Completion Original Post & Recommendations :) Re: Questions for Uny from plan...sorry its long!
Howdy :) This is the completion of the original post/response and "recommendations"...I'm off to start working on the questions :) Uny
Past issues, drugs, surgeries that you think may be contributing to current issues?
I think surgeries listed above in 2009 can be contributing to the worsening of my issues and debilitation that seems to be occurring now.
I think you're 100% correct! :)
Any major changes in diet, supplements, drugs, stress-levels, location, lifestyle recently? results?
I changed to the Candidia Diet about a week ago and as listed about also went 100% Gluten Free. I have not seen any results yet. As far as other major changes it would be the surgeries listed above
I've never seen anyone totally beat Candida overgrowths with a 'Candida Diet' :( I've seen them have results and a lessening of symptoms while they're doing it, but it seems the minute they start eating naturally/normally again...*poof*, the yeastie-beasties are back in mega-quantities. That's because 'too much sugar' isn't the total cause. Like I mentioned above, they're saprophytes (gaining their nourishment from 'decaying organic matter'). Of course, they "eat" sugar, too...but starving them of sugar and throwing a few anti-fungals down our gullet doesn't seem to work. We've got to clean out the 'decay', hit 'em hard with the natural anti-fungals and replenish the intestinal microbiota throughout the process.
Are you aware of the difference between "alternative medicine" and truly natural healing?
Not 100% sure
Allopathic/modern medicine is what we've all been brought up with (drugs, surgery, invasive tests, radiation/chemotherapy...nothing that has ever truly healed the body); alternative medicine is typically based on the same "science" and concept - that we can manipulate the action of our body via unnatural supplements, substances, diets & protocols to achieve a true healing (typically without addressing the true root causes). Example: blood/hair test for nutrient levels reveals 3 lacking nutrients - 3 isolated nutrients are prescribed (but the problem may be there's a lack of assimilation due to colon/liver congestion, or the kidneys are not correctly processing the electrolytes). The symptoms may dissipate temporarily, but just like with chemical drugs, using unnatural substances that the body doesn't truly need usually results in additional symptoms presenting down the line. Truly natural healing is working with the body (the most 'unnatural' things used would be things like tinctures and juice), always addressing the most fundamental baselines (like removing all debris & congestion from organs so they can function properly), and doing everything we can naturally to ensure the body's own natural healing schematics can function. "Science" still has no complete picture of the myriads of responsibilities/actions of the brain, liver & kidneys, yet it tries to manipulate and force various actions...and it's a RARE allopathic or alternative practitioner that truly believes in the body's innate ability to heal itself (or has any clue about how to assist the process).
These generalities are not always the case (it would actually take a 'book' to define the various differences), but that's a basic overview.
What do YOU think & discern is wrong (and why?)
It may seem from reading all of this, all the medicines/narcotics I have taken that I like to medicate. The truth actually is that I do not. I have never assumed that you "like" to medicate! What I have assumed is what is true for most everyone...your body is wounded and hurting, and you're doing the best you know how to do to resolve the issues (and keep yourself out of pain!). I've spent YEARS studying the various truths of how our medical system has become so demented and anti-healing (and why). It's a very ugly picture/story...and it took the better part of the last century for the PTB to accomplish it. But accomplish it they did :( So now instead of becoming healthier when we turn to allopathic medicine, we become sicker.
"Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others: The Constitution of this Republic should make a special privilege for medical freedom as well as religious freedom."
-- Dr. Benjamin Rush, signer of the Declaration of Independence
Since my surgery’s things have gotten more difficult physically so I will admit I have turned to the medication more easily than in the past. I would always prefer to find a natural way to heal my body and I have tried several things over the years. That is what led me to eating raw. I have seen ND doctors, along with a long list of other doctors. I cannot even begin to think of all the money I have spent over the years trying one thing or another, going to this doctor or ND, trying anything I could find to feel better.
