Thank you for your reply. It helps a lot if I may receive first-hand info, coming straight from the personal experience.
I am sorry I am unable to give you any suggestion about how to help you right now. I realize that you have had some experience with hypokalemia so you are on the alert - observing your body for the presence of any symptoms of a mineral imbalance.
I know that coffee enema helps both in a liver detoxification and in any pain elimination; But at the same time it may cause mineral imbalance (especially reduces the amount of iron); That is why I believe that coffee enema may not be the best for you right now.
Generally, coffee enema may be used safely only when consuming plenty of vegetable juices. If the present discomfort forces you to stop fasting and you start juicing, then you may consider coffee enema. It is the only suggestion I can give you from my own experience.