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Surgery Avoided by Liver Flushing
Charly Views: 6,236
Published: 20 y
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Surgery Avoided by Liver Flushing

A few months ago my sister, who is 58 years old, avoided gallbladder surgery by liver flushing.

A CT scan showed that she had Gallstones after she had a several gallbladder attacks. Her doctor wanted to schedule surgery - but she said she wanted to do a couple of Liver Flushes first. She passed a few pretty good sized ones (one was about an inch) She showed the stones to her doctor. The doc said they were large enough to have caused the problem and ordered another CT scan which showed the stones were gone. She has had no more gallbladder attacks.

My sister's doctor is a regular MD, and doesn't promote anything that is natural, but could not deny that this worked.

I have done several liver flushes. The stool should be dark brown. Mine was light tan. Every time I do a Liver Flush it turns a shade darker and stays darker - I'm about where I need to be. (The color indicates the bile flow or lack of it) I'm 62 years old, and my liver ducts must have been pretty clogged, although I am healthy - I feel better than ever now that I am into detoxing and into "prevention".

My cholesterol went down from 371 to 250 in less than a year without prescription medication. (I'm sure it's much lower by now with the dietary changes that I have made) I believe the Liver Flushes have contributed although I have done many other things in addition to flushing to lower it.

My sis and I do an easier flush than what I have seen posted here at Curezone. This flush is best done when one is juice fasting, and parasite purging but fasting is not necessary. I have done it eating normally, and also when fasting... works either way.

1. Drink apple juice (organic/freshly juiced) at least 4 times a day for 3 days. (Two Malic Acid capsules can be substituted for a glass of apple juice on occasion.)

2. The evening of the 3rd day drink 2 oz. of olive oil mixed with 4 oz. of fresh lemon juice or grapefruit juice.

3. Lie down on your right side for 20 minutes, keeping your right knee as close to your chest as you can. (This position opens the pathway to your gallbladder. so the olive oil and lemon can work to dissolve and clean out any stones that have been forming.

4. Before going to bed, drink a 10 or 12 oz. bottle of magnesium citrate. (Purchase in the laxitive section of any drug store for under $!.50)

5. When you wake up in the morning expect to pass what might be referred to as sludge. I have passed all different sizes of stones.

This protocol is the easiest that I have seen. It comes from Dave Frahm's book A Cancer Battle Plan. Dave Frahm tells me that it is especially important to flush your liver if the gallbladder has been removed.



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