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Re: I had to start
GaiaSophia Views: 5,128
Published: 15 y
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Re: I had to start

Keep in mind that I'm a guy, and guys need a little more HC than chicks.

Theoretically, this is how HC should work...

You take enough HC to shut down your adrenals. This allows them to "rest." You take HC for awhile, then when your adrenals heal, you taper off. Voila! You're healed!

However, most people don't seem to be able to do this, and that's why there are risks with HC. Some people say that taking supplemental hormones causes our own gland to atrophy, which means that you might be stuck on it for life.

I will say that after taking HC for 1.5 years, I stopped cold-turkey, and nothing bad happened (I'm not recommending this!). I regressed to my condition pre-HC, and from there I've been building myself back up.

But there are some people who successfully used HC to fully heal their adrenals.

So I would suggest either getting off HC completely or increasing your dose. If you're going to stick with it, please join the NTH-Adrenals Yahoo group and read everything they have. They are the best source of information on this.



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