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Metabolic typing for cleansing colon, distended belly, constipation?
Mr. Tissue Box Views: 10,634
Published: 15 y

Metabolic typing for cleansing colon, distended belly, constipation?

So, ever since I was a child I had horrible bowel habits, and never heeded the urge to go to the bathroom for some reason. Now, I'm older and it's given me somewhat of a distended belly and probably lots of waste stuck inside.

A few months ago, it got even worse when I overate one day on flaxseed crackers and felt awful. The feeling of fullness and an even bigger, fuller belly persisted for days, and even up till now, and it may be getting worse as I've recently just been craving so much food, and I've overeaten quite a bit, which made constipation worse.

Fortunately, I've mainly got it under control now as I followed my metabolic type, at least I think, as best I could. I tremendously reduced the amount of sugar, and that seems to make me feel satisfied with my meals.

I've also been eating more meat now, mainly fish as I believe I need high-purine proteins at every meal to keep me satisfied. But this goes against the mainstream wisdom of colon cleansing. You're not supposed to eat meat if you want to cleanse your body, as we all hear, as it's supposed to clog you up more. But is this really true? If I'm following the correct metabolic type for me, which includes high-purine proteins, then shouldn't this make colon cleansing easier? I really want to know.

Now, I'm not in any position to do a colonic, enema, or take any colon cleansing product, but I am taking diatomaceous earth and chlorella.

Do you guys have any recommendations on how to cleanse my colon through diet and such? I'm really sick of having a bigger belly and that feeling of a brick in my gut, and I'm really sick of being constipated.


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