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Re: Does it take less time for already-lean people to reach stage five of a fast?
Hello April Rain,
with a weight of only 117.5 and standing at 5'5" it would not be advisable to fast (in my opinion) beyond 30 days and certainly not to 90 days.
There is the very real danger you may enter the starvation period and especially so if your food reserves are inadequate from a pre-fast diet.
Any disease ending with "itis" just means "inflammation" of the organ mentioned. It is mainly addressing the causes of this "itis" which Natural Hygiene states as toxemia.
Is this the acute or chronic form?
Sheltons advice is...........
"Care of the Patient: If fasting does not bring immediate relief from symptoms in acute pancreatitis, a surgeon should be called.
The care in chronic pancreatitis must eliminate toxemia, restore normal nerve energy and correct digestion and assimilation. So long as there is pain and discomfort no food should be taken. After toxemia has been eliminated and comfort has returned, fruits and vegetables should constitute the diet.
It may truly be said of pancreatitis: it is better prevented by right living than cured by any kind of program".
Veggie-juicing will be very beneficial, but the main thing is to nourish your body in this way, while simultaneously eliminating toxemia or the root cause.
I would adhere to a raw plant-based diet being careful to eat ONLY WHEN HUNGRY, while veggie-juicing.
juicing will deliver the most nutrients in the most easily available form.........liquids.
Sip your juice and masticate it as food.......which it is.
Given sufficient time your "itis" will disappear.