Greetings of health -
Before I respond with my 'thinks & thoughts', I'd like to share a few things.
First - THANK YOU (very much) for posting your concerns along with solid information regarding your health (past & present)...I appreciate that SO much :)
Yet even with plenty of information, the only real doctor we should ever depend upon is our doctor within - so (everyone) please always/only use my 'thinks & thoughts' to assist you in making the right decision for yourself.
Also, I hope no one ever feels I'm 'talking down' to them, or speaking in a condescending manner. There are posts/threads (this is one) that I want to 'elaborate fully', even though I'm quite aware that the person to whom I'm responding likely already knows much of the information I am offering. I do this for the sake of 'newbies' and future readers :) Thanks for understanding. Onward...
Further down in this post, we will see that #5757 has been taking beta-blockers for around 2 years. I have underlined what I have noticed that could be health issues brought on by their use, and at the end of this post, have copy/pasted many lists about what beta-blockers are, and many of their possible effects upon the body. (You will understand more of this post/my concerns if you scan through those lists before reading the rest).
In a very small nutshell, beta-blockers are a pharmaceutical typically prescribed for high blood pressure. High blood pressure (hypertension) indicates there is too much pressure in the veins (there are many causes of this - all of which can be eliminated). Beta-blockers chemically slow down the beat of the heart, and cause the heart to beat weaker. Then, since there is less blood & 'force' throughout the arteries, the test results are changed. This does not mean the body is cured (whatever issue caused the pressure to be increased is still there). What it does mean, is that each organ & system of the body is deprived of the oxygenated blood the brain decides the body needs, because the chemical action of the beta-blocker slows & weakens (controls) the heartbeat & rhythm.
Allow me to discuss the term "side effects". These two words are VERY often misunderstood...they are taken to mean that unless one sees or feels 'whatever' is on the list of side-effects, that the side effects are NOT occurring.
Each side effect that is listed on a side-effect 'profile' is a SYMPTOM of the chemical action of a drug (supplement or isolated nutrient) in the body that causes that side-effect/symptom to appear. This action (whatever it may be) is generally not explained or evident to a user. The chemical action of the substance IS happening, whether or not the side-effect actually appears! When there are no apparent side-effects, this only means that the body IS fighting, and has the strength to combat the action of the drug (to the point of not exhibiting the symptom of the action the drug IS causing).
Hence, many people believe erroneously that because they've taken a drug for several days, weeks, months or years (and experienced no obvious side-effects during that time) that's it's impossible for "new" issues to be related to the same drug they've been taking for some time, without experiencing side-effects. It doesn't work that way - in fact, just the opposite is true (the longer you take a drug, the more likely you are to start exhibiting side-effects). People don't generally develop the side-effect of liver destruction from drinking a 6 pack a day for a few weeks or months (or even years), nor does it appear out of nowhere instantaneosly. The same with cigarettes (or anything toxic, actually) - although the damage IS being done, our bodies (being the miraculous things they are) are able to combat & neutralize these chemicals for quite some time, before the side-effects become very real symptoms and/or evidence of damage. Luckily for us, the body's ability to heal & restore itself is infinite; even if we take these drugs/chemicals to the point we exhibit the result of our body becoming exhausted and no longer able to fight & defend itself, it's almost ALWAYS possible to undo the damage (and of course, correct the original cause/need for a toxic bandaid).
Three weeks ago I went to the doctor as I was coughing (which I never do) had headaches (which I never have) felt very tired, lacked appetite (incidentally this coincided with the last days of my bi annual colon cleansing using F2). I'd be interested to know if this was 'after the last day' of the IF#2, or before you completed it (and/or if you lowered the dosage in the last days). Reason: it's typical for side-effects of pharmaceuticals to lessen when taking the IF#2, because the charcoal/bentonite remove a small percentage of the drug from the bloodstream. Hence, after the last dose of IF#2 has cleared the digestive tract, we can become much more aware of the side effects. This happened to me (in a similar kind of way) last summer when juice-fasting. After I completed the fast, for several days I ate only fruits & veggies (no meat). Then one night (shame on us), we thawed some ground venison (usually only used as 'seasoning' to a huge pot of soup or chili), and made deer-burgers. Within a few minutes of finishing, we were both 'sluggish buffoons'...and the next morning (when expecting a typical healthy bm), I was doubled over in pain. HEY! it was only ONE deerburger...but after a 40-45 day period of absolutely NO meat, I was able to hear my 'doctor within' MUCH more clearly. Bottom line - once our body adjusts to anything, we become dulled to the initial warning symptoms. He checked me out and since I had no fever and that my lungs appeared clear he let me go without ordering anything - nothing wrong "technically", but symptoms just the same. Another typical 'side effect' red flag., just told me to drink a lot of liquids and be heavy on vitamin C. Since that time I must have used 5 or 6 dropperful of my homemade Super tonic 5 or 6 times a day + 2 2oz bottles of Schulze's Echinacea. This time nothing worked. Still tired, no energy, morning headaches etc... It usually takes me no more than 2 days on Supertonic to be my old self again and this since about 6 or 7 years that I have been preparing my tinctures. Those are good, healthy treatments that have been effective in the past, but not effective now (red flag again - likely because the symptom is caused by what normally/naturally causes the symptoms).
