Re: Professional Singer - Loosing my voice
Do you have allergies? Sinus drainage?
I know I have allergies but not sure exactly what. I've been lactose intolerant since born. Grains tend to make me super tired, and I'm catching on to them giving me reflux almost every time I eat them. Never use to be that way.
The allergies can be treated by building up your adrenal glands:
Sinus drainage - Yes I usually have a hankie around due to nose drip. But never thought anything of it.
Sinus drainage can also cause voice problems, especially if heavy or thick. Allergies or infection can cause this.
Acid reflux does not always cause burning. Do you also get stomach bloating?
No bloating. I'll just be sitting there and all of a sudden burp, then comes the lava. I tried apple cider vinegar but it burns my throat even when diluted. It would burn so bad I could feel a difference in my breathing.
I just posted some links for you on acid reflux and stomach acid in my last post.
I will have to try the temp test. What can you do for Goiters? Iodine?
Hypothyroidism can occur for a number of reason including hypothalamic/pituitary dysfunction, poor adrenal dysfunction, elevated rT3, hormone imbalances, halogen exposure, etc. Iodine will work for some of these causes, but not all. And if there is autoimmune hypothyroidism (Hashimoto's thyroidosis) high iodine could aggravate the problem. Here is link to the information on my Thyroid Tonic that will give you more details: