Re: ITRA+Terbinafine+nystatin+diet
Jorge, I am 100 % sure it's die-off. Be constipated, bloating, fatigue, tingling, hypoglycemia,
Depression and lightheadedness are my main die-off symptoms. Appears after several weeks of treatment under natural antifungal (caprylic acid) and after few days or even immediately (for the bloating) under RX. Depend of the strenght of the antifungal. Absolutely correlated with the consumption of any antifungals especially RX. It tends to mellow down as my body adjust to the antifungals. Would stop if I stop the antifungals. Would increase in severity if I slightly increase the antifungal intake. Would also stop if a start eating carbs. I wanted to be sure that it was die-off so I did experiment on several months to come to that conclusion. I had overtime slightly increase or decrease RX intake to be sure it was die-off. I was used to break down pills and to weigh them on a industrial balance to control the exact amount that I was ingesting. I am now pretty good in sorting what are candida flare-up symptoms and what are die-off symptoms. Also, if I dramatically increase RX intake like (400 mg itraconazole a day for a week) while eating some carbs (I mean complex carb) I would experience some die-off again but less than if i was taking a normal dose of itra with a strict no carb diet. I wanna add that while I had to deal with all these die-off symptoms I was feeling way better. A lot of annoying symptoms were almost gone at least until I ate some carb again (even complex carb). I think that I have a very bad case and that I am really carb reactive. I won't advocate no-carb for everyone but for me it does the trick. I always keep in mind that Eskimoes are all their life long on a no-carb diet (meat, fish) and they seem to do pretty well on it.