful several times daily. (A 4oz bottle yields about 5 droppersful daily for 30 days; an 8oz bottle yields about 10 droppersful daily for 30 days).
Here's what Dr. Christopher says about it:
    Adrenal Formula:   As this formula corrects any imbalance in the adrenal gland is also compensates for any stress placed on the heart.

    Relaxation, meditation, recreation, or some form of stress reducing activity will certainly help the cause of exhausted adrenals.  We should wish to eliminate hate, anger, fear, and other negative emotions as they take their toll on the physical body.  Listening to relaxing music has proven to be wonderful in easing hostile attitudes
    Contains mullein, lobelia, siberian ginseng, gotu kola, hawthorne berries, cayenne, and Ginger.

Mullein and lobelia: the perfect glandular foods.
Siberian Ginseng (not a true ginseng; it's now known as Eleuthero): Successfully used in the Soviet Union to ease stress in everyday situations and tend endurance to athletes under great strain during training
Gotu Kola: Known to stimulate the brain and relieve fatigue when given in small amounts.  Wonderful for the functioning of the pituitary in disorders of the adrenal system when used in conjunction with other herbs.
Hawthorn Berries: A celebrated cardiac tonic for many centuries.  Under conditions of stress, the heart often "works overtime." Hawthorn berries can help in treatment of high or low blood pressure, tachycardia, and arrhythmia.  It is also anti-spasmodic, sedative, and soothing to nerves, especially in nervous insomnia.
Cayenne: Nature's finest stimulant; source of calcium and vitamin A. Aids in circulation of blood which brings oxygen and other nutriments to cells in need of repair.
Ginger: A stimulant and a 'lead sheep' herb, bringing the other herbs in the formula into the abdominal area.  Ginger differs from cayenne as a stimulant, in that the cayenne stimulates the heart, arteries, veins and then the capillaries.  Ginger starts its stimulating effect in the capillary, flushing out the "constipated" capillary, driving these wastes into the veins for disposal.
Remember, this is a cleansing, restoring & rebuilding period for you - not a 'rush through it period'. The foundation you're laying now is one you're going to be living with for a very long time (hopefully 4x the amount of years you've already lived, or more!).  It's NOT too much or too long to give this process several months when it took you several years to get here.
The three magic words in real estate are: "location, location, location"...and the three magic words in natural healing are "enough, enough, enough". Make sure the herbal products you ingest are pure and strong enough; make sure you're taking enough of what you're taking; and make sure you're doing enough to support the therapies you're doing. And since you're in what I'd call "post withdrawal" from the Celexa and your psych doc withdrew you SO rapidly off them both, be sure to pay very close attention to that last "enough". It's tough on the adrenals when we dump loads of toxins into our bloodstream, and aggressive exercise/weight lifting can be very taxing on exhausted adrenal glands. It's great to ensure strong circulation, but it's NOT supporting your protocol to 'overdo it' on the exercise & weights...or force a weeks/months worth of detoxing into a few days. Give your body a chance to rebuild it's storehouse of nutrients & energy and regain it's basic functioning. Keep that circulation flowing, but don't have a lead foot and burn up what you're trying to rebuild and re-store.
I know what has happened and what you've experienced totally bites. But what you're learning and doing now is far more important than any college degree or career move you could ever make. You are learning SO much, and that "so much" will positively impact any future partner and children you may have SO incredibly. Take this precious time to watch all the videos (there's a great selection under Media in the Storefront), read all the information from Schulze/Christopher/Gerson you can find and learn how tilted the playing field of our health (hence freedom) truly is...and how fast it's becoming worse. Most of all, RELISH this circumstance, opportunity and 'the process'. You're actually going to be healing your OWN body...something that no doctor has a clue how to do. Learning to hear the voice of our doctor within is truly one of the most empowering things we can EVER do. No, you're not "lucky this happened", but this process is a blessing in more ways that you can (likely) see when you're in the middle of invest in it and use it wisely.   If you walk down this healing pathway correctly, there's absolutely NOTHING that can stop you from being or having whatever you want for the rest of your life!
