Pick up some ParaGone from your local health food store and get started on that. Order some Humaworm for you and your cats, humaworm.com. It'll probably take a week or longer for the humaworm to arrive, since Dr. Bailey is away do to a family friend's death. I don't know if she's back yet. The Paragone will be good in the meantime though for you. Don't forget to order enough for your cats for 2 courses (90 days apart) and you will probably need multiple courses too.
There are other things you can eat in the meantime to help: lots of fresh garlic, pumpkin seeds and clove powder in tea, on toast with cinnamon to add omph to the ParaGone. ParaGone is a good product, but one kit is only a 15 day course, so you'll need more than one kit and they cost around $35. Humaworm is a 30 day course for $40 which in the long run is more affordable.