Re: Re: I tried Candex..I need some help.
I totally agree with Ladywear; based on your symptoms indicating an overburdened liver due to leaky gut, do not listen to people advocating extreme diets with no carbs whatsoever. You cannot win the battle by starving and weakening your body, and that's what you do when you do these absurd diets. Nobody has ever been cured by them anyway. Personnally, I follow a somewhat loose version of the SCD (Specific Carbs Diet, do a Google is you want to find out more) which is a rather high carb diet but without grains, and I am doing much better energywise since I reintroduced fruit, as is recommended for this diet.
Indeed some people explain all adverse reaction by die off; that's ridiculous. Most of the time, when you take a sup or drug and you have leaky gut/stressed liver, the reaction is just your liver reacting to the product.
Remember that with these two conditions, less is more: go slow, use very few sups and drugs, stay away from traumatic procedures like liver cleanse; anything presented like an instant cure is bunk and will only make matters worse.