I understand completely. I once assisted a woman (breast cancer) that had maxed out two insurance polices (over a quarter of a million each), and spent almost $75,000 out of pocket on NDs, supplements and alternative therapies. It took us less than 3 hours to determine the root cause of it all :( I wish I had a hundred dollars for everyone that's told me they spent more than $10,000 on NDs & supplements...I'd have thousands :(
After reading up on the forum for weeks I think that yeast and other things might be the solution to some of my health problems. You asked “why” and I guess because my symptoms seem to match up to so many listed. The medical issues I have could be so many other things as well but I think thru the years I have explored all of those with no true results, just more maintaining at times. I have explored so much out there to try and get better but this is one area I have not explored. I do think most if not all of my health issues have an underlying cause. The problem is thru the years the doctors have been treating the symptoms but have never been able to find the underlying cause. I have been reading so much on the forum but just seem to get more and more confused. I have also read a few books. I have been unable to come up with a plan of action. That is what I am looking for. While I am not working this is the perfect time to do any of this and I am ready to try it out but I just need some help with a plan. I understand completely! And I agree, the yeast is likely a major issue; eliminating the cause of the yeast overgrowth is definitely "do-able"! Those lil' buggers (along with the pharmaceuticals) have caused some major stress on your body (particularly liver & kidneys)...and of course you already know your colon could use a good overhaul :) I know it's confusing (and maybe even daunting), but it'll all fall into place once you get all the information you need...and you will start seeing & feeling tangible results (likely sooner than you'd guess).
After reading some of your info here are a few questions I have. They may not been relevant depending on your thoughts of a plan for me.
1.After reading some of your info it talks about doing a juice fast while cleansing. I think (and I could be wrong) that something on Dr. Schultze info said to get the bowel working first and then do the juice fast? It's easiest for most folks to get the bowel regulated to 3+ bms daily while still eating solid foods, and then wean onto juices (while still taking the IF#1 & IF#2). Any kind of fasting without adequate bowel activity is dangerous...however it seems Schulze did start some people on juice fasting at the same time.
2.If you do a juice fast while doing a bowel cleanse would I do green smoothies with my blender since my juicer separates the pulp? I'm not sure I understand the question exactly, so hopefully this is right (if not, just let me know). The basic point of juicing (macerating the produce and pressing out the juice & removing the fiber) is to:
1) give the body incredible amounts of nutrition (premium high-grade fuel) that's laden with enzymes and easy to assimilate. It's like a "nutritional IV", says Dr. Schulze.
2) to stop the body from having to expend vast amounts of energy on the process of digestion...freeing up the energy that would previously have been spent on digestion to use WITH the high grade fuel to heal itself.
3) whenever we fast, our body typically starts detoxifying itself (again, that's likely because it doesn't have to waste all that energy separating nutrients from pulp/fiber). This is another reason why we utilize the IF#2. It's got activated charcoal and bentonite clay in it - these things adsorb toxins of all kinds. To adsorb is different than absorb - adsorbing is like a electro-magnetic "pulling to itself" (where absorbing is similar to a sponge). When we have bentonite clay or charcoal in our digestive tract, toxins/poisons from the bloodstream will actually be 'pulled to' the bentonite/charcoal in the digestive tract...and safely pooped/flushed away. Many folks choose to add extra activated charcoal to the IF#2 (particularly those with candida and/or parasites that are going to be experiencing "die off" issues). This also helps adsorb toxins in the digestive tract - and the charcoal helps lessen gas & bloating, too :)
Since smoothies typically have fiber of some sort or another (that the body has to digest/process and expend energy to utilize), smoothies are not as effective as true juicing. BUT breaking up the fiber in a blender and mixing it with fresh juices is much better than 'wolfing down solids' :)
3.Would there be any concerns with my past colon surgery and Diverticulosis with doing a cleanse? My colon is totally healed according to the surgeon.
There shouldn't be any issues at all, as these formulas were created for people that were seriously compromised (many had outlived their prognosis)...and MANY people have had diverticulitis and/or colon surgeries/tumors before taking it. However, there's absolutely NO reason to go at it like we're killing snakes! I suggest you start with the IF#1 capsules as recommended, taking one with or right after your normal evening meal - then see how your body responds. It's typical to have a bit of cramping or be a bit gassy because the herbs stimulate the intestinal tract to squeeze (and there's a bit of cayenne and other herbs that kill candida). The typical recommendation is to see if you have 2-3 bms the next day, and if you don't...then take 2 capsules the next night with your evening meal (and continue working up 1 capsule per day until you're having 3 bms a day). Many people find it better to split the doses, taking 1 capsule with breakfast and another with supper.
