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Re: Tipping Point
ChaztheMeatHead Views: 2,147
Published: 15 y
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Re: Tipping Point

For me there was a "tipping point". I don't know if was what the bots were talking about, but it was when the world told Obama No More. They basically said the US is a fraud and we're not going to participate in it any more. But I think this is a huge "tipping point" in my opinion.

And now we have Obama and the Federal Reserve declaring war on China's currency. This isn't a war of bullets and bombs, but could be just as deadly in my opinon. And notice we have the Fed financing our debt now. We're basically buying our own debt now because no one else will.

Plus I think China may have been involved in the LA Missle some how. We know they were in the area and openly popped up in the US military training operation, basically saying "You guys suck. We can do what ever we want and there's nothing you can do about it."

And then we have the NATO agreeing to develop a missile defence shield to protect the territory of ALL NATO states in Europe and the US. And then they're going to invite Russia, NATO’s former Cold War enemy, to join the system when they meet Russian President on Saturday.

Is it just me or is something not adding up with inviting Russia? And apparently the Middle East and Far East will be left out of the system? Why is that? Unless that's further down the road. And then why would everybody be in the same system? Wouldn't that mean all possible enemies are on the same side now? And if that's true, then who's on the other side? Unless it's all setting up the global or NWO military system. In that case every country would be the enemy. Need to gather more info to see which way it's going.

But all this stuff could be "the tipping point".


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