And I think that pretty much covers it all (and now you've got a clue why I was so frustrated that my *#$*(*#! computer ate the first post).
Healthiest of blessings,
Allow me to discuss the term "side effects".  These two words are VERY often misunderstood...they are taken to mean that unless one sees or feels 'whatever' is on the list of side-effects, that the side effects are NOT occurring. 
Each side effect that is listed on a side-effect 'profile' is a SYMPTOM of the chemical action of a drug (supplement or isolated nutrient) in the body that causes that side-effect/symptom to appear.  This action (whatever it may be) is generally not explained or evident to a user.   The chemical action of the substance IS happening, whether or not the side-effect actually appears!  When there are no apparent side-effects, this only means that the body IS fighting, and has the strength to combat the action of the drug (to the point of not exhibiting the symptom of the action the drug IS causing). 
Hence, many people believe erroneously that because they've taken a drug for several days, weeks, months or years (and experienced no obvious side-effects during that time) that's it's impossible for "new" issues to be related to the same drug they've been taking for some time, without experiencing side-effects.   It doesn't work that way - in fact, just the opposite is true (the longer you take a drug, the more likely you are to start exhibiting side-effects).  People don't generally develop the side-effect of liver destruction from drinking a 6 pack a day for a few weeks or months (or even years), nor does it appear out of nowhere instantaneously.  The same with cigarettes (or anything toxic, actually) - although the damage IS being done, our bodies (being the miraculous things they are) are able to combat & neutralize these chemicals for quite some time, before the side-effects become very real symptoms and/or evidence of damage.  Luckily for us, the body's ability to heal & restore itself is infinite; even if we take these drugs/chemicals to the point we exhibit the result of our body becoming exhausted and no longer able to fight & defend itself, it's almost ALWAYS possible to undo the damage (and of course, correct the original cause/need for a toxic bandaid).
The next three sections below are taken from a 'pay-site' called eHealthMe; this site compiles actual adverse effect reports made to the FDA (for FDA approved drugs). Remember, it's typically the prescribers of these drugs (and hospital ERs) do the reporting (very few "civilians" know they can). Since physicians are notorious for not being willing to admit a drug they've prescribed has harmed their patient (of course, they have to cover their butt to stay out of malpractice court). I've read that <10% of actual adverse effects are ever reported. But I found this (when researching the Accutane/kidney connection), from the FDA's own mouth:
Pursuant to FDA Rules and Regulation, the reporting of Adverse Side Effects is on a voluntary basis. In other words, the doctor, hospital, or other medical person or facility are not required by law to report an adverse side effect from a drug. The FDA reported that perhaps only one in one hundred side effects ever get reported.
So, as you scan these numbers, you can multiply the actual reports by,,,? hundred! (???) That seems crazy, but when you consider these are the combined instances since the mid/late 1990's....well, you get the picture.
On Feb, 5, 2011: 28,020 people who reported to have side effects when taking Accutane are studied
Trend of Accutane's drug interactions, side effects, and effectiveness reports
Top 100 overall Accutane side effects:
           Name -- Number of people -- Frequency
1          Depression (learn more )     5,639 (20.12%)
2          Depression Nec (learn more )         4,949 (17.66%)
