If you had any IDEA what a blessing it is to have you asking such intelligent and well-rounded questions, you'd understand why I raised you an AH-Some! So many times people want ME to tell them exactly what to do, but they never-ever read any of the informational links I post. Of course, that means (kinda) that I "fail", because there's no way I can possibly be everyone's doctor. Only by teaching people how to be their own doctor do I help people take back control of their life & health. I appreicate you appreciate me and the healing circle continues.
Here's the last of the first set of questions. I'm off to bed (with a bowl of organic popcorn, a crisp Fuji apple and a tiny lil' piece of Green n' Black organic "dark milk chocolate". YUM!
Hi udoknowjac,
One way is to copy your document from your Word program into your email as a draft.
Depending on your email program... you should have something that says: Rich text with a drop-down box that gives this option: Edit in HTML. (In my hotmail this is located upper left -- next to the Spell check)
Click on it and you should now see your post enclosed in HTML code.
Copy and paste this FORMATTED Document (HTML coded) where you want to post it here, using the PLAIN TEXT EDITOR.
IMPORTANT: CHECK THE BOX at the bottom of the MESSAGE BODY where it says:
Check here: if HTML formatted. Select only if all text paragraphs are enclosed into HTML tags.
Doing it this way you do not have to use the text editors CureZone provides or do the formatting when you are posting.
I used this method to do this post.
I hope this is helpful.
Hi Jackie,
It sounds like what Water told you might be the best because I think Uny uses the FCKeditor and clicks the box on the top row that has a W in it and inserts her text directly from Word. When she does that she seems to lose all of her formatting which ends up looking like her answers here with no space between paragraphs.
I'm going to try it Water's way next time I have a long post. ;)
Ok, when you paste your Word text it is only formatted in the word program. It is NOT yet enclosed in HTML codes (formatting).
Make sure when you paste it in Outlook it is as Rich Text (This keeps your Word formatting, then look to see if there is a dropdown box for the Rich Text option that says: EDIT IN HTML. I believe there should be an Edit in HTML option. I 'thought' this was one of the main features of Rich Text Editors. If you don't find this option... hmmm? I don't think this method will work... SORRY!
I am going to use the Tiny MCE Editor to post this. I see it has a HTML icon (next to the ? mark).
The Save Your Life Collection
Table of Contents -- Manual
Chapter # 1 : Introduction 10
Chapter #2: The New Incurables Program 28
Chapter #3: Getting Rid of Static Electricity 56
Chapter #4: Hydrotherapy: Using Water to Cure 62
Chapter #5: Cleansing the Bowel 78
Chapter #6: Cleansing the Liver 104
Chapter #7: Cleansing the Kidneys 114
Chapter # 8 : Blood-cleansing Formulas 126
Chapter #9: Making Tinctures 132
Chapter#10: Diabetes 142
Chapter #11: Dementia and Head Damage 150
Chapter #12: Appendicitis 162
Chapter #13: Immune System Formulas 168
Chapter #14: The Eyes 174
Chapter #15: Arthritis 184
Chapter #16: Cervical Cancer 194
Chapter #17: Breast Cancer 214
Chapter #18: Brain Cancer 224
Chapter #19: Prostate Cancer 232
Chapter #20: Lung Cancer 244
Chapter #21: Emphysema and Other Lung Disorders 254
Chapter #22: Liver Cancer 258
Chapter #23: Leukemia 268
Chapter #24: Pancreatic Cancer 274
Chapter #25: AIDS 282
Chapter #26: Lupus 298
Chapter #27: Heart Disease 304
Chapter #28: Strokes and Head Injuries 322
Chapter #29: Regenerating Bones and Nerves 334
Chapter #30: Nervous System Degeneration 346
Chapter #31: Children 378
Chapter #32: Pain 394
Chapter #33: Conclusion 400
Appendix A: Herbal Sources 413
Appendix B: Guide to Videotapes 417
f Appendix C: Final Words from Sam Biser 427
Appendix D: Last Minute Additions 431
Appendix E: Herbal Quality 441
Appendix F: How to make Herbal Preparations 467
Appendix G: Reader's Questions and Answers 489
Appendix H: Answers from Dr. Christopher 513
Appendix I: More help from Sam Biser 521
Appendix J: How to Cure Deathly-ill Pets 525
Appendix K: Juice Fasting 565
Appendix L: More Information on Immune System Formulas 587
Appendix M: More on Cayenne Pepper and Other Things .605
Index: Guide to User Manual 613
Index: Herbal Photographs 623
Protein and Healing | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The first in a three-part series on: Why you can't heal on a high-protein diet. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kathryn Alexander D.Th.D The high-protein diet is coming back into fashion. It has done the rounds of weight-loss diets, stabilizing blood sugar diets and now for the next wave of controlling "hyper-insulinaemia." I would be the first to agree that yes, you can manipulate symptoms through diet but I would qualify that manipulation is not the same as healing and furthermore, it does not address the cause of the problem. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
What is it about protein that has given it such a high profile? Take the overweight person who finds it difficult to go on a diet because of hunger pangs and cravings. The theory is that calories are not the be-all and end-all to a weight loss diet and that you can eat a high protein, high fat diet (therefore highly calorific) and still lose weight! It's true - you can. If the release of insulin isn't triggered by dietary intake of carbohydrates/sugars then the cells cannot take up the excess sugar, and protein and fat synthesis is hindered. Insulin is an "anabolic" hormone which means that it is required for body tissue synthesis - hence the diabetic who has a malfunction with their insulin metabolism will lose weight and waste away unless they medicate with insulin. Certain dietary regimes ask the client to maintain a specified acidic pH of their urine (they test the urine with pH indicator strips). On a high protein, high fat diet the body produces vast amounts of acids which are cleared in the urine (placing a great strain on the liver and kidneys). Within a narrow band of pH you will maintain your weight-losing state but with the introduction of carbohydrate (any amount) these pH levels will change - so if you want to keep the weight loss up you maintain your nil carbohydrate diet! