"How to listen to your liver with stethescope, and why you should do it"
First, get a good idea of where your liver and gallbladder actually are, so you know where to put your stethoscope:
Hang your stethescope around your neck (and under your shirt) when you're at home for several days, and listen to what your liver sounds like when:
--you haven't eaten anything
--when you haven't eaten anything sitting in a chair (with your liver "scrunched up").
--when you haven't eaten anything and you are standing or reclining.
--before, during and after having a bowel movement
--before and after a hot/cold shower
Do the same:
--after eating a meal without cholagogues or oil (cholagogues/choleretics are foods that increase the flow or creation of bile) or glass of juice.
--after you've eaten something with oil, or other cholagogues
--after exercise
--when experiencing stress or any emotion
--after the Liver Tincture
--after the Liver/Detox/Digestion tea
Now you'll have a good idea of what YOUR liver sounds like in it's current condition (and how those hot/cold showers really DO increase circulation!)
I think one of THE most impactful things I learned while doing this was how many "liver sounds" I'd attributed to my stomach and intestines. The liver is NOISY (or at least, mine is)...and I don't think I'd ever attributed ANY sound to my liver.
Now, listen to your liver while you are doing -
--coffee enemas
--foot reflexology
--castor oil pack
--after drinking the 'liver cleanse drink' (on the 5-day liver cleanse)
--liver flush
Also, look at this diagram (below) to see exactly where the hepatic portal vein (the vein that takes the coffee solution TO your liver) is located throughout the colon. When doing a coffee enema, we want to keep the solution in the sigmoid region and 'in contact' with the hepatic portal vein. Also notice how that artery goes all the way to the rectum (and that I mentioned to listen to your liver when having a bowel movement). Why? Many (many!) people experience some level of nausea when having a bowel movement (especially when it takes a long time to evacuate) - that feeling of nausea is said to be caused by the toxins in the fecal matter reabsorbing into the liver (and you CAN hear your liver reacting to this). YES! an unclean/toxic colon DOES affect your liver & health negatively...24 hours a day.
What are you listening for? At first, the sounds may sound like fluid trying to get through very tiny tubes (squealing sounds, creaky door sounds, random rumblings & gurglings...sometimes all the sounds will stop and that will be followed with a "release" of some type. At times, a loud "pop" followed by a "gurgle" of some type). I interpret that as a small blockage and the pressure backing up and then blowing out the small blockage.
As time progresses, the 'creaky door sounds', will be come more and more "less creaky" and sound more and more like a bubbling brook or stream.
How can you USE & interpret these sounds? Here's some examples:
--Once I'd listened to my liver during 25 or so CEs, I knew what was 'normal' for me n' my liver. But sometimes I'd do a CE, and it would have FAR less sounds (or even no sounds). I found that by changing my position, sometimes the 'bile flowing sounds' would start again (possibly attributed to the fluid not being in contact with the portal vein). Also, if you're one that leaves the tubing in while doing a CE, if you have a 'no sound CE' move the tubing around (or pull it out further).
--Of course, whether there are 'sounds we hear' or not, the liver is being positive affected & assisted when we do a CE.
--The recommended time to retain the fluid while doing a CE is 12-20 minutes...but sometimes my liver is "all done CE" before that time. I can tell by the lack of sounds (or I think that's what it means when the sounds lessen and stop). HOWEVER, I do believe that the liver is turned into a 'blood cleansing, free-radical killing/dialysis machine' for the time the solution is being retained and in contact with the portal vein. I don't think that likely makes much sound - and it's very likely this is happening whether we hear bile flowing, or not. So it's still good to retain the solution, even if the "bile flowing sounds" slow or stop.
--There is such a thing as "backward pressure" coming DOWN the portal vein from the liver. (It's called hypertension of the portal vein). This backward pressure is even known to cause hemorrhoids (even the large external hemorrhoids). You can find more info on this by 'googling'. One example of this 'backward pressure" is that hemorrhoids can be caused by a congested liver AND 'flushing into' a congested liver can also cause the portal vein (aka hemorrhoidal vein) to have enough 'backward pressure' to pop a hemorrhoid. Rocky (early on his his flushing career) experienced an external hemorrhoid after a liver flush twice (once was VERY big and painful and took 3-4 days to resolve). Both mine & Rocky's first few flushes were done with ZERO prepping -except for apples, and his liver was SERIOUSLY clogged). I sure wish we would have known then what we know now :::sigh:::
I don't know for 'positive-sure' what actually causes this 'backward pressure', but it makes sense that it'd be from bile trying to flow through & out of the liver that can't get through quickly & easily...so it creates "pressure" that flows downward through the portal vein.
What does this have to do with "stethescoping"?
