I suggest that you read Pioneer's back posts. I truly believe that you have not "destroyed your intestinal flora and cannot digest food anymore." I have been liver flushing, colon cleansing and parasite killing for two years now. I do believe that you have stirred stuff up. Two weeks is not enough time to do much but really stir it up! I have been doing Barefoot's Dewormer, most of the time at six or eight Tablespoons a day. I have done over hundred liver flushes. Your body does clean out and will support you getting healthy. But, two weeks is really not going to do it if you have been sick or very sick for any length of time. Do you have Doc's book? You need to read the order of cleansing, but if you feel that you are healthy enough, you can kill parasites, clean your colon and liver flush. Digest will return - I know that one! When I started this program, most of what I ate came out the other end undigested and I was nauseous at every meal. I was thin and my hair was falling out. I am not thin, I sleep better than I have in years, and I digest my food - no floating bits of food. I have followed what Doc said, I talked with Pioneer and I stuck with it. It works, just slowly! Hope that this helps.