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Let's take blood sugar control. We know that in certain individuals when they eat carbohydrate they experience a sudden drop in blood sugar (symptoms include lethargy and fatigue, poor concentration, mood swings, "foggy" brain, dis-perceptions, panic attacks, hot and cold sweats, heart palpitations) and we believe that the cause of this could be an inappropriate insulin response - too much insulin being secreted bringing the blood sugar levels down too much. So these sufferers are recommended to eat high protein/low carbohydrate diets. It works - the symptoms abate because protein doesn't stimulate such a strong insulin release as carbohydrate. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Next the new wave of "hyper-insulinaemia" where we have moved on from hypo-glycaemia (low blood sugar) to high amounts of insulin in the blood stream. The symptoms appear to be more-or-less the same along with the discovery of excess insulin in the blood stream. What's the answer? Reduce the secretion of insulin by omitting carbohydrates and increasing your protein intake. Once again manipulation of symptoms with diet- but as soon as you go back on the carbohydrates the symptoms return. Not only this - six months down the track on such a diet you start to experience new symptoms of a more chronic nature. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A lady, aged 59 years, came to see me. She had been diagnosed with hyperinsulinaemia and been following a high protein diet for a year. Initially her symptoms of low energy, bloating, digestive difficulties and cravings did improve but after six months on the high-protein plan the symptoms returned more aggressively along with weight increase, fluid retention, a racing brain and insomnia. She still maintained the diet but took Chinese herbs to help the symptoms. This helped for a while but then it seemed as though even the herbs would not help. When we looked over her case history we could see that she was very toxic; from a very young age she had suffered food allergies and candida, she had taken the contraceptive pill for 12 years (synthetic sex hormones inhibit the flushing of bile from the liver and therefore detoxification) and by the age of 36 years she had an abnormal smear, followed by a hysterectomy with cysts being identified on the ovaries. Later she took HRT (hormone replacement therapy) for a period of 4 years. By the time I saw her she was extremely toxic, deficient and the liver was stagnant.She assured me that there was no way she could go on the detoxification plan as all the carbohydrates would make her worse. I did persuade her to try the high vegetable and fruit diet along with juicing and we worked out a diet where we omitted all the foods she was allergic to (gluten, tomatoes), removed all the oils including nuts and seeds (expect for flaxseed oil), and reduced protein to a minimum (100g non-fat yoghurt daily, brown rice and legumes twice/week and a little fish). By the next month all the digestive difficulties had abated, she had lost 4 kg, was not suffering cravings or hunger, was sleeping better and had no hot flushes or mood swings. However, she did feel as though her body was "locked" up with toxicity with pains and stiffness in the joints. I recommended warm baths and warm castor oil packs on the areas of stiffness and pain to allow the circulation to nourish and remove toxicity. She continues to improve, step-by-step, as the body heals itself. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Of course, good quality protein is essential for growth and tissue maintenance particularly during infancy, childhood, adolescence and pregnancy. But the question arises - how much is enough and how much is too much? The average requirement is 1g of protein /kg of body weight which for the average 50-70kg person means the equivalent of say 200g meat or fish and 4 slices of bread per day - 64g. The body does not lay down excess protein. If you eat protein in excess to your requirements then the surplus is either converted to carbohydrate or fat by the liver and the amine portion (the nitrogenous portion which makes it a protein) is converted to urea and eliminated by the kidneys. Excess protein creates acidity and puts a strain on the kidneys which will later affect the heart. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Protein metabolism is under the control of our hormones - insulin, growth hormone and the sex hormones for the laying down of protein, and the corticosteroids for the breaking down of protein (cortisone is the natural stress hormone which is why you cannot heal if you are under stress as it opposes tissue synthesis and regeneration). The growth spurts from childhood through to adolescence are controlled by high levels of growth hormone and the sudden increase in sex hormones which, during puberty, rise to eight times the adult levels. Growth hormone and the sex hormones begin to fall after puberty until they reflect the stable adult levels by the early 20s. Growth hormone becomes practically non-existent after reaching 30 years. So the health/sport professionals found that if they wanted to increase body muscle mass then it was necessary to take anabolic steroids along with a high protein intake. High protein intake on its own will not increase muscle size. Muscles store a very limited supply of protein (4-6kg) and after this capacity is reached excess dietary protein has to be broken down and discarded. Exercising increases muscle tone and size because the more you "work" your muscles the greater their capacity to store carbohydrate fuel (not protein - muscles do not use protein for energy). Beware of the high protein message if you are seeking fitness. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Let's leave the manipulation of symptoms and come back to healing which deals with the cause or the "why" you have that imbalance - not the "how" or the mechanisms involved in that imbalance. Most treatment often revolves around the "how" but in order to truly resolve imbalances we must address the "why." For example "why" should a person appear to have too much insulin - we can address "how" to reduce its secretion but unless we address the why or the cause then nothing is going to change and on a high protein diet the situation will inevitably deteriorate. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
