The Fiber Menace, and other "GutSense" articles describe how eating a high fibre diet is a BAD THING.
I am just now trying to understand it, but so far I guess I have to agree. Besides, I never found that fiber helped me much.
Quote from that:
Q: Is it true that dietary fiber prevents or relieves constipation?
Ans: No, it isn’t. As I already explained in my book, here, and pretty much elsewhere on this site, fiber from fruits, vegetables, grains, bran, and laxatives is the PRIMARY cause of chronic, persistent constipation and related colorectal disorders.
For those who are familiar with the large intestine’s anatomy, it isn't difficult to comprehend why fiber’s most heralded asset — its ability to bulk up stools — is complete nonsense. The fiber’s journey inside the large intestine begins not by going down, but by going up, up, and up the ascending colon. And the weightier it is, the longer it takes, because the peristaltic propulsion inside the colon isn’t strong enough to move up very heavy 'loads.'
On the other hand, this is the standard attitude towards fiber:
"Soluble fiber soothes and regulates the digestive tract, stabilizes the intestinal contractions resulting from the gastrocolic reflex, and normalizes bowel function from either extreme. Soluble fiber prevents and relieves both diarrhea and constipation"
K - apparently, this is all wrong. Fiber can make the stools large, and fiber messes with the water content in a bad way.