3          Inflammatory Bowel Disease (learn more )            4,933 (17.61%)
4          Depression Nos (learn more )         4,399 (15.70%)
5          Pregnancy Nos (Birth control) (learn more )           4,070 (14.53%)
6          Pregnancy (Birth control) (learn more )       4,070 (14.53%)
7          Crohn's Disease (learn more )        3,510 (12.53%)
8          Ileitis (Crohn's disease) (learn more )         3,508 (12.52%)
9          Colitis Ulcerative (Ulcerative colitis) (learn more )            3,495 (12.47%)
10        Anxiety (Stress and anxiety) (learn more ) 3,304 (11.79%)
11        Colitis (learn more ) 3,278 (11.70%)
12        Anxiety Nec (Stress and anxiety) (learn more )     2,905 (10.37%)
13        Stress (Stress and anxiety) (learn more )   2,897 (10.34%)
14        Gastrointestinal Disorder (learn more )      2,445 (8.73%)
15        Blood Cholesterol Increased (High Blood Cholesterol) (learn more )     2,392 (8.54%)
16        Blood Triglycerides Increased (High Blood Cholesterol) (learn more ) 2,392 (8.54%)
17        Intestinal Haemorrhage (learn more )         2,384 (8.51%)
18        Drug Exposure During Pregnancy (learn more )   2,372 (8.47%)
19        Headache Nos (learn more )           2,356 (8.41%)
20        Headache (learn more )       2,348 (8.38%)
21        Rectal Haemorrhage (learn more ) 2,218 (7.92%)
22        Dry Skin (learn more )          2,157 (7.70%)
23        Suicidal Ideation (learn more )        2,048 (7.31%)
24        Arthralgia (Joint pain) (learn more )            2,000 (7.14%)
25        Fatigue (learn more )            1,857 (6.63%)
26        Anaemia (learn more )         1,830 (6.53%)
27        Lip Dry (learn more ) 1,830 (6.53%)
28        Irritable Bowel Syndrome (learn more )      1,756 (6.27%)
29        Multi-organ Disorder (learn more ) 1,560 (5.57%)
30        Back Pain (learn more )       1,408 (5.02%)
31        Abortion Induced (learn more )        1,368 (4.88%)
32        No Adverse Effect (learn more )      1,324 (4.73%)
33        Abdominal Pain Nos (learn more ) 1,260 (4.50%)
34        Abdominal Pain (learn more )         1,260 (4.50%)
35        Weight Decreased (learn more )    1,229 (4.39%)
36        Insomnia (learn more )          1,220 (4.35%)
37        Nausea (learn more )            1,158 (4.13%)
38        Acne (learn more )    1,097 (3.92%)
39        Unintended Pregnancy (learn more )          1,091 (3.89%)
40        Epistaxis (Nosebleed) (learn more )           995 (3.55%)
41        Alopecia (Hair loss) (learn more )   982 (3.50%)
42        Vomiting Nos (Nausea and vomiting) (learn more )          963 (3.44%)
43        Vomiting (Nausea and vomiting) (learn more )      963 (3.44%)
44        Gastrooesophageal Reflux Disease (learn more )           938 (3.35%)
45        Myalgia (Muscle aches) (learn more )        880 (3.14%)
46        Rash (Rashes) (learn more )           851 (3.04%)
47        Pain (learn more )     851 (3.04%)
48        Diarrhoea (Diarrhea) (learn more ) 836 (2.98%)
49        Pyrexia (Fever) (learn more )           809 (2.89%)
50        Mood Swings (learn more ) 792 (2.83%)
51        Haemorrhoids (learn more )            774 (2.76%)
52        Intestinal Obstruction (learn more ) 764 (2.73%)
53        Dry Eye (Dry eyes) (learn more )     747 (2.67%)
54        Chest Pain (learn more )      733 (2.62%)
55        Arthritis (learn more )            713 (2.54%)
56        Suicide Attempt (learn more )         703 (2.51%)
57        Dizziness (learn more )        654 (2.33%)
58        Dyspnoea (Breathing difficulty) (learn more )        614 (2.19%)
59        Asthenia (Weakness) (learn more )            594 (2.12%)
60        Abortion Spontaneous (learn more )          586 (2.09%)
61        Panic Attack (learn more )   575 (2.05%)
62        Treatment Noncompliance (learn more )    574 (2.05%)
