Dipping into the Honey Pot...
Here is the story... If this is not a good thread for this direct me to another OK?
I was visiting my sister and her newlywed daughter came over for lunch. As we chatted she broke down and admitted to not liking sex... Why we asked? "because it hurts!" was her reply. Something similar to paper cuts in the vagina and on the labia. She must have been flumfloxed when I replied "I have that too!!" and then her mom said "I have that too!". I was so relieved that she admitted this with me there but that is the desperation that this normally shy young woman felt. So we are all in this together I thought. Sheesh!!!
What a crying shame that we all suffer from this dibilitating problem that is robbing us of such a natural pleasure. What is it that we three shared that may have caused this problem? I believe it is
Antibiotics . I do know we have all had CIPRO. In fact I feel like Cipro almost killed me in 2008 and I am just now after 2 solid years of intestinal disfunction(too great to specify here) I am still not right but seem to be bouncing back.
Back to the female matter... I filed this away until a few weeks later when Amazingly! I had relations with my husband, after a two years of abstinance (all I can say is that he is very "broken" at an emotional level) and the pain was freshly brought back to my mind. So bad that the uretha was inflamed as well. I was miserable for a full day before in desperation I grabbed a half teaspoon of raw honey threw 2 drops of tea tree oil in it and slathered up the area.(the tea tree oil was actually a mix of eucalyptus/peppermint/tea tree oil). Ahhhhhh.... It soothed in a cool yet warming sort of way. I applied it again and again, a few times a day and after a few days I started to forget it, because the pain was GONE! Two years ago it had taken weeks for relief. The little paper cut thingies are GONE! Now if I could just get a little "action" from the hubby to test out the vaginal aspect, but that may be too much to expect.
I sent these links to my sister and my testimony but her girl is a
Science major and highly distainful of natural things like this.... What a shame as my inquiring mind wants to know if this works for others with this problem.