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Re: I had to start
hope4myadrenals Views: 4,989
Published: 15 y
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Re: I had to start

"If you do start HC, please make sure that you are taking at least 20-30 mg per day. If you take anything less, you will feel like crap. Hope4myadrenals, this might be why HC isn't working for you."

GaiaSophia, How much HC were you on for a year and a half?

I'm wondering why my doctors want me on a low dose of HC?? When my AF was extremely bad 4 months ago, I was deep in the "living dead" stage and was on about 12 mg HC. Since that dose wasn't helping at all, I decided on my own I needed to increase my dosage to at least 25 mg a day. Once or twice I went up to 30 mg. This was last April, and I was in and out of the hospital several times. Several of the lead physicians at the hospital I was sent to talked to me about my adrenal fatigue and parathyroid disease and questioned why I had raised my dose. They told me I was having panic attacks that spiralled into an adrenal crisis. They told me to go back to 12 mg. HC and get on an antidepressant for the panic. (I didn't get on an antidepressant, though). Then I went back to my endocrinologist and he told me the same thing. So I went back to my original dose. Do my doctors know what they are doing???


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