So I went back yesterday and told him that very little had changed. He listened to me and said that he was not worried about me as far as the physical symptoms were concerned but his diagnostic was that I was depressed (which is true, I have had the most stressful year of my life from a personal as well as professional point of view. I have resumed taking St john's wort about three weeks ago. 'Sorry to hear it's been a stressful year - high stress always triggers depression in me (so I really do understand). If the cause of the depression is 'typical', a quality/organic St. John's Wort preparation (in high enough doses) should be giving you some measure of relief. Methinks the cause isn't "natural" (as you've likely already surmised).
Well to make a long story short he asked me to go on a SSRI called Lexapro. Typical. I told him that I did not want to take it as I knew that these things can mess you up pretty badly and that stopping them was also a problem. Good for you! (excellent, in fact). He assured me that the patients to whom he was prescribing them were thanking him. :::sigh::: they might be thanking him "now"...let's talk to them in a year or two :( OK, so I accepted a 2 weeks supply (freebees from a drug company) but warned him that I would do my own research about it and that I was not guaranteeing that I would go ahead. That was nice/respectful of you.
First thing coming back home researched all what I could on it and needless to say what I found totally freaked me out (symptoms include zombie like feeling, suicidal and homicidal impulses, loss of libido, loss of ability to climax, headaches, weight gain (I just lost 14 lbs since may by eliminating all wheat products, most dairy, pork items, basically Peter D'adamo's eat right for your type diet) insomnia etc...simply 'for the record', I don't believe in "body type/blood type" diets -simply because Dr. Gerson/Christopher/Schulze didn't either (although I do believe in adjust a basic vegetarian/vegan diet for each person)...but if you benefitted from it, I'm glad you did. So there is no way I am going to swallow this poison even with a loaded gun pointed at me. BRAVO! BRAVO! (and BRAVO! again )
But the question is what must I take as tinctures or herbs to get out of this. I am thinking about ordering some brain tonic from Uniquity, but what else should I take? Dr. Schulzes Brain Formula is something I highly suggest, and it may give you some measure of relief for the symptoms you're experiencing, as well. But I think we need to address the true cause (and the Ginkgo in the Brain Formula will help with slightly thinning the blood and increasing circulation to your head/brain and extremities). This will help address the root cause of high bp (which will help you get off the beta-blocker which certainly seems to be the likely culprit...possibly combined with the original cause/reason for the high bp).
Depression has always been with me (more of a severe melancholy than a clinical depression) but this time there is a lot of hopelessness in it and a lack of desire to do anything. I know both of those 'types' of depression - I also know what a wondrous blessing it is to vanquish them!
FYI my diet usually looks like this: morning is a 16 oz glass of fresh vegetable juice (mainly carrots, celery, ginger kale beets and one apple + ½ teaspoon of cayenne powder + 2 table spoons of Superfood) followed by 2 or three cups of decaf green tea for the next 2 hours. Alert! Read this regarding green tea & fluoride: Lunch can be a salad with tuna, an Ezekiel bread sandwich with arugula one slice of Mozarella and a slice of turkey breast, can also be some canned wild Alaskan salmon along with some raw spinach, you get the idea. Diner is always a hot dish with vegetables (chicken legs w spinach or sweet potatoes, salmon or grouper or halibut with fresh veggies or brown rice and red meat once a week with the only manufactured food of the week (French fries) . 'Love the juices, veggies, bread...but not the 2x daily meat & fish (especially not if it's not organic or wild-caught). And sadly, even if wild-caught ("sustainably caught" means "farmed", almost always), the grouper & halibut are mercury/toxin risks. never have anything sweet such as pastries etc... I recognize that I do not eat enough fresh fruits, but do so because of their sugar content. Hmmm, I know of no reason to not eat natural fruit sugars (as whole fruits) unless there's a known blood-sugar issue...and even then, if the fruits are thoroughly chewed and mixed with digestive enzymes in the saliva, Dr. Christopher indicates they have very little effect on blood sugar. The only oil I use is 1st cold pressed virgin olive oil and sometimes some Flax oil (in my morning drink). I drink 2 or three cups of instant coffee a week that is one or two on Saturdays and one on Sundays.
