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Re: I had to start
GaiaSophia Views: 4,984
Published: 15 y
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Re: I had to start

From what people have experienced, it seems that most doctors do not know how to prescribe HC.

When you take HC, your adrenal glands decrease the amount of cortisol they produce. As with most hormone replacements, the decrease is larger than the amount you take. For example, if you take 5 mg HC, your adrenal glands will decrease their own production by 10 mg cortisol. (These aren't exact numbers, just to explain the concept.)

So if you're taking 12 mg HC, your adrenal glands have decreased their own production of cortisol by a lot more than just 12 mg, basically leaving you with a deficit. That's why taking the sub-optimal dose of HC is worse than taking no HC at all.

The magic happens when you take 20-30 mg (or more) per day, because this is enough to essentially "shut down" your own cortisol production. Then you are essentially controlling your own levels manually.

I took 30-40 mg HC when I was on it, sometimes taking as much as 60 mg on really stressful days.


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