I am not a doctor and am only telling you what I have been told by every naturopath I have ever seen. The diet is essential. All the antifungals in the world will not cure you unless you stop feeding the infection in the first place. It's like taking an Antibiotic for a bacterial infection, while at the same time exposing yourself to the bacteria constantly, that you are trying to get rid of. Doesn't make much sense.
As far as how do you adapt? You just do. I know it may sound simplistic, but what it boils down to is just how much you want to get well. I would also not try to get pregnant while you have candida, as you can pass it onto your unborn baby in utero, and through breast milk. I have been fighting this thing off and on for going on 14 years and I still am no closer to an answer. I think it depends on how serious an infection you have. The only thing I haven't tried yet is the Rife machine and that is my next step. I have several health issues in addition to the candida and the rife seems to have more success than any other thing I have seen or heard of.