Re: Surgery Avoided by Liver Flushing (protocol)
My sister attended Health Quarters Lodge with Dave Frahm and they used the juice of 2 green apples (Granny Smith) per drink. (It is good to dilute fresh juice a bit with pure water as undiluted fresh juice can be hard on the pancreas) I usually do 6 apples a day and 2 capsules of malic acid. Spaced out like at 8am, 11am, 2pm and 5pm.
(Magnesium Malate, Malic Acid 625 mg by Source Naturals is what I buy. It can be taken for increased energy and for breaking down fatty acids, too)
I think it is better to drink apple juice for 4 to 5 days. 3 days is minimum. On my last flush, I planned to drink it for 3 days, and on the night I planned to flush, I couldn't, so I just kept drinking apple juice daily until I could do it, 2 days later.
The directions from the book say: "For three days drink at least four glasses of freshly made apple juice. The malic acid in apple juice helps to begin to soften and break up the stones." It doesn't specify the number of ozs. per glass. Good question!
The only thing I did not include from the book is this - that after you drink the OO/LJ when you lie on your right side, a bit of 'flu-type' nausea is not unuaual but will quickly pass. I have felt this, but it's passes in a few minutes.