In order for the body to heal, no matter what the imbalance, it has to release its toxic load and rebuild its nutrient status. When this occurs, the vitality rises and healing begins. The body's intelligence (not the brain) will determine which areas will be healed and in what order.You must imagine your body like a house which requires touch-up jobs, renovations etc. from time to time. The workman you call in to do the job will only be as good as your vitality - in fact we could call him Mr. Vitality. In a toxic, deficient body, Mr. Vitality isn't very vital and does a bodged job. But maybe that's OK as long as it's covered over until later down the track, when the toxicities and deficiencies are greater, Mr. Vitality can't do the job at all and you require on-going medication - not to do the job but to allow you to wear blinkers and ignore the area that needs attention. However, once you have started to detoxify and rebuild, Mr. Vitality returns unannounced to attend to those bodged-jobs, to do the job properly which often means chipping out the old stuff and reworking the area until it is as good a new (well almost!). So here we come to the crux of the matter - what do we need to do to detoxify and rebuild? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Let's start at a point where 20th century science catches up with the old healing techniques of the preceding centuries. This brings us to the work of Dr. Max Gerson. For those of you unfamiliar with Dr. Gerson's work, he was a physician working until the time of his death in 1959, with chronic degenerative disease and cancer and he developed a specific regime of detoxification which remains unsurpassed to date. Dr. Gerson observed and recorded that on a low sodium/high potassium diet (vegetable juices, fruits) the kidneys eliminated high amounts of sodium and with this tissue oedemas reduced, tumours started shrinking and the patient started healing. (Sodium is always elevated in damaged/diseased tissues and is the most fundamental enzyme inhibitor. A damaged cell, swollen with sodium and water, cannot oxidize but sinks into fermentation, throwing out more toxins which then damages adjacent cells and the condition perpetuates). In cancer, Dr. Gerson noted that supplementing with a specific mixture of potassium salts (potassium acetate, gluconate and mono-phosphate) in the vegetable juices that the elimination of sodium was increased and healing accelerated. However, he noted that the inclusion of protein in the diet reduced sodium elimination, retarded detoxification and slowed the process down. In fact it is impossible to reduce sodium levels in the body on a high protein diet as the more acidic waste you produce from a high protein diet, the greater the amount of sodium reabsorbed by the kidneys. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dr. Gerson also found that in cancer dietary protein stimulated tumour growth and that patients with a higher protein intake could not be saved. We have more corroborating information on this through the work of Thomas Tallberg (M.D. Helsinki University) who has isolated certain amino acids (building blocks of protein) as growth factors for specific tumours. Of course the suggested scientific answer to this is to amend the food through genetic modification ie. genetically modify non-pathogenic bacteria to induce them to consume these specific amino acids in foods. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dr. Gerson also noticed that when he restricted dietary protein the immune profile changed - the white T cell count went up. This is the branch of the immune system which fights tumours, viruses and fungi and generally reinforces the whole immune response. With the oedemas shrinking from around tumour sites (indeed any damaged tissue), the blood supply along with a heightened immune cell profile can access the damaged area and start the healing process. After 6-12 weeks Dr. Gerson recommended the addition of 200g of non-fat yoghurt or 100g of no-fat/no salt pot cheese to the diet which was sufficient to keep the immune system intact. Severe dietary restriction of protein for a prolonged period can have an adverse effect on the immune system - so just enough had to be supplied to maintain the immune system and yet not inhibit detoxification. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We have also discovered that protein restriction in patients with auto-immune disease often leads to the complete remission of that disease. The work of Dr. Robert Good using dietary restriction of protein and calorie in animals supports the fact that in genetically determined diseases (SLE - systemic lupus erythematosus) if such a diet is implemented at weaning then the animals did not go on to get the disease; or those who were left to develop the disease went into regression upon the initiation of the restricted diet. Dr. Good went on to replicate these findings in mice who were genetically predisposed to mammary tumours. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
So we come to the question how much can a high protein diet be blamed for the rising incidence in chronic disease? Obviously this is only one factor in the whole toxicity/deficiency debate - but what is clear both from my own experience and through recorded data is that high protein diets inhibit detoxification and healing. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
There is a further debate on "cooked" versus "uncooked" protein. There is some protein in most foods - in animal meat we are looking at around 20%; in raw grains 12%, raw legumes 25% and nuts, 20%; in vegetables around 2% and in fruits 0.5 - 3%. (The actual protein content of cooked weight grains and legumes when they have "swollen" with water is reduced by two-thirds: therefore legumes are 8% and grains between 4 - 8%). When protein is heated or when foods are preserved through pasteurisation or the addition of vinegars/acids then the protein structure changes its shape. Observe what happens to an egg white when cooked, or to raw fish soaked in lemon juice - you can visibly see the transformation. The protein has straightened out from its normal globular form. The digestion of altered protein does not pose too much of a problem for a person with a strong digestion (provided that it is taken in moderation); but as we get older or if we become sick or show symptoms of an impaired digestion (bloating, flatulence, heart-burn/indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, allergies) then this altered protein can and will cause problems. The body's digestive enzymes can digest protein in its globular form because it has a recognisable shape so the enzyme fits like a lock and key and "opens" the protein breaking it into single amino acids. I describe the digestion of protein like the eating of a foreign language. The words need to be broken down into their single letters before the body can recombine them into your own language. If these proteins are only partially broken down then you get foreign protein (or words) entering the system. These are toxic, they are foreign and the liver has the job of mopping them up and dealing with them. If the liver cannot cope they enter the systemic circulation and set up inflammatory reactions in the tissues and joints. Inflammatory diseases are often aggravated by cooked protein which is why the raw food diet is advocated in so many of these cases. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
