15 y
Re: More proof that veganism is dangerous
"Vegan diet is destroying your brain" Vegan Diet is destroying your brain" Vegan diet is destroying your brain" Vegan Diet is destroying your brain"
YOu keep feeding your mind all these thoughts, OUr thoughts are energy that eventually become things.You become what you think. So keep on repeating your mantra "vegan diet is destroying my brain" over and over again..and that is exactly what it will do. It is not the vegan diet that put you to ill was your thoughts. If it were true that vegan diet is so harmful, then it would have happened to all vegans..For example: if you take poison you can die, that is true for everyone. This isn't..So the message you really are really getting accross to others is to be weak willed and give up..YOu have told us indirectly so much about yourself without even realizing it. I am still alive, and so are my kids and many people I know. Before when I was a meat eater..I suffered low iron, I used to take 3 pills 350 mg each daily..that caused my constipation etc..etc..I was sick all the time. Now believe it or not it has been 7 years of veganism, 6 mths ago my last check up. My iron is normal, b12 normal, protein normal..everything is normal. Why is isn't the vegan diet destroying my brain?? hmmm I wonder..I think it is because I don't go around chanting and thinking a mantra that goes "vegan diet will destroy my brain"
Now you eat the meat, instant relief..because you are feeding your will be happy now. You cannot be thinking, meat, meat, meat and be a vegan or think I am sick I am sick, I will never get better and expect to heal, your body just won't respond. Continue eating your meat and feeding your thoughts..someday you will break again, chanting a different mantra..then what? thoughts changes all the time..Be aware of who you really are
Good luck.