Dr. Schulze, Gerson, & Christopher believed a meat/dairy free diet was imperative for healing - so do I. Basically, your diet seems far more healthy than most (I'm hoping/assuming most everything is organic & toxin free). I recommend juicing more heaving & juice-fasting (particularly important when in healing mode) and a diet that includes no meat/dairy (or meat/dairy 1-2x weekly) for maintaining health. When in 'healing mode' is essential (and only logical) to "stop ingesting anything that makes us sick" (basically, that's anything that throws the body out of it's natural balance, homeostasis, and requires energy --that could be used for healing-- to be used for detoxification or balancing what the offending food/substance throws out of balance). If you haven't already seen/read these, I think you'll find them beneficial: JUICE-FASTING: The POWERFUL healing therapy!
I drink wine before and with diner and allow myself a bloody Mary on Sundays. I have stopped smoking 5 years ago (However I must admit that I am hooked on the Nicorette gum ever since!!!!) Ruh-roh. The beta-blocker is very damaging to the liver. 2-3 glass of wine with dinner adds up to around 4-5 bottles a week...that definitely a "yikes", and is enough (especially with the pharmaceutical) to seriously & negatively impact your liver. Nicorette addiction? No mouth/oral cancer yet? Here's some testimonies you're SURE to want to consider: You already know you need to win these two battles.
From a health point of view I am taking 50 mg of a Beta blocker for mild hypertension since two years (BP with the med is a fairly constant 130/ 80) suffer from what could be a sciatica since about two years which has almost stopped my daily one hour walk (now replaced with stationary bicycle for 30 mns x 5 a week). Yes indeedy, it seems to me this is the root of the majority of the problem (enhanced by your body-stress/exhaustion from working so hard to detox from the Nicorette and daily alcohol). Below you mention there may have been a physical cause for your sciatic issues, but as you can see from the various side-effect lists, the Metoprolol could certainly prevent healing of back issues (since it induces them).
I am 55 and my weight is 212 lbs for a height of 6'2 'Sounds good to me!
I am sorry for this long post but I thought it would be necessary to include some details about me for those who would have the patience to read it and the kindness and knowledge to guide me on the right path to lift this depression which has me very isolated from the rest of the world with little desire if any to socialize. Absolutely NO apology necessary - it's wonderful to have enough 'puzzle pieces' for creating a healing pictures! The answer cannot and should not be a prescription for an SSRI. LOLOLOL, you don't know me very well! (really laughing). I've done my time on Prozac, and my mother (while still alive) has had her mind shattered and her soul raped by psych-drugs. Once again I am leaning towards UNy's brain tonic but is this enough? I do not believe it's nearly enough...but I do believe it will be very beneficial.
Our bodies simply can't fight against chemicals that cause illness - the betablocker induces depression (a well known and common side-effect). So getting off of it is included in my recommendations at the end.
I thank you in advance. You're more than welcome :)
A big thank you for your answer/concern. When you are down it is a ray of heavenly light. Thank you for sharing that - I do SO understand depression...and I also understand what it's like to cling to those rays of light, only to have this vanish (that's even harder than not ever seeing the light). So, although I don't ever want anyone to 'take my word' for anything, I will do my BEST to make sure that I am part of the light (and never part of it vanishing, or being a false dawn).
