Re: "the return of hunger only means.."
Hi Chiron,
my comment that you referred to...........
"The return of hunger only means that your food reserves are about to expire, but your body may still be laden with toxins and where healing has not yet been fully completed."
Hereward Carrington spoke of a "race" between the preservation of food reserves against the elimination of toxins and the max' amount of healing on a water-only fast. The reference eludes me for the moment but it is contained within his excellent book "Vitality Fasting and Nutrition".
I agree with him on that score from personal experience.
Although my first fast of 25 days was an incredible ordeal for me in terms of detox: I had every detox experience going including spitting crises and vomiting; the second fast of 30 days some 6 weeks later, was much easier and mostly enjoyable, but still had mild symptoms of detox intermittently throughout.
I suppose we could say that it is reasonable to assume that if someone has high levels of toxins, and their food reserves are normal to minimal, then this would be the case.
Shelton also spoke in terms of a series of long fasts with careful refeeding in between to achieve the max' amount of healing possible.
I am convinced that both were true in my own case in overcoming Leukemia.