Quickie...Re: Jumping & applauding in agreement with this... Re: For ray34iyf (and everyone :) Detoxing & healing Accutane/Lexapro/Celexa
Rink -
Not just a skeptic, but a RAGING skeptic? I can not begin to tell you how wonderful (and refreshing) it is to see those words. Good for you (and for all of us that question everything).
Burned once, shame on you - burned twice, shame on ME! When it comes to taking responsibility for our own body, that's as it should be. Frustratingly when the research is done, we find that Big Pharma has not only owned Big Pharma, but also the AMA since before the turn of last century. Here's a brief synopsis (taken from an older post I made here: http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1372970#i - which also has quite a bit of good information in it you'l likely want to read):
It took MUCH more research to convince me. How can this BE? If a successful cure for every known disease has already been discovered, why don't the top doctors & researchers know it? (I've always been the "why child" - I've never trusted an 'answer' in my life if I couldn't understand why it was 'true'). So I dug deeper and found out why. In a very (very!) tiny nutshell, this country had 'free market' medicine until the early part of the 1900's...virtually anybody with any qualifications could 'hang out a shingle' and practice medicine - their practice 'lived or died' dependent on their success or failure. At that time, we had more herbal, homeopathic & natural healing colleges & universities than any other kind...and the young 'upstart' AMA was literally going bankrupt. (Note: the AMA was formed as what we know now, as a type of trade union, it's stated goal was "to protect the legal & financial interests of it's members", and that has never changed). The investors/pharmaceutical companies at that time basically 'purchased' the AMA before they went under, and invested 100's of millions of dollars in a broad spectrum "public relations campaign", that's still continuing (read: pure propaganda that would have made Hitler jealous!). They hired Edward Bernays :::insert scary music here:::, who was the nephew of Sigmund Freud, and went on a 'public conditioning blitz' the likes of which had never been seen before (that I'm aware of). Focusing on the word "quackery" (the word 'quack' was a term for advanced mental patient at that time, but Bernays turned into a word for any natural healer that didn't rely upon 'safe' science & chemicals to treat illness), and with piece of scientific/medical bastardization known as the Flexner Report-1910, they bombarded the media and radio for DECADES, conditioning people that using herbs & natural healing techniques was DANGEROUS "quackery", and that only someone that had gone to an AMA university for years was qualified to understand the immense complexities of the human body. And once they had the public convinced, they turned to Congress...and in the 1930's it became illegal to practice medicine in this country unless one had graduated from an AMA approved college (read: pharmaceutical/investor owned & approved college...that controlled the curriculum). And the only "schools" of natural healing to survive the onslaught intact were the chiropractors & osteopaths (who had their own 'unions' and strong financial backing of their own). And when the dust settled, there were only a handful of 'other healing schools' left, and they quickly went bankrupt or were driven out of business.
From that point onward, our physicians have been educated ('conditioned' is truly the appropriate word) at universities owned & operated by the AMA (pharmaceutical cartel). Obviously, true HEALING is not the goal of someone selling pharmaceuticals (they'd go bankrupt in a heartbeat if people weren't sick), and by inducing sickness by the use/sale of something they promise will make you better is the PERFECT profit plan. It is now illegal for ANY physician certified by the AMA to utilize any protocol or substance that's not approved by the AMA/pharmaceutical cartel. The last time I checked, a physician that does that can/will be fined $150,000, go to jail for 10 years, and lose their license...on the first offense. (This happened to quite a few doctors in the 'Laetrile Era' that researched Laetrile, found it effective/worthy, saved the lives of their patients, and then had their lives & careers destroyed).
>>>>>"Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship...To restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic..., and have no place in a republic...The Constitution of this Republic should make special provisions for medical freedom as well as religious freedom." - Dr. Benjamin Rush, signer of Declaration of Independence; member, Continental Congress; B.S. Princeton U. <<<<<
But here's where it gets REALLY ugly. Throughout the 'middle years' (30's - late 60's-70's) the truly natural healers that were left were brutally persecuted (as were those that attempted to follow in their footsteps)...and then "supplements" hit the market. A whole new "science of healing". Remember: society has already long since been conditioned to 'get their healing from a bottle' and to base their treatment on "science"...and lifestyles were becoming more hectic, more 'electronically advanced' (more poisonous electromagnetic frequencies), women were leaving the home to work, etc. And so begun a (possibly) worse scenario - those that 'had a clue' and turned away from allopathic "science" and disease-causing drugs & barbaric surgery, now turned to "alternative medicine & science" (which is virtually TOTALLY based on the same false science that the AMA ensconced throughout the world). And now we have a multi-billion dollar "alternative/supplement industry" that plows us with THEIR "truth". And for the most part, those that have 'seen the light' about allopathic medicine *think* they've found the answer in naturopaths & supplements. But nowadays it's truly RARE to find people reporting true cures on sites like this from alternative medicine...one symptom is relieved only for more to pop-up, etc., etc., etc. And that's because what we're doing is NOT NATURAL...but our bodies ARE NATURAL.
Of you really want to 'get into' the history of it all, this site has the best information, history, and documentation I've found: http://www.ahealedplanet.net/medicine.htm#beginnings
>>> I love the fact that you are personally involved with all of this. It isn't foreign to you. My last psychiatrist didn't even believe me when I told him what Accutane had done. How much could I really trust him?<<<
Frustratingly, I understand that sentiment all too well. Although my mother (now 70) is still alive, she's lost over 15 years of it (and basically any hope for any future happiness or physical well-being) due to vicious, soul-raping chemical cocktails handed to her from 'well meaning' psychiatrists...of which none that I'm aware, ever took more that 15-20 minutes to talk with her before writing a script. I was also poisoned for 15 years on psych-drugs, having been convinced by psychiatrist of my 'genetic predisposition' and told I'd have to take them for the rest of my life. Hence, part of my personal involvement is motivated by a goodly portion of healthy rage. :::wink::: It works for me! :)
As you might surmise, I'm totally overwhelmed with trying to keep up with it all. I have your 'Q&A' pasted into Word and I'm working on a complete response with protocol suggestions & recommendations. At this point it's looking like it's going to be at least a couple more days; my apologies for the delay.
After reviewing your answers & issues, I want you to know there's nothing you've shared that seems "incurable" or overly complex to me. You've been poisoned; it has stressed, congested and compromised your body - particularly your immune system and liver, and there's likely quite a bit of pharmaceutical residue in your colon. The anxiety may be a side effect of all that; an issue unto itself, or a combination. Our bodies are hardwired with the schematics to detoxify, heal & live - all we have to do is make sure that we assist our body back to it's normal functioning and homeostatic balance/harmony and it will do the healing. Of course, you'll have quite a bit of learning and unlearning to do; and the toxic state of the world doesn't help matters much...but the end result is being completely in control of your health & body. Bottom line? You can restore your healthy/body and be your OWN "doctor God", I'm sure of it! :)
Be sure to check this one out for starters (you'll love it, methinks): How "Cure" Happens - Dr. Kenneth R. Sutter If you think of anything else you think I should know (or have any questions), don't hesitate to post them in the next day or two. I see every post that is posted, so I can add those in while I'm compiling everything else. There's no such thing as too much information.
Healthiest of blessings,