By the way I forgot to post under my anonymous name in my answer to trapper. no big problem here.At least if you check my posting history you will see that I am not new at Curezone and that I have some education and knowledge about herbs. I finished my post to Trapper and then saw your answer. 'See you got that taken care of - great :)
The beta that I am taking is Metropolol 50mg. I must say that it has not worked for my BP until I changed my diet and lost 14 lbs. Okay, so then, it was never truly working at all (I'm glad you lost the weight & made the diet change, assuming it was needed & healthy for you) You should also know the following:
2 years ago i developed a very intense back pain (sciatica like) and I will spare you the details of how it developed. (awwwh, no details? I love details! details give me the information I need to help folks onto a solid healing pathway :::grin:::) To make a long story short the pain was so intense then bringing my PB to extreme very uncomfortable levels to a point that I was not able to function or be left alone during these episodes. I think that's supposed to be BP (not PB) if not, let me know what you meant. Pain causes high BP, no doubt about it.
On a friday afternoon 2 years ago I decided to go to the ER under the pretext of my intense back pain. This was just to reassure my wife as the true reason for me was that I thought I would not make it and would probably be dead by the end of the day. Such was the anxiety.
Was admitted to the ER and bP was something like 200/100. 'Not an uncommon level when under intense stress, experiencing severe pain or having anxiety attacks). Stayed there till midnight and was sent back home with steroids to take for the back . It never worked. :::shaking head::: steroids ALWAYS make things worse, so I'm glad they didn't work.
It is after that episode that my doc put me on the Beta. ??? With ONE hospital visit and absolutely NO record of consistent high bp (when the hospital visit was filled with pain, anxiety & stress)...a doctor put you on a beta-blocker? Whew :::shaking head again::: why do I continue to be shocked? It'll take about an hour to get through the info in this link, but please put it on your "asap to-do list":
I will repeat here that I refuse to swallow their funny pills. APPLAUSE! APPLAUSE! the crowd ROARS! :) There is always a TRUE reason for depression. Exactly...addressing the reason is the ONLY way to cure anything.I know deep in myself which are the reasons, they are real. But I am the one to face them and stand up in front of them. Not a magic pill which would make me a slave to Big Pharma. 100% agreed! I once had someone tell me (who'd lost a baby - miscarriage/late stage) that she went in for a 6 month check-up, and the ob/gyn asked her how she was handling "the loss"...and she told him she was still grieving for her lost baby. He grabbed his 'script pad, and said, "I've got just the thing for that". IDIOTS! I'm sorry "doctor", but you do NOT have drug that will take away a mother's grief at the loss of a child! (pardon my "scream"). And if one DOES take a drug that alters brain/body chemicals that hides the grief, what WILL that unhealed grief do to someone's body over the years.
No one will ever be able to change life challenges and I am not asking for this. All that I am trying to ask is which are the herbal remedies that I should consume for my present condition and I sense that you read me right. I think I'm reading you right - and I hope for the same in return...particularly in understanding that the absolute FIRST thing we must do in order to heal ourselves is to stop doing what is making us sick and symptomatic. Although I may have the knowledge to recommend herbs to 'bandaid symptoms' (without addressing the root cause of the symptoms), generally people have to hoodwink me to get me to do it (unless the symptoms are actually preventing someone from being ABLE to heal themselves).
As a regular on Curezone for many many years I am speechless at your dedication. I am truly speechless. And I am truly humbled and thankful that you recognize how dedicated I really am - your words are a blessing (to both my husband and myself). It's hard for me to understand how folks can realize the level of devotion we actually have (because it seems I'm NEVER hear), but no one can likely fathom 'what it takes' behind the scenes (I will likely be posting more about that, and my upcoming plans, a little later this week).
May this Sunday be the best you will have experienced in your life. Thank you for all your kind words, blessings and respect.
The Grand Finale :)
If you were MY husband, here's what you would be doing (my suggestions):
St. John's Wort - continue - IF you have a product that is made from organic St. John's Wort and IF it is not a standardized extract: Standarized & Isolated Extracts/Herbs - Dr. Schulze This issue is particularly important for St. John's Wort
If you're currently taking a tincture, I recommend (for the level of depression you're expressing) 4 droppersful 3x daily.
