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Re: Angry, angry, angry ~ Chris SD ~
Chris SD Views: 5,810
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 175,614

Re: Angry, angry, angry ~ Chris SD ~

Blaming advice or the food I've eaten is about as constructive as I can be when I get angry, I know its not good but getting angry isn't good and its better than say I dunno having a go at things totally unrelated to my health. Its not the supplements causing this, I've tried with and without, I don't want to rely on them I just need them to get me back on track, I already have the diet thing sorted. I don't know what to make of coconut oil, it seems a lot less harsh on me than olive oil for some reason and that seems to apply to other unsaturated fats too but I could be wrong. Its interesting what people have said about liver supplements, Milk thistle and some other more natural supplements have made me feel incredibly bad when I would have thought they would have made me feel better. The best advice I get is when people tell me why things are happening and not what I should or should not do and thanks for that.


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