Since we want to make SURE there's no harm happening, I'd suggest sticking with just 1 capsule for two days (or even three) before going up to 2 capsules. And then stick with 2 for a couple of days before going up to three. Also, make sure to have the Slippery Elm porridge one or two times daily (which is incredibly soothing and healing).
4.I think awhile back I tried Psyllium and it made me bloated. I do not think I used it for long. Just wondering if you take any type of senne tea or anything while doing the cleanse if you become constipated? Here's the ingredients & "actions" of the IF#1 and IF#2:
Once you get regulated on the IF#1 then you add the IF#2 (and feel free to start at 1/2 doses and work up to the 'heaping teaspoon' dose), it would be very unusual to experience constipation.
Yes, psyllium can cause a bit of gas/bloating. Normally this is short-lived because once we get the bowels moving regularly, the fiber doesn't have time in the intestinal tract to ferment and give off gas.
5.I am totally confused about fruit and whether or not I should be eating it right now. Some things say not at all, others say green apples okay, others say stop whatever you have been eating a lot for three weeks and then reintroduce. Also if you do a juice fast would you not use fruit with it?
Obviously with Candida issues, we don't ever want to go overboard on 'sugary produce' - one of the best juices is Gerson's "basic juice" which is heavy on greens with an apple and a carrot. Celery is great 'green' for juicing because it's so "juicy" and inexpensive - cucumbers too.
One of the most important things to remember about natural healing is that it's not "rocket science" (and certainly not like pharmaceuticals). If we're not 'persnickety perfect' with everything, it's not going to undo everything we've done (most times we won't even notice). After a couple of weeks when you get into a routine and know what to expect, you & your doctor within will be much more 'clear' on how much 'produce sugar' is too much. It's going to differ with every person, and sometimes it will differ in the same person from day to day.
6.I am a little afraid of enemas. I had enough dealing with my poop . But, if it would help me I wouldJwhile I had an colostomy bag… certainly be willing to try but would need a lot of info on the best way to do it.
It took me almost 3 years to muster up the courage to do my first enema (which was a coffee enema)...and I didn't have any colon/poop issues at all! We've all 'btdt' at some level or another. When I answer your other 'question list' I'll give you more info. You can definitely start slow & easy - for example, a full coffee enema is technically 4 cups of coffee/water solution (1 Tablespoon of coffee per cup of water). There's no reason at all you can't make it 1/2 strength, and no reason you can't start with 1 cup instead of 4 cups :)
Of course, it all works better if you can 'put it all together'...but there's no need to pressure yourself or do anything that makes you uncomfortable. Progress is a process - and almost everything in this process is new to you. Keep learning (you're doing a GREAT job already) - knowledge is the key to feeling comfortable and confident :)
7.What are your thoughts on Candida Diet and such? Again I read so much conflicting info about feeding the yeast etc. above. With the IF#1/IF#2 deep intestinal cleansing & healing (to remove the 'decaying matter' on which it feeds and create a terrain that's positive for recolonization of healthy microbiota), plenty of raw garlic and acv (as antifungals), Echinacea (to support the immune system & assist in eradicating it), and continuous replenishing of the intestinal microbiota & (and of course, minimal sugar), we can knock it out AND ensure it stays out!
Regarding Echinacea & Candida:
Echinacea is an antiseptic and anti-infection herb that helps stimulate the immune system. Scientific research indicates antibiotic activity, cortisone-like activity, promotion of wound healing, production of systemic interferon and stimulation of T-cell lymphocytes.
A recent German trial found echinacea to be far superior to pharmaceutical treatments for vaginitis (candida infection of the vagina). Researchers found a 60% recurrence of vaginal yeast infection when treated with a pharmaceutical anti-fungal cream but only a 16% recurrence for those given an echinacea supplementation.
Of course, the study above was with mice (mice are not humans and mice-studies don't always indicate how herbs will react in humans), but candida IS candida, and Echinacea was effective against it.
), Candida is very weakening to our immune system, so it's a 'double whammy goodness' for those dealing with Candida overgrowths.
