I had to start
I have had to start hydrocortisone because I have gotten worse. I am scared.
I have gotten to the point where for the first half of the day, I cannot eat because I vomit. I cannot breath, and the adrenaline doesn't stop. I am being tested for a pheochromocytoma, and my doc is thinking I possibly have a parathyroid tumor.Possible MEN
I had a appointment sceduled with Lam, but canceled once I found out about the possible tumors. Can Lam still help while I am on HC? I still need to build up my adrenals. Can I still do that even though HC is medically necessary? My body is so messed up. We can't find the right thyroid dose, and even on the hc I don't sleep at night and have the adrenaline feeling and short of breath.
I am so lost. So incredibly lost. I wish this was straightforward like some of you. I have read good things about HC, and my doc says he has people on and off of it all the time. He said sometimes it can take a year. I have read so many good things about HC helping, but so many bad things too. Ugh. But i am nervous about the possible tumors. The parathyroid one I would have to go to Florida to have removed. MY doc says there is no good doc here for that.
Did anyone else have the nausea? Weight loss? Green poop? All day long panic adrenaline feeling? Air hugner?
Where the F*** am I in all of this? What happened? How did this happen? ARGH!