I have noticed over the past two years that when my liver is the most congested and/or "achey", that it becomes difficult to retain CE's. I have also noticed that there's a DISTINCT correlation between the "bigness" of my 'need to expel' and my liver sounds...and that there's virtually NO 'time lag' between the 'sound' (or lack of sound!) and the need to expel. So it's logical to deduce: 1) when you first start doing CE's if you find them difficult to retain during/after big 'liver sounds' (especially during abrupt "silences" where pressure may be building), that it indicates the liver needs flushing and more attention. 2) That if you've been doing CEs for awhile and start experiencing a more urgent need to expel that correlates with the lack of liver sounds...it's time to get back to work on your liver and give it the TLC it deserves. :)
--By placing the stethescope at different areas during a liver flush, you can hear all KINDS of various noises and action. These noises throughout the liver indicate that the flush IS working (remember, there is NO SUCH THING as an UNsuccessful liver flush!) But it's easy to be discouraged when we don't see a lot of stones (and to misinterpret and think we're doing something wrong in our flush protocol).
Here's a good example: Two weeks ago I did 2 liver flushes in the same week (as many of you know, I have a long-standing 'liver issue' and I'm not quite sure what it is...what I know for sure is that I've NEVER been nearly as consistent with my flushing as I should be...grrrr me). Anyway, I've recently started having some gallbladder involvement (random 'tweaks' and even what some might consider pain -- I have an ultra-high pain tolerance, so my "pain scale" is crazy). Anyway, I did a liver flush, but got seriously off schedule. When I listened to my liver after drinking the oil/citrus potion, my liver was going CRAZY! I told Rocky53, "I am SURE this flush is going to yield more stones than ANY flush I've ever done!". The next morning yielded almost 3 cups of green 'biliary sludge' in the colander, and when I rinsed it off, there was NOTHING but a few ultra tiny stones. I did a couple of CE's (one later in the morning and one in the after noon), and there was nothing but biliary sludge. It would have been SO easy (especially as a 'newbie flusher' to assume that because my schedule had been thrown off, that my flush was a failure (or that the biliary sludge was just 'green poop'). But I KNEW from what I'd heard, that my liver had been extremely active and that my flushing had been very successful.
--One can also hear 'clogs being unclogged'. As I mentioned before, that *generally* is preceeding by a lack of sound, and then somekind of a "pop" and then a release (sometimes there's no "pop", and sometimes it happens even with one is hearing quite a bit of 'liver noise'. Although all of these sounds are not "necessary" to hear & interpret properly, taking the time to do this DOES have it's benefits.
One benefit is that when that intense "urge to expel" happens, it almost always happens when my liver 'goes silent" (pressure building down the portal vein?), and with "a pop, followed by a gurgle), that urge to expel immediately resolves. Heck, if that hepatic portal pressure is strong enough to pop out a hemhorroid, it's certainly strong enough to make us want to expel some fluid).
Another example --> The second flush I did (above) a few days after the first (which I did because of the large amount of sludge and 'no stones'), started with an experience I've never personally experienced. I ingested the citrus/oil potion, and immediately went to bed (with my stethoscope). Within a couple of minutes I had a VERY strong twinge in my gallbladder (no problem, "twinges happen"). But that lil' twinge didn't resolve and started head toward the "hmmm, this is a bit worrisome" zone, and then (for the first time in my flushing career), I actually felt a bit of pain. I yelled for Rocky to come in and start working the 'liver spot' on my feet (all the while continuing to listen with the stethescope). After about 45-60 seconds...no relief. So I told him to dig in harder...and in about another 45 - 60 seconds I heard a loud '"pop" followed by a long 'gurgle' (and I immediately went back to my book & relaxed state) --- BUT the tenderness didn't resolve for almost two-three minutes. Had I waited for the pain/tenderness to resolve, my tenseness might had gotten 'tenser'...which would have only made things worse - and for those with fear and/or anxiety issues, it could have exacerbated into a negative situation.
--At least once or twice, listen to your liver while doing foot reflexology! (here's the chart: http://www.dorlingkindersley-uk.co.uk/static/cs/uk/11/features/reflexology/fo...
Remember, the feet are facing you, so right = left, and vice versa. Once you hear conclusively HOW effective foot reflexology actually is (and where your 'liver area' is and how to work it effectively), you'll have an INVALUABLE tool that you can (and will) immediately 'default to' quickly if you (or anybody else) ever has a need for it when flushing. If you've never tried it, if you've never "listened", it will NOT be a tool you can trust (or will likely remember to do). And just knowing how effective it is, will help you learn reflexology for ALL of your body and specific issues.
And there you have it - "how to listen to your liver with stethescope, and why you should do it" by Unyquity :::grin::: I'm sure I'll think of some more things, and if you think of (or discover any), be sure to post them :)
Flush ON!
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