Milk Thistle seed powder - 3 T daily, mixed with morning Superfood/smoothie, to help restore liver damage already done and protect from more. You can get quality/organic herbs here (in order of my preference of suppliers) Pacific Botanicals :: Product Map (A-Z) Mountain Rose Bulk Organic Herbs - Starwest Botanicals
Get started (asap) eliminating the addictions - tincture of Lobelia will help incredibly with the nicotine (see PM for more information), but you may have to do more 'toughing it through' with the alcohol. I think that since benzodiazepines are commonly given to 'dedicated alcoholics' (when they are hospitalized/detoxifying) to prevent symptoms of withdrawal...and that the herb Kava root is very similar in action on the GABA receptors to benzodiazepines, that Kava might be very beneficial here. We have that in our Storefront, and I've used it very successfully for anxiety and as a sleep-aid. Luckily (unluckily?) for me, alcohol was never my 'drug of choice' - I had the equivalent of your alcohol addiction to cannabis. Both affect depression extremely adversely. They take away the symptoms enough to 'get through the day or night', but they worsen and increase the 'cause'. :::sigh:::
Decongest the liver & gallbladder (assuming you've never done a series of flushes, and/or consistent maintenance for your overworked liver): You've likely been around CZ long enough to "know the drill" (I can't tell from the 'quick scan' of your previous posts if you've ever done any liver work or not...if not, you NEED to start, methinks). Before doing a "liver flush" be sure to prep your liver adequately (here's why: ) I recommend starting with nightly castor oil packs, coffee enemas and Dr. Schulzes 5 day liver cleanse (complete with the tea & tincture) and then following that with a regular liver flush. Then do a regular flush every two weeks until the amount of debris seen coming out is consistently less than the flushes before. This is important for 2 very impactful reasons - 1) nicorette, alcohol, & betablockers ON TOP of all the normal liver stress we ALL experience, means you're long overdue for cleansing and regular maintenance. 2) Ayurvedic & Eastern medicine both realize the liver IS the seat of emotions. I could have never healed my depression without tending my liver (of this, I am SURE), and I've helped a LOT of people over the years that agree. Assuming (after your last IF#2 maintenance cleanse) that you are having 2-3 healthy bms daily, then the time to get started is 'now'. And if you're not having 3 bms daily after a weeks worth of IF#2/maintenance, then that's even MORE of reason to address the liver (bile is our body's natural IF#1 - it induces peristalsis...when the liver/gallbladder are clogged & congested, it's almost impossible to achieve the healthy 3-5 bms daily we are all intended to have).
Start weaning off the beta-blocker while supporting your body through the transistion, and healing the actual cause of the hypertension (if indeed, there truly IS actually hypertension).
--Brain Formula and/or Ginkgo Biloba (3-4 droppersful, 3x daily) Ginkgo not only increases circulation to the brain & extremities and helps to thin the blood...but also directly & very positively impacts arteriosclerosis/hardening of the arteries: Ginkgo Biloba - David L. Hoffmann B.Sc. (Hons), M.N.I.M.H. - HealthWorld Online
--Cayenne powder or tincture 3x daily (also files in your PM inbox on this for more details)...needs to be 150,000 HU (Heat Units) or hotter.
--Raw Garlic (and perhaps Red Clover tincture - or tea, of course). The raw garlic is to help strengthen your heart from the years worth of being chemically weakened and to help with high bp. Garlic - 3-6 (start with and work up) raw cloves daily...Cayenne tinture 2 droppersful 3x daily minimum (or 1/2 teaspoon/minimum) of "hot" cayenne powder daily (do NOT start with this much if you're not used to 'therapeutic hot' cayenne powder! Start with 1/8 teaspoon, working up to a full teaspoon 3x daily) You can "mix & match" the doses of cayenne (tincture is MUCH easier to take, imo).
The Heart Herbs: Hawthorn and Garlic - Christopher Hobbs L.Ac., A.H.G. - HealthWorld Online The Health Benefits and Medical Emergency uses of Garlic Allicin - Facts about Allicin
Red Clover is a gentle blood thinner (that you may or may not want/need), but also is a very effective "blood cleanser" (I'm sure your liver/kidneys would appreciate the help :) and has MANY other benefits (including coughing and bronchial spasms...the Lobelia will also stop bronchial spasms, but I don't know about 'coughing') :
--Hawthorn Berry (again, tincture or tea) - an absolutely "must" (imo) to strengthen and restore your heart 3-4 droppersful, 3-4 times daily: Hawthorn for the Heart - Christopher Hobbs L.Ac., A.H.G. - HealthWorld Online Hawthorn - David L. Hoffmann B.Sc. (Hons), M.N.I.M.H. Hawthorn Makes the Heart Grow Fonder - Christopher Hobbs L.Ac., A.H.G. - HealthWorld Online
--Here's information on how to figure how much tincture you need for these doses (and how to take tinctures):
Hot/Cold Daily Showers - starting with warm/cool (due to the stress that's been on your heart from the betablocker) spend 15 extra minutes in the shower alternating between warm-hot/cool-cold (1/2 minute reps of each). This will increase circulation/oxygenation throughout ALL your body organs (and that circulation has been lacking since you started the beta-blocker). You'll be wonderfully surprised at what a positive impact this has on your health AND your depression.
