Re: Very cold hands and feet... positive effects of cilantro tincture!!
(* This response was sent to another member, but I thought I'd share it with you all.)
I just wanted to share my mom's story briefly in that she literally cured herself of 18 years of manic depression, by having her 16
Amalgam fillings removed. The mercury had that devestating of an impact on her body. Her Multiple Chemical Sensitivity has also been downsized.
I noticed that (not everyone) is a proponent of chelating before
Amalgam removal, but just wanted to say, that my mom took cilantro tincture all the way through the before and after process with great results.
Ironically, my mom literally couldn't stop smiling when she first took cilantro tincture, given to her by an applied kinesiologist. The chelating (even before the fillings were removed) started to have an instant positive impact. Cilantro is definitely a fine removal of heavy metals.
Sometimes what works for one, doesn't work for another, as I know we're all different. My advice would be to try 10-15 drops a day or so, and see if you feel better. If not, you can always stop.
Just some food for thought.