63        Proctitis (learn more )           569 (2.03%)
64        Gastritis (learn more )           565 (2.02%)
65        Vision Blurred (learn more ) 563 (2.01%)
66        Hypertension (High blood pressure) (learn more )            548 (1.96%)
67        Constipation (learn more )   512 (1.83%)
68        Dehydration (learn more )    511 (1.82%)
69        Sinusitis (learn more )          509 (1.82%)
70        Cheilitis (learn more )           495 (1.77%)
71        Emotional Distress (learn more )    483 (1.72%)
72        No Adverse Drug Effect (learn more )        477 (1.70%)
73        Condition Aggravated (learn more )           472 (1.68%)
74        Injury (learn more )     472 (1.68%)
75        Iron Deficiency Anaemia (learn more )       455 (1.62%)
76        Weight Increased (learn more )       451 (1.61%)
77        Anhedonia (learn more )      445 (1.59%)
78        Dyspepsia (Indigestion) (learn more )        441 (1.57%)
79        Anger (learn more )   427 (1.52%)
80        Completed Suicide (learn more )    410 (1.46%)
81        Proctitis Ulcerative (learn more )     405 (1.45%)
82        Irritability (learn more )          402 (1.43%)
83        Aggression (learn more )     400 (1.43%)
84        Haematochezia (learn more )          400 (1.43%)
85        Pruritus (Itching) (learn more )         399 (1.42%)
86        Anal Fissure (learn more )   382 (1.36%)
87        Nasal Dryness (learn more )            365 (1.30%)
88        Small Intestinal Obstruction (learn more )   359 (1.28%)
89        Hepatic Enzyme Increased (learn more )   353 (1.26%)
90        No Adverse Event     349 (1.25%)
91        Cough (learn more ) 349 (1.25%)
92        Scar (learn more )     337 (1.20%)
93        Anorexia (learn more )          333 (1.19%)
94        Drug Ineffective (learn more )          332 (1.18%)
95        Aspartate Aminotransferase Increased (learn more )      332 (1.18%)
96        Oesophagitis (learn more ) 324 (1.16%)
97        Abdominal Pain Upper (learn more )          323 (1.15%)
98        Palpitations (Heart palpitations) (learn more )       318 (1.13%)
99        Night Blindness (Vision - night blindness) (learn more )   308 (1.10%)
100     Alanine Aminotransferase Increased (learn more )          307 (1.10%)
On Feb, 5, 2011: 26,246 people who reported to have side effects when taking Lexapro are studied
Trend of Lexapro's drug interactions, side effects, and effectiveness reports
Top 100 overall Lexapro side effects:
How frequent is it:
Number of people
(% of total people)
1          Fatigue (learn more )            1,987 (7.57%)
2          Lethargy (Fatigue) (learn more )     1,986 (7.57%)
3          Nausea (learn more )            1,946 (7.41%)
4          Anxiety (Stress and anxiety) (learn more ) 1,799 (6.85%)
5          Depression (learn more )     1,792 (6.83%)
6          Dizziness (learn more )        1,675 (6.38%)
7          Headache (learn more )       1,412 (5.38%)
8          Asthenia (Weakness) (learn more )            1,374 (5.24%)
9          Diarrhoea (Diarrhea) (learn more ) 1,273 (4.85%)
10        Vomiting (Nausea and vomiting) (learn more )      1,268 (4.83%)
11        Dyspnoea (Breathing difficulty) (learn more )        1,198 (4.56%)
12        Fall (learn more )       1,186 (4.52%)
13        Rash (Rashes) (learn more )           1,167 (4.45%)
14        Erythema (Rashes) (learn more )    1,163 (4.43%)
15        Pain (learn more )     1,139 (4.34%)
16        Drug Ineffective (learn more )          1,118 (4.26%)
17        Insomnia (learn more )          1,101 (4.19%)
18        Suicidal Ideation (learn more )        1,081 (4.12%)
19        Hypertension (High blood pressure) (learn more )            1,055 (4.02%)
20        Blood Pressure Increased (High blood pressure) (learn more ) 1,049 (4.00%)
21        Chest Pain (learn more )      1,031 (3.93%)