Sorry for the incredibly long book about my health issues but I wanted to be as detailed as possible. Weird to think so many people might be reading it but perhaps it can help others. I realize how "weird" it is...I've said some things on this forum 'outloud' that I never thought I'd ever say 'in public'...but at least nobody knows who you really are! No apologies necessary - "more information" is ALWAYS better!!
As I said, I would be incredibly grateful if you could help me come up with a plan. I understand if you are not able to, just thought it was worth trying. I'm on my way to start working on the other post/questions/plan right now :)
With gratitude, Blessings of health!
Jackie Uny
Recommendations "internally" (I've underlined what's available in our Storefront - or you can get most from Dr. Schulzes website or from Health Freedom Resources, or make your own)
--One gallon of distilled or R/O filtered water daily.
--Superfood ("Original" if juice-fasting or vegan; "Special Blend" if eating meat and/or dairy). 2 Tablespoons daily for "typical living", 4-6 Tablespoons daily for energy & healing. 14 oz provide 2T daily for 30 days.
We must provide easy to assimilate fuel and nutrition when asking our body to have the energy to cleanse & heal. Most of our bodies don't get enough fuel to 'make it through the day', let alone enough for our bodies to do "more". More info: SuperFood by Dr. Schulze
--IF#1 & IF#2 - for deep, thorough colon cleansing, removing/healing diverticulitis, assisting with candida overgrowth & restoring the terrain of your intestinal tract so that the beneficial organisms can colonize...and ensuring that your body is assimilating nutrition, able to eliminate waste, and that you're not continuing to toxify your body/bloodstream via the water/nutrients that soak/seep through the toxic build-up & debris. As you've seen in Dr. Schulzes colon newsletter, it may be that this issue is at the root of the migraine issue. This is also the first issue to address for hormone related issues, as the sigmoid colon wraps directly around uterus/ovaries.
(the 8-16 oz of water after each of the 5 daily doses is not included in the 'daily gallon').
--Replenish intestinal microorganisms via natural sources - raw/unpasteurized fermented foods (sauerkraut is ultra easy to make, and right now cabbage is cheap, too) - you can juice all fermented produce. Water kefir, dairy kefir, and some say Kombucha.
--Cayenne tincture and powder - For the powder, you'll want to start with 1/8 teaspoon as a dose and work up to at least 1/2 teaspoon per dose (you can add it to the ACV Bomb below). But with the migraine issue, you'll likely need much more (especially for the first few weeks). So I recommend at least 2 droppersful of Cayenne Tincture #1 3-5x daily (separate from the ACV Bombs). As you increase your dosage of powder, you can decrease the tincture.
For migraines - when you feel one coming on, immediately take 5 droppersful of Cayenne tincture, wait 3-5 minutes. If it's gone...yay. If it's receding, then take a couple of droppersful more. If there's no difference, then take another 5 droppersful. You can also take the Brain Formula (similar dosages).
--ACV Bomb (or Uny Bomb) - before every meal, have an ACV Bomb (1 Tablespoon of raw/organic apple cider vinegar; 1 "dose" of Cayenne powder; 1-3 minced cloves of garlic and 1 Tablespoon of organic Blackstrap molasses or raw local honey) If you add UnyWorm AntiParasite liquid to this, it's a Uny Bomb :)
The Garlic, ACV & Cayenne are all strong anti-candida/parasite herbs - the benefits of all three individually are phenomenal (something we should all have daily). The Blackstrap or raw honey are for nutrition. If you feel it's too 'sugary' with the Candida issues, then you can leave it out. My opinion? With THREE strong anti-candida herbs and just a tablespoons of Blackstrap/Honey (dissolved into the ACV), I don't think it's an issue. You can add a bit of water (a "gulp's worth" or two) - just don't dilute it too much or you won't get all the benefits of the ACV.
--Echinacea Tincture - 2-4 droppersful, 3-4x daily (to bolster & restore immune system and assist with Candida).
--Slippery Elm bark powder - 1-3 tablespoons daily (this can be added to the IF#2 mixture, but it's much more effective if taken separately in the form of a "porridge". It can be made with water, but it's MUCH tastier if made with apple juice (with a bit of cinnamon, nutmeg and a touch of natural sweetener like maple syrup or honey). We have this available if you want to get it from us (to save on shipping), but it's also available at Pacific Botanicals, Mountain Rose or Starwest Botanicals (we get ours from either PB or MR)
How much do you need?