So while we can promote low protein diets, we can also say that protein taken in its raw form may not be a burden on the system. Dr. Gerson used the juice of raw veal liver (it had to be fresh, not frozen - no more than 48 hours old - so that it was replete with living enzymes), the equivalent of 750g of raw liver juiced daily and found that patients responded better to the therapy. Nowadays we cannot use the raw liver with safety because of the risk of cross contamination in the abattoir from camphylobacter, an infection of which would be disastrous to the immuno-compromised patient. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Although a detoxification therapy is predominantly raw (the huge volume of juices consumed which must be prepared fresh, hourly) some foods are cooked. On a diet therapy it is important that the patient is able to digest their food and absorb the nutrients. It is very important to understand that a weakened digestion can be overpowered with raw foods; the patient will not digest such foods and not extract the nutrients and the condition will worsen. Therefore juicing of raw fruits and vegetables and cooking of others becomes essential. The removal of all the fibre in juicing minimizes the digestive burden and the nutrients from the juice can be absorbed easily. The patient can then consume vast quantities of minerals and enzymes without having to eat the whole amount.The slow cooking of vegetables and potatoes and oatmeal does not pose the problem of cooked proteins as the protein molecule is less damaged by slow cooking but also the protein content of foods required is minimal (less than 2% in vegetables). The bonus of cooking is that the carbohydrates become partially digested. The long carbohydrate chains are reduced to shorter chains and glucose thereby lifting the burden of digestion. You can tell this by the sweeter taste of most vegetables in their cooked state to their raw state. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Many people who have an apparent digestive intolerance of carbohydrates (bloating, flatulence, diarrhoea) will opt for the high protein diet to manage their symptoms but it is worth remembering that the digestion only becomes impaired as a consequence of general nutritional deficiencies in the body brought about by poor quality foods and poor eating habits over a long period of time. As the gut has one of the highest rates of tissue turnover/renewal, symptoms will usually manifest here before anywhere else in the body. Unfortunately this is a vicious cycle - the more compromised the digestion becomes, the lower the general integrity of the entire body and over a long period of time the body will become weaker giving way to chronic disease. The local symptoms manifest as carbohydrate intolerance (bloating, flatulence) as these are the specific symptoms of fermenting, undigested sugars in the gut. However, poor digestion is not exclusive to carbohydrates as many believe. If you are not digesting your carbohydrates then you are not digesting your proteins but you will not have the uncomfortable local symptoms from the partial digestion of protein in the gut - hence by removing carbohydrates and increasing protein your symptoms of discomfort will abate. But bear in mind that you may be setting yourself up for deeper problems associated with the high protein diet: excessive burden on the liver and kidneys, gradual accumulation of sodium and fluid in the tissues which "drowns" the cell and inhibits its activities and the potential problem of "cooked" proteins and the onset of inflammatory disease. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
In the next two articles you can discover how to ascertain how much and what type of protein you can safely take in a detoxification plan and how to overcome some of the problems associated with excess protein, dehydration and the acceleration of the degenerative process.
Hi Jackie,
I've been following all your posts and Uny's answers and thought I'd pop in and let you know how I got through some things when I first came to the forum. I can clearly see you've done your research, nothing like getting an education later in life is there lol? I was thrilled to find Natural Healing and I've loved every minute of research I've done and I can tell you're gonna be the same. Here we go lol.
Thank you for all the information on the juicers.
I'm one of the ones on the forum that bought the Vert and I'm loving it but I didn't want to ever make pasta or anything like that. I have used the Vert for hours at a time and never had any problem but the instructions do say not to use it for more than 1/2 hour at a time. It gets warm/kinda hot but it doesn't worry me. I very much like that it's so fast and easy, I don't have to push the food through it and it's just so darn fast I can make so much juice in such a short time. Like Uny says, if you want what she calls a workhorse then maybe this isn't the juicer you want because if something did happen to it from juicing longer than 1/2 hour then it would void the warranty.
You said “No fiber, no poopy (or very little)”. This is what I thought. So I am curious how you get ““poopy” (fiber) when you do a juice fast? Is it from the IF#2 pills?
Yes, it's from the IF#2 but it isn't in pill form, it's in powder. You mix it with any juice of choice or with water if you want to take it that way.
I have tried a chiropractor several times on and off thru the years. To be honest I never saw a great relief and always felt it would be something I would have to do the rest of my life. At times the adjustments even made the pain worse. The best thing I found was when I was able to do frequent massage. There was a time when my insurance paid for it and at first I was going weekly a sometimes 2x week. It was incredible. Greatly reduced my pain issues and my migraines. Sadly no w insurance does not pay for it and I cannot afford it
I was diagnosed with migraines when I was 10 years old so I've had them for many years and I've also tried many different things to get rid of them including adjustments from a chiropractor. It never helped with my headaches and sometimes made them worse! Although I have read/heard of it helping lots of people with migraines.