22        Amnesia (Memory loss) (learn more )        1,011 (3.85%)
23        Memory Impairment (Memory loss) (learn more ) 1,011 (3.85%)
24        Convulsion (learn more )      999 (3.81%)
25        Somnolence (Drowsiness) (learn more )   931 (3.55%)
26        Weight Increased (learn more )       909 (3.46%)
27        Tremor (learn more ) 885 (3.37%)
28        Weight Decreased (learn more )    860 (3.28%)
29        Completed Suicide (learn more )    856 (3.26%)
30        Confusional State (learn more )      855 (3.26%)
31        Agitation (learn more )          781 (2.98%)
32        Pyrexia (Fever) (learn more )           762 (2.90%)
33        Feeling Abnormal (learn more )      761 (2.90%)
34        Loss Of Consciousness (learn more )        755 (2.88%)
35        Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes) (learn more )            752 (2.87%)
36        Condition Aggravated (learn more )           736 (2.80%)
37        Hypotension (learn more )    723 (2.75%)
38        Drug Interaction (learn more )          706 (2.69%)
39        Dehydration (learn more )    671 (2.56%)
40        Anaemia (learn more )         669 (2.55%)
41        Back Pain (learn more )       655 (2.50%)
42        Abdominal Pain (learn more )         650 (2.48%)
43        Arthralgia (Joint pain) (learn more )            641 (2.44%)
44        Hyperhidrosis (learn more ) 632 (2.41%)
45        Pneumonia (learn more )     625 (2.38%)
46        Suicide Attempt (learn more )         618 (2.35%)
47        Oedema Peripheral (learn more )   595 (2.27%)
48        Pain In Extremity (learn more )        587 (2.24%)
49        Blood Cholesterol Increased (High Blood Cholesterol) (learn more )     578 (2.20%)
50        Malaise (learn more )           539 (2.05%)
51        Drug Exposure During Pregnancy (learn more )   533 (2.03%)
52        Overdose (learn more )        509 (1.94%)
53        Urinary Tract Infection (learn more )            501 (1.91%)
54        Pruritus (Itching) (learn more )         496 (1.89%)
55        Constipation (learn more )   496 (1.89%)
56        Paraesthesia (learn more ) 495 (1.89%)
57        Contusion (Head injury) (learn more )         494 (1.88%)
58        Blood Glucose Increased (learn more )      479 (1.83%)
59        Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke) (learn more ) 464 (1.77%)
60        Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (Type 2 diabetes) (learn more )           453 (1.73%)
61        Hypoaesthesia (learn more )           452 (1.72%)
62        Cardiac Failure Congestive (learn more ) 446 (1.70%)
63        Muscle Spasms (learn more )         434 (1.65%)
64        Palpitations (Heart palpitations) (learn more )       428 (1.63%)
65        Myocardial Infarction (Heart attack) (learn more ) 428 (1.63%)
66        Syncope (Fainting) (learn more )    416 (1.59%)
67        Gait Disturbance (learn more )        407 (1.55%)
68        Vision Blurred (learn more ) 403 (1.54%)
69        Cough (learn more ) 400 (1.52%)
70        Decreased Appetite (Appetite - decreased) (learn more )          388 (1.48%)
71        Death (learn more )   387 (1.47%)
72        Aggression (learn more )     383 (1.46%)
73        Drug Withdrawal Syndrome (learn more ) 382 (1.46%)
74        Hyponatraemia (learn more )           378 (1.44%)
75        Hallucination (Hallucinations) (learn more )            378 (1.44%)
76        Myalgia (Muscle aches) (learn more )        370 (1.41%)
77        Abdominal Pain Upper (learn more )          361 (1.38%)
78        Abnormal Behaviour (learn more ) 351 (1.34%)
79        Haemoglobin Decreased (learn more )     349 (1.33%)
80        Pancreatitis (learn more )    334 (1.27%)
81        Panic Attack (learn more )   333 (1.27%)
82        Renal Failure (Acute kidney failure) (learn more ) 326 (1.24%)
83        Heart Rate Increased (learn more )            324 (1.23%)
