Akkik, the good news is that if you use HC the right way, it can make you feel MUCH better almost overnight. But it won't necessarily HEAL your adrenals.
My adrenal fatigue became really bad 3 years ago when a doctor recommended taking thyroid hormones. The full replacement dose for most people is 2-2.5 grains of Armour, but the doctor didn't give a dose and just said to take as much as I wanted, and I ended up taking the equivalent of 7 grains of Armour. After a few days of this, I woke up and barely recognized myself in the mirror. An endocrinologist I saw after the incident said that I probably had a mild heart attack, and if I was older, I likely would've died.
I felt so horrible that I became convinced that HC was my only solution. I had a lot of debt at the time, so quitting my job wasn't an option, even though I wanted to. I needed an emergency fix, and HC helped. I was on it for 1.5 years, after which I had a decent amount of money saved up. So I quit my job, got off HC, and I've been slowly healing myself naturally.
If you go on HC, it won't be the end of the world.
Dr. Lam's protocol is just ONE method out of many. There are thousands of people at the NTH-Adrenals Yahoo group who use HC for adrenal fatigue. There are other people at the Adrenal-Fatigue Yahoo group using nutrition and Chinese herbs for adrenal fatigue (this is what I'm doing).
If you do start HC, please make sure that you are taking at least 20-30 mg per day. If you take anything less, you will feel like crap. Hope4myadrenals, this might be why HC isn't working for you.
I'm not recommending people go on HC, but in certain situations, it can be a life-saver.