How are "saponified" stones passed without doing a flush?
1)How could I pass these globs without doing a liver flush?
2)How do the globs form in the digestive track and why are they all kinds of different sizes and shapes?
3)I passed hundreds of globs without doing a
Liver Flush for 3-6 months how is that possible according to your theory?
4)How does the saponified olive oil stay in the system that long?
5)Sure you can do the old... They all look the same routine, but you can't answer how the stones were passed without a liver flush. The reason I put the pictures on there was to illustrate the fact that the stones I passed looked the same as the gall stones, and no olive oil was utilized how does your saponified theory work in that instance?
6)Not only that but you warn against doing these flushes because one might get a stone stuck, doesn't that mean that the flush is doing something to the liver? Doesn't that mean that it actually does have an effect on the gall bladder and liver, and your statement that it does not work is false? Its not like it has no affect going through the difestive system does it?
7)Lets just say that it is cholesterol and saponified olive oil like you say it is. Isn't it possible that there could be some other positive affect that it is having on the liver and gall bladder? Or do you think that all the increased health is merely psychosomatic?
8)Are results of better health are merely coincidence?
9)I have the evidence sealed away, but it wouldn't do any good to show you a picture of it now would it. And I certainly don't have the money to throw down on a lab test that won't prove anything.