84        Road Traffic Accident (learn more )            318 (1.21%)
85        Renal Failure Acute (learn more )   318 (1.21%)
86        Irritability (learn more )          312 (1.19%)
87        Disturbance In Attention (learn more )        309 (1.18%)
88        Osteonecrosis (learn more )            307 (1.17%)
89        Dysphagia (Swallowing difficulty) (learn more )     307 (1.17%)
90        Gastrooesophageal Reflux Disease (learn more )           306 (1.17%)
91        Anorexia (learn more )          304 (1.16%)
92        Alanine Aminotransferase Increased (learn more )          303 (1.15%)
93        Tachycardia (learn more )    302 (1.15%)
94        Aspartate Aminotransferase Increased (learn more )      300 (1.14%)
95        Injury (learn more )     300 (1.14%)
96        Nervousness (learn more )   283 (1.08%)
97        Chills (learn more )    282 (1.07%)
98        Neuropathy Peripheral (learn more )          278 (1.06%)
99        Dyskinesia (learn more )      277 (1.06%)
100     Drug Toxicity (learn more )   277 (1.06%)
On Feb, 5, 2011: 33,787 people who reported to have side effects when taking Celexa are studied
Trend of Celexa's drug interactions, side effects, and effectiveness reports
Top 100 overall Celexa side effects:
How frequent is it:
Number of people
(% of total people)
1          Nausea (learn more )            2,228 (6.59%)
2          Depression (learn more )     2,029 (6.01%)
3          Fatigue (learn more )            2,021 (5.98%)
4          Lethargy (Fatigue) (learn more )     2,017 (5.97%)
5          Anxiety (Stress and anxiety) (learn more ) 1,852 (5.48%)
6          Asthenia (Weakness) (learn more )            1,710 (5.06%)
7          Vomiting (Nausea and vomiting) (learn more )      1,649 (4.88%)
8          Vomiting Nos (Nausea and vomiting) (learn more )          1,637 (4.85%)
9          Headache (learn more )       1,607 (4.76%)
10        Headache Nos (learn more )           1,601 (4.74%)
11        Dizziness (learn more )        1,553 (4.60%)
12        Dyspnoea (Breathing difficulty) (learn more )        1,437 (4.25%)
13        Fall (learn more )       1,376 (4.07%)
14        Diarrhoea (Diarrhea) (learn more ) 1,373 (4.06%)
15        Drug Interaction (learn more )          1,335 (3.95%)
16        Diarrhoea Nos (Diarrhea) (learn more )     1,326 (3.92%)
17        Chest Pain (learn more )      1,284 (3.80%)
18        Pain (learn more )     1,269 (3.76%)
19        Hypertension (High blood pressure) (learn more )            1,227 (3.63%)
20        Insomnia (learn more )          1,194 (3.53%)
21        Tremor (learn more ) 1,173 (3.47%)
22        Completed Suicide (learn more )    1,150 (3.40%)
23        Drug Ineffective (learn more )          1,104 (3.27%)
24        Blood Pressure Increased (High blood pressure) (learn more ) 1,073 (3.18%)
25        Agitation (learn more )          1,068 (3.16%)
26        Pyrexia (Fever) (learn more )           1,052 (3.11%)
27        Hypotension (learn more )    1,011 (2.99%)
28        Condition Aggravated (learn more )           977 (2.89%)
29        Amnesia (Memory loss) (learn more )        971 (2.87%)
30        Weight Increased (learn more )       969 (2.87%)
31        Rash (Rashes) (learn more )           943 (2.79%)
32        Somnolence (Drowsiness) (learn more )   926 (2.74%)
33        Suicidal Ideation (learn more )        904 (2.68%)
34        Confusional State (learn more )      879 (2.60%)
35        Pneumonia (learn more )     878 (2.60%)
36        Memory Impairment (Memory loss) (learn more ) 870 (2.57%)
37        Abdominal Pain (learn more )         864 (2.56%)
38        Overdose (learn more )        847 (2.51%)
39        Weight Decreased (learn more )    804 (2.38%)
40        Arthralgia (Joint pain) (learn more )            803 (2.38%)
41        Drug Toxicity (learn more )   777 (2.30%)
