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Re: Quickie...Re: Jumping & applauding in agreement with this... Re: For ray34iyf (and everyone :) Detoxing & healing Accutane/Lexapro/Celexa
Rink Hijinks Views: 6,417
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Re: Quickie...Re: Jumping & applauding in agreement with this... Re: For ray34iyf (and everyone :) Detoxing & healing Accutane/Lexapro/Celexa


That's some interesting stuff on Big Pharma and the AMA. I didn't realize just how deep the connection was between them, but it really isn't surprising at all. It truly is sad that people who were practicing natural medicine and helping some people were vilified and persecuted because of money being thrown at them. Just another blemish on America's shoddy record with injustices to certain groups of people without money or power.

I had the same EXACT experience as your mother when I visited my psychiatrist. 20 minutes after sitting down with him, I walked out with three different prescriptions. I was unsure if that was a good thing or a bad thing at the time. Now, it is clear to me just how stupid and downright irresponsible he was being, despite following "proper protocol." On subsequent visits, he would casually ask me if I wanted more Xanax or something else. It really shocked me how casual he was being with one of the most painful and life-threatening drugs to withdrawal from (Benzos.) It makes it incredibly easy to see how people get hooked on these pharmaceuticals that are every bit as addictive as "street drugs," but it's worse because pharmaceuticals also encourage denial, since the "good doctor gave them to me" is how way too many addicts feel. I don't know if you watch many movies, but the movie "Requiem for a Dream" showcases this last point in a terrifying manner with Ellen Burstyn as an amphetamine (diet pills, the doctor says) junkie and she goes downhill, fast. Kind of hard to watch.

After searching different popular forums where there were large amounts of people who were suffering from strong, lingering Accutane side effects, I read about their journeys to their respective doctors, being placed on tons more prescriptions, except these were Lupus drugs, anti-seizure drugs, and other extremely hardcore drugs that are being put into an already significantly compromised system. Clearly, after the prescriptions I had been prescribed, I couldn't follow in their footsteps.

You are very inspirational and motivating. You seem very convinced that with proper procedure I will be able to get back to "normal." That definitely excites me. I will say, after eating mostly raw (with one piece of cooked meat per day, no milk, basically no refined sugar,etc.) I am already feeling a bit better mentally and having softer bm's. The only issue I find is it's harder for me to feel full. I can get plenty of carbs/fat, but protein seems harder to me.

Because of this I have a few diet questions. How are hard boiled eggs (maybe 2-3 a day)? Cooked Brown Rice? Is about 6-8 ounces of cooked lean meat a day going to work? I'm fine with no dairy right now, because I feel that may be a negative contributor. Is a high percentage of my diet coming from seeds (chia, sunflower, hemp, all raw), nuts (cashews, almonds, pecans, walnuts, all raw), oils (virgin coconut oil, virgin hemp oil), fresh fruits, and vegetables okay? Also, where do I get the gambit of essential vitamins and minerals from? I assume that I won't be getting them all daily through diet alone? I used to take a multi-vitamin but haven't for a couple weeks.

Also, out of curiosity, have you ever helped develop a protocol to help someone who is afflicted with lingering Accutane side effects years later? (other than Ray, of course.) What were the results? I've heard of people who have taken Accutane and 20 years+ later still have the same side effects. I really, really don't want that to be me.

Healing myself would be incredibly empowering. I definitely have learning and unlearning to do and am excited for this. Thanks for the reply, the links (which I will read,) and taking the time to write a "personalized post" to help guide me through recovery. Take as long as you need, I know you are VERY thorough.

Edit: This is gross, but when I took a bowel movement today after dinner, it was much looser and had a ton of mucus in it. So I'm not sure if it's Candida. There was no "string cheese" looking stuff, but lots of mucus. I have been eating very differently though, lately, so perhaps that has something to do with it.


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