Re: Does it take less time for already-lean people to reach stage five of a fast?
There's really no way to know...It's a process that was never meant to be over-thought, and over-planned the way we all seem to be inclined to, these days. In the best scenario? Rest, drink water only according to thirst, pray and meditate, and do nothing else, but listen to nature and generate appreciation for the luxury. You go day by day.
I've done fasts of this length:
29, 12, 6, 26. (I may be off by a day or so with the shorter ones: having lost track. The other two are accurate)
Each one is different. Each person is different.
PS--I haven't yet felt the hunger I've heard spoken of--the genuine, ravenous but happy hunger. Although I wanted to fast 'to completion', both the longer times, I did what I was able to, and what seemed correct at the time--that's what we all have to do: it's a rather 'inner' process in that sense--a kind of retreat. (and we balance that retreat with sharing with some experienced others) Ultimately, I go by intuition; Chris calls it "instinct". same thing, I think.
best, Chiron
PS It's not always easy or appropriate to answer the exact questions asked--but I have no problem with your being direct. :-)