SWF (Salt Water Flushing) Re: Q for Uniquity re: the reabsorbed liver flush of accutane
Hi Uny, I've done some more of the Schulz reading since posting this cool deal - he's quite a character (for sure and for certain), but nobody explains the fundamentals as clearly as he does. Well, Christopher was a FANTASTIC teacher (and very 'angelic' in his presentation), but there's very little 'online' of his original teachings--as you would no doubt have suggested; and see that the ES is not part of his (or your) worldview. Exactly! There's never any reason to stress the body in order to heal & restore the body...and in the case of ES, it can be a major problem for some people (and is likely a bigger stresser for most than they realize)
Then there's the "one hand - other hand" of it all. Dr. Kelley used twice as much ES in his flush recipe as Hulda Clark; and even though Andreas Moritz is typically a "kindler gentler" type of healer, he also uses strong doses of ES. There's no doubt ES benefits the flush protocol by relaxing the biliary ductwork...and if we're in the middle of a gallbladder crisis/emergency, the pain is overwhelming, and the whitecoats are drooling while sharpening their carving knives as they gaze hungrily at our torso - there's likely no doubt that ES is the better option. But there's also no doubt that a liver flush can be done safely and effectively without ES (as long as one is willing to take the time to ensure the liver is prepped & ready to be flushed -- and remember that we should always be addressing our entire body)
Doing what I call a 'cold liver flush' (no colon cleansing to relieve the pressure of the transverse colon to the liver/gallbladder, no herbal or nutritional support, treating the liver/gb like they're somehow 'separate', and doing nothing to ensure the liver, gallbladder & intestinal tract are ready & able to 'clear' a large quantity of stale bile & debris) turns a liver flush with ES into (almost) an 'allopathic procedure'. (In fact, Dr. Kelley said he got his 'flush recipe' from the archives of the Lahey Clinic in Boston)...
Dr. God Whitecoat ND to patient-subject: You have gallstones, biliary sludge, and a clogged/congested liver - so we will go in there an rip-flush it all out right now! Let's see here, I can bypass this issue you have with your transverse colon shoving into the liver & gallbladder and compromising the entire biliary network (and partially causing your constipation issues) by, hmmm, ah yes, here it is...giving you a harsh ES laxative before & after (which will throw your electrolyte balance into a tsunami and stress your kidneys...not to mention causing diarrhea & dehydration and maybe heart palps). Of course, it will leave you with a raw rectum & anus (and likely the same internally...but heh-eh, you'll never know it); it may destroy the harmony of your gut flora, and it'll probably cause 'rebound constipation' even worse than you already have - but we need it to relax those biliary ducts so we can FORCE those stones OUT!
But Mr. Dr. God, sir, if I may inquire please? Hrummgph, what was that? did the subject speak-squeek? Yes, Mr. Dr. God, I did...I have questions & concerns. I can't imagine why you feel the need to squeek, er, speak, but :::looking at watch and rolling eyes::: I suppose you may continue.
Well, Mr. Dr. God sir, I feel the need to speak because this is my body. I've done several weeks of research since my liver/gallbladder started aching and my digestion worsened, and it seems like there are quite a few options you haven't mentioned...options that I'd like to discuss - like coffee enemas, colon cleansing, castor oil packs, milk thistle seed, reflexology, herbal bitters, diet/juicing, and avoiding unnatural chemicals & laxatives. I'd also like to Apparently you have no IDEA how serious this situation is and you certainly don't have the advanced education and experience that I possess - not only is your squeeking irrelevant, but thinking for yourself (even in the Curezone Clinic) makes you a danger to yourself, and others too. Here are some "natural" (insert Uny gagging) malic acid capsules, isolated chemical of silymarin tablets, and a different form of isolated/fractionated magnesium. Or would you rather I book you an appointment with a surgeon?
When ARE we going to learn that the natural body doesn't require unnatural substances to restore itself?
I realize I was likely "preaching to the choir" with the 'above scenario' - but it's just so important to me for everyone to understand that there ARE ways we can work with our body to heal and restore it - there's really no need to try to undo decades of unnatural living & compromise with 'quick fixes'...and of course, there's absolutely nothing 'natural' about using harsh chemicals.
Still wondering about the SWF...but suspect that's not part of it either. I guess the CE's substitute. Thus far in my life I've never done an enema, and never felt the wish to.
(of course I haven't got as sick as many people have either.) My basic view: Hydration--very important! Epsom salts--very rough. And yet my first few liver flushes taken with some ES
were incredibly fruitful. :-)
when I realized I could cut the ES down to one dose, or even do more fasting before the liver flush, and simply chase the flush out the next day with the SWF, that was a very happy discovery. And if that works for you, and you & your doctor within are satisfied with it, then it's a goodness for you :)
As always, it IS your body and I feel you should do what YOU feel is best. There's no doubt a SWF will ensure the removal of the debris that is initially dumped (for almost everyone). But there's also no doubt that once we unplug the gallbladder, there's likely to be more of a release of stale/toxic debris that just the one that happens during the night of a flush.
Seeings that it's a teachers job to "challenge" (and we're all teachers as well as students), here's some food for thought... (btw, I'm speaking of natural salt, not the white kind).
--if hydration is very important (and it is), and salt-water is very dehydrating (and it is), then ingesting a quart of salt water is ...?...
--What happens to our precious intestinal microbiota when we douse them with a heavy salt-water solution? My guess is that it kills them.
--Gerson claimed that salt feeds cancer; Christopher was 100% 'anti salt' (we should get the vitamins, minerals & enzymes our body needs from living food).
--SWFing is a very old therapy (I realize this). I also realize that ingesting salt in large quantities produces harm (dehydration, kidney stress, electrolyte imbalance/hypernatremia...not to mention the dangers for those with 'salt issues' like high bp, edema, etc).
--In a small percentage of people the SWF will not "come out" as is typical, and all the salt is assimilated. yikes.
--In a large percentage of people, vomiting results (and the feeling of needing to vomit is extremely common). I know of no person or animal that willingly drinks salt-water from the ocean...shouldn't that tell us something? (there are a handful of animals that are specially equipped for ingesting salt water - sea otters, seals, sea turtles and some sea birds).
I realize that the 'nausea & vomiting' thing also happens when ingesting large amounts of oil (in lesser percentages, from what I've seen), because it's obviously not truly natural to ingest 1/2 cup of oil (unless you're Rocky's Italian grandpa, who could easily consume far more than 1/2 cup of olive oil in one sitting with a few slices of bread & a head of garlic). But 1/2 cup of olive oil rarely causes harm (and never does if folks that are liver flushing as doing it wisely as part of a logical, full-body protocol)...but a teaspoon-tablespoon of salt at once can produce seriously dire results in many)
--No, I do not think that "natural" salt is a good way to give our body trace minerals and nutrients. Someday (hopefully in this lifetime) I'll have time to enter into discussion & debate about the various reasons I feel this way...and how the promoters of 'natural products' always seem to find all kinds of "compelling evidence" so that we can continue feeding our addictions and unhealthy taste buds & cravings.
If one is not having 3+ natural bms daily and is going to start liver flushing and won't consider coffee enemas, I suggest using prune juice or herbs to ensure adequate elimination.
Some additional info for consideration:
Did you know? The world is a MUCH better place because you are in it! Thank you for being you :)
Blessings - Uny