Yup I certainly am brainwashed but looking forward to getting it all from natural sources. I just was not sure if there was anything I needed to add that was not gotten from the food. It seems from Superfood and other things I should be getting all that I need
No need to worry about being brainwashed lol, we all are/were to some extent. The great thing about realizing we are is that we can do the research to find the truth and un-learn all that trash we've been brainwashed with and that is very empowering!
On one of your links I read that you said “…and if you do a parasite cleanse without doing a daily coffee enema (to get the rotting worms out of your liver), you can expect to experience all manner of liver cramping, aching, pain, digestive disturbance, gas, bloating.”. If I am doing a parasite cleanse for 30 days does this mean I need to do a daily coffee enema for 30 days?
I have to say that the coffee enema was my worst nightmare! I'm not kidding, I waffled around for months trying to work up the courage to do it. When I finally did my first one, I thought, WOW this isn't so bad at all. I felt kinda good/weird/strange after I finished but that was because I hadn't felt that good in a long time and I actually didn't know that's what the feeling was lol! I absolutely LOVE CEs now, they make you feel so darn good! Once you get used to doing them you'll see what I mean, plus they are so healing! One of the best things you could do for yourself!
Would it be possible to wait until I get all the supplies I need for making Kefir for you to mail the grains? I just did not know it is okay to leave them unprepared for too long? I need to get the sugars, bottles etc
When Uny sent me my grains they stayed in the fridge for something like 2-3 months. When I got them out to use them Uny told me to rinse them really good and let them sit in water with a little sugar overnight to revive them. They did just fine, of course you could wait to get them but it won't hurt them at all if you get them too soon. On second thought I think Uny has dehydrated them so it won't make any difference at all anyway if you have to keep them for a little while.
When I take the cayenne tincture my guess is that it will burn my mouth at least until I get used to it, especially when I am taking high doses for my migraines. Do you put this straight on your tongue or mix it with something? Can I chase it with something that will lessen the burn?
Yes, it will burn your mouth but I'm tellin' you true, it only lasts for at the very most, 3 minutes. When you first feel the 'hot' you just won't believe it but then it goes away and it's benefits are well worth that burn for sure!!!!! The thing is, I've been taking it for more than a year now and I STILL feel the burn but it's less if that makes sense, it's not bad at all because I've gotten used to it. An example; I used to not be able to eat chili that was too hot with spice but now I don't even taste the hot spice in chili. I mean I taste it but it's not the same kind of hot it was before, see what I mean? NOOOOOOO, don't put it straight on your tongue, if you did that I don't think you'd be taking it again lolol! I put two droppersful in a splash of water or as Uny says a gulps worth then slam it down. I chase it with a glass of ice cold water. Take my word for it, once you get used to taking it if you ever stop you'll miss it! Yep, that's right I said you'll miss it because you'll notice the difference, it's that great!
I apologize I am still a little confused on the bottles and the droppers.
I wouldn't worry about that so much. Once you get your order and see the bottles and all the teas and cleanses you'll understand. You don't want to cause yourself stress worrying about the bottles and droppers.
Lady’s Slipper: The herbal tincture most likely to create a sound, uninterrupted sleep is also the most expensive. It's called Lady's Slipper, and it's phenomenally effective. . Most people are sleeping within 20-30 minutes of taking 1-2 teaspoons of the tincture (approximately 4-8 droppersful). I think I would like to try this. I see you sell this in ounces. How much would I buy if I took it nightly? Do you know if this makes you drowsy the next day? Or has any other adverse affects? It seems to have a 'next day' effect of a very slight 'calming' for me (it's claim to fame is 'quieting a racy brain')...and that effect (for me) seems to roll over into the following day (at least in the morning).
I guess I will have to see how this effects me. Not sure right now that I need any more calming in my life, I could use a little less…lol! But I do think it is worth a try
I can testify to the effectiveness of the Lady's Slipper tincture, it really does work. I don't have a problem with a racy brain and it doesn't effect me at all the next day, it just ensures that I get a great nights sleep. It doesn't give you that drowsy feeling like OTC sleeps meds do which is great. Another tincture I use as a sleep aid when I need one is the B & B tincture because I tinctured that and have lots of it and I only have a 2oz. bottle of the Lady's Slipper. The B & B is what Dr. Christopher used to help heal a little boy with epilepsy, it's also used to help with earaches and to restore hearing. I read either Dr. Christopher or Dr. Schulze say it could be used to help you get to sleep so I tried it and it works great for me.
That is a great idea, to “'bolster' a particular vitamin, nutrient, or mineral”especially for me right now. I had not thought of that at all, to try and figure out what I might need and get it in my juice or a broth during that fasting time. I had not thought of being intentional during the fasting time with what I juice/make broth. I had thought I would juice the basic vegetables and fruits that I knew were healthy (such as the ones from Gerson I listed) and decide a lot by the flavor. I really need to adjust my brain to the fact that my juice fast is for healing instead of thinking of it as part of my eating plan. How would I know what vitamin, nutrient, or mineral I need to bolster? Are there ways to figure it out or suggestions you might have? (as if you have not done enough!).
