Im at a lose as to what to do. The pain is still there and there has been quite a noticeable change to the frothiness of my urine which I know is protein even though I dont eat any meat. This kidney pain and frothy urine always go together which is why I was thinking that I may have damaged my kidneys more. Also the fact that I feel very sick and have thrown up plus I have really dark circles around my eyes that have appeared overnight make me think that something is wrong. (Any ideas HV?) I am always dehydrated due to my kidney issues so dont know if this is a bad combination with the silica in the DE as cant find any info on the web.
Still sounds like a kidney stone issue, and they are probably shifting. Maybe from all the water you are drinking with the DE, which is being suddenly excreted through the kidneys.
I also make parsley tea
Parsley contains oxalates. Probably not a good idea right now since calcium oxalate stones are a good probability.