Barefootin'! 15 minutes every day, ditch the shoes (and socks if it's not too cold or snowy) and put your feet on the solid earth. The earth is a ground, and doing this will pull toxic "electro-pollution" out of your body. (really!) You will sleep SO much more soundly, and the impact of various frequencies bouncing around in your body & brain? Horrible for depression and stress (they make it SO much worse!).
If you do all this WHILE juice-fasting, the healing will happen MUCH faster.
I don't recall how much pure water (distilled or RO filtered) you're drinking daily, but you need to make it around a gallon. I would definitely "up" the Superfood to 6 tablespoons daily (if we expect our body to heal, we have to provide it the fuel to do so). If you choose ours, Superfood Original is for vegans/juice fasters; Superfood Special Blend is for those still eating meat/dairy.
Fish/Omega oil - a minimum of 200mg DHA, 400 EPA daily (I double that when depression rears it's ugly head...grrrrr - that happens when I'm under immense stress - depressions is my 'weakest link'. Pffft)
I hope this has provided you with all the information you require to successfully (and naturally/safely) navigate your healing victory (and the freedom that victory brings).
Healthiest of blessings!!!
Definitions of beta blocker on the Web:
Health issues caused by utilizing beta blockers (in general):
Side Effects and Risks
Common side effects include slowed heartbeat, tiredness, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, and decreased sexual ability. Other mild side effects can include difficulty sleeping or nightmares, headache, drowsiness, and numbness or tingling of the fingers, toes or scalp. Also, if you have diabetes, beta blockers can obscure some of the signs of low blood sugar such as tremors or rapid heartbeat. Check with your doctor if any of these side effects seems troublesome or if you have any questions.
More serious reactions can sometimes occur with beta blockers. These include the following:
The beginning or worsening of heart failure. Symptoms of this include shortness of breath (especially on exertion), coughing, weakness, weight gain?, and swelling of feet, ankles, or lower legs.
Severe wheezing or difficulty breathing, especially in people who have or have had asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, or other breathing conditions. Because beta blockers can trigger or worsen these conditions, make sure your doctor knows about them.
An extremely slow heartbeat (less than 50 beats per minute)
Cold hands and feet or blue fingernails, which could mean reduced circulation to these areas.
Confusion, hallucinations or depression.
If any of these or other serious reactions occur, call your doctor immediately.
Health issues caused by Metoprolol (specifically)
... abdominal cramps, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, insomnia, nausea, depression, dreaming, memory loss?, fever, impotence, lightheadedness, slow heart rate, low blood pressure, cold extremities, sore throat, and shortness of breath? or wheezing. Metoprolol can aggravate breathing difficulties in patients with asthma, chronic bronchitis, or emphysema.
....dizziness, weakness, diarrhea and depression, cold hands or feet, slow heartbeat, ankle or leg swelling and shortness of breath, difficulty breathing or wheezing, chest pain, back or joint pain, dark or bloody urine, hallucinations (seeing things that do not exist), an irregular heart rate, severe itchy or peeling skin rash, jaundice (yellowing of the eyes or skin). Overdose: slow, uneven heartbeat, breathing difficulty (shortness of breath), bluish-colored fingernails, dizziness, nausea, fainting and lightheadedness.
Specifically liver:
Metoprolol is a prescription medication available in tablet form for oral consumption. It is manufactured by the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca and sold under the brand name Toprol XL. Metoprolol is used for the treatment of heart attack, high blood pressure and angina (chest pain). Side effects of Metoprolol can cause irregular or slow heart rate, shortness of breath, dizziness, weakness and depression. Metoprolol should not be taken by anyone with a history of liver disease, as it may cause further liver injury, as well as jaundice and hepatitis.
Metoprolol and the Liver
Metoprolol can cause liver injury, and should not be taken by patients with a history of liver disease. Symptoms of liver injury include fever, nausea, vomiting or a yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice). Other symptoms of liver injury are fatigue/tiredness and energy loss. It is very rare for Metoprolol to be associated with hepatitis or liver poisoning, but is is possible. Do not take Metoprolol without first discussing your full medical history with your doctor.
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