Getting enough nutrients is another thing I wouldn't worry about. It's not how many nutrients you eat it's how many you assimilate. I remember reading that Dr. Schulze said that juices are like having a blood transfusion! Imagine that, juices are life giving nutrients that don't have to be digested, they go straight to work on healing your body. Plus you'll be taking 6 T of Superfood a day and that is filled with nutrition, and let's not forget that potassium broth that is chock full too! ;) And don't forget that once the healing starts and you get the flow going you'll be assimilating more and more nutrients.
It's FANTASTIC for tension and tightness (if Willowley is reading this, she'll likely pop in add her thoughts on the Deep Tissue Oil). I understand about not being able to reach :( Perhaps your mom could help (?). Although it's best if someone massages it in, you will get a lot of "soothing/relaxing warmth" from even a light topical application....and it doesn't take very much. Typically we start with just one dropperful (say for a strained ankle or joint) and rub that in completely. It's pretty amazing what just one lil' dropperful can do!
My Mom is disabled and would not be able to help me but if it can soothe by application alone it might well be worth it! Perhaps I should try this in a sample and see how it works for me before I order the larger size? If I am correct a sample should be about 21 dropperfuls? Do the sample bottles come with droppers?
I can't say enough about how much I LOVE the Deep Tissue Oil! I have my husband massage it all over my shoulders and neck when I've got a really bad headache. The key with the oil is to work it in really good, the deeper you massage it in the better! It's so soothing and relaxing and it really helps with the headache and any kind of tension I might have. The heat from it lasts for hours on my body, don't know if it does that for others but it sure does for me. The word amazing just doesn't seem to do it justice in my book lol! FANTASTICAL is more like it for me!
I am still confused by which kidney cleanse instructions I would follow. Page one, “Kidney Cleanse/Flush 5 Days” which is just basically drinking the tea throughout the day. My guess is this would be while juice fasting?
On page two, the “Five-day Cleansing and Detoxification Program”, and also on the link you sent me that says “5-Day Kidney/Bladder Cleansing Program”it gives detailed instructions for what you should eat and when each of the five days. For Days #2, #3 and #4 you are supposed to juice fast. It gives very specific instructions on what you can drink for example “it is BEST, while on this program NOT to mix fruit and vegetables together.” Should I be following these instructions and not mixing the fruit and vegetable juices?
I'll let Uny explain about the instructions because I might confuse you more but I'd just use the first page if you do it while juice fasting. When I did the kidney cleanse I felt such a well being, don't know how else to describe it. I felt fantastic the whole week, in fact I wasn't ready for it to end. Even though I had run out of the tea I continued to drink the morning drink with the lemon/lime/cayenne because I loved it. I ordered another one because I felt like my body wanted more kidney cleanse but my son felt like he had a kidney infection coming on so I gave it to him. Since then I've gone back to work and just haven't done another one but I'm going to soon. I loved it and the way it made me feel, you just feel a goodness happening.
Is there an easy way to strain the herbs out?
I used a stainless steel strainer and it worked fine but I did have some herb residue but that didn't matter to me. I since have bought a smaller mesh stainless steel strainer that I think will catch most of the herbs.
You mention later that “The Liver Tincture needs to be taken by itself because of the "bitters action" and you also say “it would be a good idea to do a few drops before every meal.”, I am trying to figure out where to fit this in with everything else.
I won't comment on when you should take your droppersful of the Liver tincture but I want to tell you that I take 5 drops of the Liver tincture straight on my tongue a few times a week to get the bile flowing and it helps you with bowel movement too. For most everyone it tastes bitter but for me it doesn't taste bitter at all lol. I actually like the taste of it.
Except for the liver one, can all the tinctures be mixed with juice or water for taste? For example the Echinacea, and Herbal Calcium Tincture? I am not sure if they all taste bad?
The thing with all the different tinctures is that what one person thinks taste terrible another one will love lol. You'll have to taste them all and see which ones you just can't abide then put those in juice or water to dilute or mask the taste. I'm thinking Uny will tell you that you can mix them all together except for the Liver tincture. I LOVE the taste of the Echinacea! The only tincture I put in a splash of water is the Cayenne and the Brain Formula. For me the Brain Formula is way hotter than the Cayenne, don't know why that is but that's how it is for me. Every other tincture I take I put them directly in my mouth from the dropper but I don't think many people do that. Sometimes if I'm in a hurry I'll put them all together and take them. The one tincture I've found that seems to lessen the hot from the Cayenne is the Bilberry tincture if you mix those two together and take them but I don't know if you're going to be taking Bilberry.
The links to the chapters are not working.
I've talked to Uny and she is aware of this, she's working on finding them again lol!
Yes I realized I need loads of jars. Is Azure the least expensive place for buying them?
Where I live when the growing season is over places like Walmart put all the canning things on sale to get rid of them, you might want to check that out.
How would I utilize the clay for soaking the produce? You said it is easier to mix my own, would I mix it first and then use as a produce wash?
You can make a clay slurry and keep it in a jar then when you need to detoxify non-organic items add about 1/2 cup of the clay slurry to a big pot of water and put your veggies in it to soak.
If I am out and use the tincture with a migraine should I be concerned with the alcohol since I am taking so much? I know the first few times I need to test when I am home to see if I have any effects. Just wondering your thoughts and what my alcohol level might be? Since I am out I cannot splash with the boiling water I was wondering.