42        Malaise (learn more )           770 (2.28%)
43        Paraesthesia (learn more ) 723 (2.14%)
44        Loss Of Consciousness (learn more )        712 (2.11%)
45        Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes) (learn more )            709 (2.10%)
46        Drug Withdrawal Syndrome (learn more ) 708 (2.10%)
47        Convulsion (learn more )      705 (2.09%)
48        Dehydration (learn more )    698 (2.07%)
49        Back Pain (learn more )       695 (2.06%)
50        Anaemia (learn more )         690 (2.04%)
51        Oedema Peripheral (learn more )   684 (2.02%)
52        Blood Cholesterol Increased (High Blood Cholesterol) (learn more )     662 (1.96%)
53        Constipation (learn more )   652 (1.93%)
54        Syncope (Fainting) (learn more )    627 (1.86%)
55        Hyponatraemia (learn more )           620 (1.84%)
56        Hypoaesthesia (learn more )           613 (1.81%)
57        Suicide Attempt (learn more )         598 (1.77%)
58        Myocardial Infarction (Heart attack) (learn more ) 572 (1.69%)
59        Feeling Abnormal (learn more )      560 (1.66%)
60        Pain In Extremity (learn more )        558 (1.65%)
61        Tachycardia (learn more )    554 (1.64%)
62        Urinary Tract Infection (learn more )            550 (1.63%)
63        Drug Exposure During Pregnancy (learn more )   547 (1.62%)
64        Hyperhidrosis (learn more ) 540 (1.60%)
65        Pruritus (Itching) (learn more )         531 (1.57%)
66        Myalgia (Muscle aches) (learn more )        530 (1.57%)
67        Death (learn more )   528 (1.56%)
68        Cough (learn more ) 520 (1.54%)
69        Cardiac Arrest (learn more )            504 (1.49%)
70        Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke) (learn more ) 476 (1.41%)
71        Vision Blurred (learn more ) 467 (1.38%)
72        Palpitations (Heart palpitations) (learn more )       463 (1.37%)
73        Sedation (learn more )         461 (1.36%)
74        Coma (Consciousness - decreased) (learn more )          457 (1.35%)
75        Haemoglobin Decreased (learn more )     442 (1.31%)
76        Muscle Spasms (learn more )         439 (1.30%)
77        Aggression (learn more )     432 (1.28%)
78        Renal Failure (Acute kidney failure) (learn more ) 413 (1.22%)
79        Serotonin Syndrome (learn more ) 406 (1.20%)
80        Blood Glucose Increased (learn more )      405 (1.20%)
81        Renal Failure Acute (learn more )   402 (1.19%)
82        Cardiac Failure Congestive (learn more ) 393 (1.16%)
83        Nervousness (learn more )   388 (1.15%)
84        Thrombocytopenia (learn more )     387 (1.15%)
85        Irritability (learn more )          375 (1.11%)
86        Disturbance In Attention (learn more )        373 (1.10%)
87        Dry Mouth (learn more )        369 (1.09%)
88        Dysphagia (Swallowing difficulty) (learn more )     368 (1.09%)
89        Gait Disturbance (learn more )        366 (1.08%)
90        Anorexia (learn more )          358 (1.06%)
91        Alanine Aminotransferase Increased (learn more )          347 (1.03%)
92        Abdominal Pain Upper (learn more )          343 (1.02%)
93        Drug Dependence (learn more )     340 (1.01%)
94        Decreased Appetite (Appetite - decreased) (learn more )          336 (0.99%)
95        Dizziness (exc Vertigo) (learn more )         333 (0.99%)
96        Emotional Distress (learn more )    330 (0.98%)
97        Gastrooesophageal Reflux Disease (learn more )           326 (0.96%)
98        Depressed Level Of Consciousness (learn more )           325 (0.96%)
99        Panic Attack (learn more )   323 (0.96%)
100     Multiple Drug Overdose (learn more )        323 (0.96%)
  Lexapro or Cipralex (Escitalopram) Side-Effects  
"Who does Not Know the Truth, is simply a Fool...
Yet who Knows the Truth and Calls it a Lie, is a Criminal."
