Re: Surgery Avoided by Liver Flushing
The amount mentioned in the directions is minimum. I usually try to do apple juice for a few days longer than 3. It's very good for you and doesn't hurt a thing - it gives more time to loosen the stones.
The last time I did a liver flush, I had a bottle of organic, "no
Sugar added" apple juice on hand, just to give me a break from
juicing here and there.
I think it is best to juice Granny-Smith apples. I usually do it once a day, drink a glass and put 2 or 3 more servings in 8
oz. canning jars filled to the top (with no air), and drink it in the same day. If I didn't have a juicer, I would try it with bottled organic apple juice... any processing takes away live enzymes, so it may not be quite as good, but better than nothing. If you don't have a juicer try Malic Acid capsules.... as it is the malic acid in the apples that loosens the stones. A nice side effect is that Malic Acid increases energy.