I think you'll find out pretty quick how you do with the amount of alcohol in the tinctures you'll have to be taking. Everyone is different in how we react to things like that. I don't drink and I do take a lot of tinctures and they have never made me feel in the least like I've been drinking but that's my body, you might be different.
One very important aspect of natural healing is to not let it stress you out. I know this must be overwhelming to you but you'll get the hang of it once you get everything. It does take some time to get a workable schedule and when you do you'll not likely be able to stick to it 100% but we shouldn't stress about that at all because stress is anti-healing for sure. We all have to learn how to work our own programs once we get them because what works for one doesn't necessarily work for the other. I'm a good example of that with taking all the tinctures but two directly in my mouth, most people would think that's just crazy but for me it's not ;)
Once you get used to your protocol you'll start noticing that your body will let you know if you need to change anything. I know that right now that's hard to believe but it's true, you'll get so in tune with your body that any little thing that is off you'll know. Of course this will be very beneficial for you when you start healing and need less of something, your body will let you know.
One more thing I wanted to tell you. Once you get started on your program you'll come to love some of the tinctures. I will take the Cayenne and Echinacea tinctures for the rest of my life, along with Hawthorne for the heart. We live in a toxic world and it's getting worse all the time so I feel like I'm just doing what I can to counteract all the toxins that float around me 24/7. Oh and let's not forget the garlic, that's another thing I will always take.
One thing I've learned about becoming my own doctor is that it is so very empowering, I can't wait for you to experience that! I'm very excited for you Jackie! I know you are going to do great!
Abundant blessings,
Thank you so much for your thoughts. I appreciate it! It is helpful to hear your experiences, esp. in regards to the headaches.Of course I have a few questions....lol
In regards to the Vert I am glad to hear that you like it. I looked up some reviews & some people say that it is hard to clean because of the way it is made? Do you find that? I really like my Breville. It is so easy and fast in addition simple to clean. I am not sure what I am going to think of the Omega juicers after the Breville. I did look at the video you posted on the Vert. It looks easy! One bif difference is with my Breville I do not have to cut anything up, the chute is much larger. I do realize that it is not the right kind of juicer but it sure is great!
I was diagnosed with migraines when I was 10 years old so I've had them for many years and I've also tried many different things to get rid of them including adjustments from a chiropractor. It never helped with my headaches and sometimes made them worse! Although I have read/heard of it helping lots of people with migraines.
As I said it never helped me either and also made it worse! Have you noticed a difference in your migraines since doing natural healing?
Thank you for your info on the tinctures & how you do them, it is helpful
I have to say that the coffee enema was my worst nightmare! I'm not kidding, I waffled around for months trying to work up the courage to do it. When I finally did my first one, I thought, WOW this isn't so bad at all. I felt kinda good/weird/strange after I finished but that was because I hadn't felt that good in a long time and I actually didn't know that's what the feeling was lol! I absolutely LOVE CEs now, they make you feel so darn good! Once you get used to doing them you'll see what I mean, plus they are so healing! One of the best things you could do for yourself!
Thanks for the info on the coffee enema's. Guess I just need to jump in there and try it!...lol
I can testify to the effectiveness of the Lady's Slipper tincture, it really does work. I don't have a problem with a racy brain and it doesn't effect me at all the next day, it just ensures that I get a great nights sleep. It doesn't give you that drowsy feeling like OTC sleeps meds do which is great. Another tincture I use as a sleep aid when I need one is the B & B tincture because I tinctured that and have lots of it and I only have a 2oz. bottle of the Lady's Slipper. The B & B is what Dr. Christopher used to help heal a little boy with epilepsy, it's also used to help with earaches and to restore hearing. I read either Dr. Christopher or Dr. Schulze say it could be used to help you get to sleep so I tried it and it works great for me.
Thank you. Perhaps I will try them both and see which works best for me. Do you alternate between the two? Or just use the B&B because as you said you have more?
I can't say enough about how much I LOVE the Deep Tissue Oil! I have my husband massage it all over my shoulders and neck when I've got a really bad headache. The key with the oil is to work it in really good, the deeper you massage it in the better! It's so soothing and relaxing and it really helps with the headache and any kind of tension I might have. The heat from it lasts for hours on my body, don't know if it does that for others but it sure does for me. The word amazing just doesn't seem to do it justice in my book lol! FANTASTICAL is more like it for me!
Sounds like a great thing for me to try, thank you!
Thank you so much that has all been very helpful. I am very grateful for your input,
Thank you so much for your thoughts. I appreciate it! It is helpful to hear your experiences, esp. in regards to the headaches.Of course I have a few questions....lol
You're more than welcome! I always like to get different points of view and experiences on things too.
In regards to the Vert I am glad to hear that you like it. I looked up some reviews & some people say that it is hard to clean because of the way it is made? Do you find that? I really like my Breville. It is so easy and fast in addition simple to clean. I am not sure what I am going to think of the Omega juicers after the Breville. I did look at the video you posted on the Vert. It looks easy! One bif difference is with my Breville I do not have to cut anything up, the chute is much larger. I do realize that it is not the right kind of juicer but it sure is great!
I don't think it's hard to clean at all, it only takes a few minutes to wash everything up and put it away. I don't have to cut up much of anything. I do have to cut up pineapples, beets and oh yeah, I have to cut apples in half. Not so bad really after taking to Uny and hearing how much time they have to spend cutting things up lol! It's a breeze to use from start to finish!
