Web Bot Predictions From The First Hour
Here's some from the audio on 11/3/10? These aren't exact quotes, but capture the idea.
Nov. 5th-14th is tipping point for change.
The 100th anniversary of the Fed is Nov 7th weekend and they’re going to Jeckel Island and celebrate and having a press conference. (Did they have a press conference?)
It seems like the elite are leaving the east coast after an ass whipping election. It’s a sign of the beginning of the end.
The Simpson video could indicate 3 nukes in Miami and DC. on 11/6/10
The banking system will fall virtually over night and that’s what leads us to the WTF moment. (No date on that one, but he then says)
The collapse of the dollar will remove confidence in all currencies. Then there will be a time where it reverts to materialism and that’s when TPTB are vulnerable. Maybe by Nov 14th 2010.
There are two movements around the world and one is the “re-imagining of the future” on Nov 11th, and a group in Europe who’s planning on striking against the banks on Dec 7th.
With the collapse of the dollar, the military will go with it over the next year or so. We may have to hock part of the US assets to keep the military operating. And all this starts on the Nov. 14th or so.
DOW to 20,000 or by march 100,000
When silver reaches $175-$200, the banking system will shut down including all the atm’s & maybe by the Nov. 14th. This could include communications. This will have staggering effects on the sheeple.
Over the next couple of weeks we’ll see world leaders coming forward and saying the US economy is fraud.
There will be a $20 lead on silver starting Monday Nov. 8th. You won’t be able to put money out fast enough on the table to catch up with the price of silver.
(Oh yeah, Clif said there would be $5 bumps or jumps in silver prices and it hasn't happened yet. They went down since then and are now regaining at $27.03.)
From the 18th of Nov. onwards over the next couple of years where new words and inventions are just going to roll out like mad.
WWIII has started and the US has lost and we’ll be like Japan or Germany after WWII except we’ll have to tear down our own factories and restart since they weren’t blown up like WWII.
I think Cliff needs to be more vague. Then people can read into his predictions. Like when something happens, people can say Ah that's what he meant there. He was right! :-)
Here's predictions for the future Clif made so we can see if they come true.
TPTB may not be around on Dec 11th.
On Jan 17th-19th we’ll go though a more intense period.
63 days after NOV. 14th (Jan 16 2011) will be a major transition in humanity.
After the 62 days, we’ll hit the next solar outburst. The last one on Oct 27th induced all kinds of volcanic activity, & earthquakes.
And then 87 days after that (April 13 2011) we’ll go though it all over again, and it will be worse. Those two episodes, before June 2011, will change the way people look at themselves and their history. And it’s going to shake up TPTB.
ET presence by Oct 2011?
The sun may kick our butts for 5-20 years, but TPTB will be gone and enough of us will survive to where it will look good for the human race.