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Re: I had to start
hope4myadrenals Views: 5,018
Published: 15 y
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Re: I had to start

You are the second person I know who stopped HC cold turkey, from a high dose, with no problems. Wish I could do that. Every time I try to cut back even 1/2 mg, my body senses it. Or if I miss a dose by 6 hrs, my body goes haywire.

I'm a female, so maybe that's why my doc prescribed a lower dose. Also, I also have osteoporosis (from parathyroid disease), and had a BMI of 15, so maybe my doc thought it would be better not to have too much HC in my body.

I'd rather try to slowly go off HC than increase my dose, as I was on 25mg for a few weeks already in months past and it didn't help then. We'll see. Thanks for the imput.



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