As I said it never helped me either and also made it worse! Have you noticed a difference in your migraines since doing natural healing?
Yes! Like I said I've tried everything under the sun for the migraines, some worked for a while but like anything that isn't natural you build up a tolerance to it and it doesn't work anymore. My migraines were never as bad or as frequent as yours seem to be. Mine were much worse and more frequent when I was younger, as I age I don't have as many and they aren't as bad.
I've always had headaches, not just migraines. That became a really big problem over the years, having a headache every single day gets really old really fast as I'm sure you know. 30 years ago I found that Extra Strength Excedrin took the regular headaches away so I started taking them. At first it wasn't so many but over the years it took more and more to the point where I was taking 2 Excedrin every 3 hours without fail. I would freak out if I got low on Excedrin.
I've never had a doctor but I had to find one because I started having female problems, it turned out I had fibroid tumors and had to have a hysterectomy. I had no medical records so the doctor had to start from scratch with me lol. I told her about the Excedrin, it's the only thing I was taking. She told me she couldn't operate until I was off the Excedrin because it had thinned by blood so much that surgery would be dangerous. Well, let me tell you that really freaked me out, giving up my Excedrin but I did it. She explained that Excedrin causes rebound headaches, so what I was taking to get some relief was actually making them worse!
I went right back on them after the surgery (duh me) but when I found natural healing I decided that it was time to get off them for good! Uny helped me with that. I was addicted to the caffeine in them and didn't even know it! When Uny told me that's what it was I told her I don't like coffee so there is no way I'm addicted to caffeine lol. I had no idea that Excedrin was loaded with it!
I used the Kola Nut tincture to replace the caffeine that I was getting with the Excedrin. Every time I felt a headache coming on I'd go take a couple droppersful of the Kola Nut. Sometimes it took more than that. I started waiting longer than 3 hours to take my next dose of Excedrin. I got used to going for the Kola Nut instead and pretty soon I was not taking hardly any Excedrin at all. The funny thing was that I thought I'd get addicted to the Kola Nut but that didn't happen either. I found myself forgetting to take it at all. I still haven't kicked them completely, I still take 2 Excedrin when I wake up in the morning with a headache, yes I wake up with them but not as often as before. It used to be every day now it's like maybe 3 times a week. I don't take the Kola Nut at all anymore.
I don't want to give anybody the impression that I cured my headaches with just Kola Nut tincture alone. At the same time I started eating much better, I got rid of a lot of junk food, I started doing CEs, taking tinctures, colon cleansing and kidney cleansing. I started cleaning up my act lol so I'm sure that helped, in fact I'm sure I wouldn't be where I am today without the cleansing and changing my eating habits too. I think all the cleansing has helped with the migraines too. When I get a really bad one which is only a couple times a year now, I slam down the Cayenne and Brain Formula tinctures and go to bed. Most times that really helps.
Thank you. Perhaps I will try them both and see which works best for me. Do you alternate between the two? Or just use the B&B because as you said you have more?
I mostly use the B & B when I need something to help me sleep. I use the Lady's Slipper when I need to sleep like a rock. I seem to wake up much more refreshed with the Lady's Slipper than with the B & B. I don't know if you've read about barefooting, if not you can read a snippet of a post I made about barefooting. It really does help you to sleep when you get rid of all that built up static electricity in your body. If you try it out please let us know how it worked for you. Helping with sleep isn't the only reason we should barefoot everyday, just thought I'd throw that in lol.
So one of the CD's had the reason why we should be barefooting every single day. Here is what I found out. When we’re born we have a soft spot in the top of the head and as it closes up the opening is still available so that the universal mind or the power of God can come through the top of the head and go on down the spine and into the chakras and distribute itself through the whole body. We live on this electricity and this electricity operates our organs. The electricity is excellent as long as its fresh and free flowing. As it comes into the top of the head and goes down the spine, down through the legs, its supposed to be grounded out into the earth and a fresh supply continues to come in. But if we don’t go barefooting to ground it out into the earth daily then we walk around with static electricity which affects the nervous system, not good at all. When we go barefooting we have a free flow because we've grounded the static electricity into the ground, but if we don’t let the electricity out by barefooting then we become static and as the electricity accumulates in the body it gets so high and becomes so heavy that new electricity can’t come in. We need to ground it out into the earth daily by barefooting. If we don’t it affects our nervous system and we can’t sleep, we get grouchy, or whatever way it affects a body, we’re all different. We’ve got to get rid of the static electricity that’s in our body before it becomes toxic or new electricity can't enter. Thus the very important instruction from Uny to go barefooting every day!
I have always had trouble sleeping so after I learned from these CD's I went barefooting for the first time last night. I walked around in the yard for about 15 minutes and then came in and went to bed. I'll have to say it worked, I didn't have one bit of trouble falling asleep and believe me that is rare for me, I'm usually up reading for at least 2 or 3 hours every night. I was shocked and amazed at how powerful that one tiny bit of truth is and very grateful I've learned this truth. So as soon as I finish this post I'll be going barefooting again LOL. Thank you so much that has all been very helpful. I am very grateful for your input You're welcome Jackie, that's what we're all here for. We learn and then we help others with the knowledge we've gained. That helps Uny & Rocky change the world one person at a time. ;) BTW, it's been a pleasure watching you learn! Blessings, Willow