Slippery Elm Bark
1-3T daily = 4-12 grams daily x 30.5 days = 122- 366 grams (one pound is 454 grams)
--St John's Wort Tincture (for depression) - recommended dosage is 2-4 dropperfuls 3x daily
Recommended dosage is 2-4 droppersful 3x daily
--Ashwagandha - 1-3 Tablespoons daily (mixed with water or juice). I'd start with 1T and work up to 3T (if you need it). The word ashwagandha is allegedly translated to 'sweat & strength of a horse'...and when you taste it, you'll definitely be thinking "sweat of a horse" lol (I always mix mine with a couple of gulp's worth of apple juice). But I've never shyed-away from taking it because it's always been so beneficial for me. You can get this at Mountain Rose or Starwest Botanicals (always be sure to get "organic"!!!) - Pacific Botanicals also has it (they grow it there, which is wonderful), but the taste is so strong from PB that I literally cannot swallow it (and that has NEVER happened to me with any other herb).
How much do you need?
1-3T daily = 7.6 - 22.8 grams daily x 30.5 days = 232 - 696 grams (454 grams in a pound)
--Female Formula tincture ???
--Brain Formula tincture ???
I count 25 different "renal adverse effects" on the various pharmaceuticals below (renal = kidneys), so your kidneys are seriously overdue for some TLC. I suggest you do at least one, five day Kidney Cleanse per month. You may find after the first 5 day cleanse that you have a major reduction in symptoms - if that's the case, you can do another one in a week or two. Occasionally when folks have taken a lot of calcium supplements (or ingested a lot of rock-minerals or had lots of hard/spring/mineral water), they experience a lessening of urine flow in their first kidney cleanse (that's typically just the herbs breaking up all the hardened minerals throughout the kidneys, which can cause a bit of slight congestion). If that should be the case, then you can go right into another cleanse and add the "Kidney stone/bad calcium flush" along with it.
In this toxic world, we all should do some type of "regular maintenance work" on every system 3-4x yearly (many people like to do a weeks of general cleansing/maintenance on the solstices)
--Liver Cleansing - once you get your bm's regulated and have done 7-10 days of the IF#2, you can start prepping your liver for series of Liver Flushes. The absolute best "prep" for a liver flush is Dr. Schulzes 5 Day Liver Cleanse;
(there's a LOT more information in the link above than just the 5 Day Cleanse).
The one thing I suggest getting now for your liver (which, like your kidneys, is likely desperately in need of some attention), is a 2oz bottle of the Liver/GB tincture. This we use as "bitters" (it is VERY bitter). When we put anything bitter on our tongue, our liver is triggered to create/release bile - and getting a good flow of bile established is essential for cleansing & restoring the liver. All you need to do is put 5 drops of the tincture on your tongue 5 times a day (a 2oz bottle will last well over 2 months :)
when you get the time)
Recommendations "therapy"
--Barefootin'! (to remove "toxic frequencies" from your body, and help induce relaxation and a sound sleep) - at least 15 minutes daily no matter what the weather (in the snow/winter, just put on a couple of pairs of heavy socks) -Barefootin and
--Increase circulation to increase energy and assist healing (oxygen/blood flow is essential)... via exercise 3x daily (5 minutes each session to start, or until you sweat or face turns red).
--Increase circulation to increase energy and assist healing (oxygen/blood flow is essential)...via hot/cold showers. One hot/cold shower daily. The goal is to get the water as hot as you can stand it (for 2 minutes or longer), then totally turn off the hot water for 2 minutes, then back to hot, then cold, etc...for a total of 7-8 cycles of hot/cold. This might also bring major relief for the migraines.
--Castor Oil packs - you'll definitely be using these for your 'liver work'. We use castor oil packs "wherever it hurts or needs healing". In some countries castor oil is known as Palma Christa (the hand of Christ). There's not a lot we actually know about how it works, but the one thing that's for sure is that it's HIGHLY underestimated and under-utilized. You'll likely speed the healing of your knees incredibly (and relieve pain if you're having it), by wrapping them in a castor oil pack at night. [FAQ] Healing Cleanse: Castor Oil Packs: Working File Thread