- In "Galileo Galilei" by Berthold Brecht (1898-1956)

Doctors & Health Insurers fall for the old "optical isomer trick." Lexapro/Cipralex (escitalopram) is merely the active "Optical Isomer" of Celexa/Cipramil (citalopram). Other terms for "Optical Isomer" are "Stereoisomer" and "Enantiomer". The two optical isomers of citalopram are just mirror images of one another. The fault is not really the physicians': Forest Laboratories has generally skipped the simple explanation that for all intents and purposes Lexapro/Cipralex is identical to Celexa/Cipramil, except that you only need to give half as much. Rather, news releases have implied that escitalopram is a completely novel compound. Introducing the active stereoisomer around the time that the racemic mixture goes off patent is an old trick in the industry, used for instance by Servier and American Home Products (Wyeth) in the case of fenfluramine. Essentially, it doubles the patent life of a single drug. Admittedly, Forest Labs is bringing the active Stereoisomer on the market a year or two earlier than Celexa/Cipramil goes off patent. There are no safety or efficacy issues, only fair trade practices. See recent medical review:
Single-enantiomer drugs: elegant science, disappointing effects
Take notice that also non SSRI anti-depressants (and even Ritalin) may interact (primary or secondary) with the serotonergic (or serotoninergic) system in the brain. Every medication -especially SSRI Anti-depressants- boosting serotonin activity in the brain, has potential to induce the very dangerous and potentially fatal hyperserotonergic state of the Serotonin Syndrome.

Lexapro or Cipralex side-effects
Escitalopram  Info: Physicians

Go to Introduction Antidepressants Negative personality and perception changes, physical changes and more
Go to Antidepressant Casualties in the Media Aggression, Violent Behaviour, Homicide, Suicide and Self-Harm
Go to Recent Media Articles SSRI/SSNRI Anti-depressants Pharmaceutical Fraud & Corruption at FDA in 2004
Go to General Side-Effects SSRI/SNRI/SSNRI Antidepressants Medical Review & Reports, Cases and Studies

Lexapro/Cipralex (escitalopram) - Celexa/Cipramil (citalopram): Medical Reports, Cases & Reviews
 FDA Warning
No Abstract, more side-effects...
 Case -No Abstract
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 Anti-Depressant Neurological Side-Effects:
 Anti-Depressant Neurological Side-Effects:
Akathisia & Mania (Suicide & Aggression)
 Anti-Depressant Neurological Side-Effects:
 Anti-Depressant Neurological Side-Effects:
 Anti-Depressant Neurological Side-Effects:
  Celexa or Cipramil (Citalopram) Side-Effects  
"Who does Not Know the Truth, is simply a Fool...
Yet who Knows the Truth and Calls it a Lie, is a Criminal."
- In "Galileo Galilei" by Berthold Brecht (1898-1956)

Take notice that also non SSRI anti-depressants (and even Ritalin) may interact (primary or secondary) with the serotonergic (or serotoninergic) system in the brain. Every medication -especially SSRI Anti-depressants- boosting serotonin activity in the brain, has potential to induce the very dangerous and potentially fatal hyperserotonergic state of the Serotonin Syndrome.

Celexa or Cipramil side-effects
Citalopram  Info: Physicians

Go to Introduction Antidepressants Negative personality and perception changes, physical changes and more
Go to Antidepressant Casualties in the Media Aggression, Violent Behaviour, Homicide, Suicide and Self-Harm
Go to Recent Media Articles SSRI/SSNRI Anti-depressants Pharmaceutical Fraud & Corruption at FDA in 2004
Go to General Side-Effects SSRI/SNRI/SSNRI Antidepressants Medical Review & Reports, Cases and Studies

Celexa/Cipramil (citalopram): Medical Reports, Cases & Reviews
 FDA Warning
No Abstract, more side-effects...
 Case -No Abstract
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 Case -No Abstract
 Case -No Abstract
 Case -No Abstract
 Case -No Abstract
 Case -No Abstract
 Anti-Depressant Neurological Side-Effects:
 Anti-Depressant Neurological Side-Effects:
Akathisia & Mania (Suicide & Aggression)
 Anti-Depressant Neurological Side-Effects:
 Anti-Depressant Neurological Side-Effects:
 Anti-Depressant Neurological Side-Effects:




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