Re: I tried Candex..I need some help.
Milk Thistle is all you need to help your Liver build new cells. It also detoxifies anything in your stomach - so I take it with my Anti Depressants. Peppermint Oil is great for leaky gut, in-fact I believe it heals it. But it is unknown exactly how it works for IBS, so you just have to have faith in these things. Get you self a good digestive aid that contains all the essentials and Betain and Ox Bile.
However, without Anti-depressants and Mood stabilizers much of the above would only allow me to function at my very least. You may have to except you have a genetic problem that causes depression. I find my anti-depressants seem to inhibit Candida, that may be because they reduce stress.
We are just unlucky and in a world surrounded by Junk food, that is more like a drug than anything useful.
Just keep trying multiple herbs and digestive aids like I did. It may cost you a lot of money and time, but you will find with each step you progress.