I've had a lot of intestinal problems which began 3 years ago, my doctor diagnosed me with irritable bowel syndrome because I would get diarrhea, constant nausea and overall sick feeling, and a really horrible pain in the lower right quadrant of my abdomen. Eating too much, or certain foods, would leave me curled up in pain and I went to the hospital a few times. The pressure would cause a lot of bloating and it would hurt all the way down to when I pass a bowel movement. Doctors always focused on my ovaries and nothing resulted from that.
The pain in my abdomen is rare nowadays. It only gets bad when I eat too much. I completely changed eating habits and take the probiotics and I think that may have helped with the intestinal problems.
Probiotics are a good start, but you need to feed the flora as well with fibers. Rice bran or oat bran are especially good since they are soft fibers, do not cause bloating like psylllium does and they provide a lot of B vitamins that also benefit the nervous system.
By the way IBS does result from a lack of intestinal flora, so you are on the right track.