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Re: allergy shots for autoimmune diseases?

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Re: allergy shots for autoimmune diseases?


Sounds complicated. 666hz. That's interesting.

That frequency has worked on everything we have tried it for. There is a basis behind that frequency and the other two frequencies Rife kept. Rife did not know this though since he was focused on the blasting of the microbes. His machine does so much more though including regeneration of neural nets. But his last two frequencies were off by one, which is why they were so much slower to work. I cannot explain this very well, it was actually my father that figured out the connection between the frequencies. The multiple frequencies being used are not needed though and many of the ones on the current frequency list are bogus.

I for one am afraid of cancer. Would rather die in a car accident than by cancer. I just can't take the idea of bugs taking over my body.

Guess that's why I want to conquer the issues I'm faced with. As well as everyone else facing the same problems and fears.

How do you suspect cancer might be the issue behind someones problems?

It depends on the cancer and were it is located. Leukemia for example will totally different symptoms than a brain tumor, and brain tumors will have different symptoms based on what it is affecting in the brain.

Would cancer be the cause of the symptoms I've stated?

I don't recall all your symptoms. I did find the muscle heaviness relieved by Prilosec and the runny nose. Neither of these sound like cancer. The muscle issue is likely an ATP deficiency in the muscle cells. Have you tried the magnesium malate?

The nose issue sounds more like allergies from adrenal dysfunction.

Im aware it might be just too hard to say. I don't understand cancer in young children. Breaks my heart. How does a baby from a perfectly healthy family get cancer??

The vast majority of cancers are viral in origin. Some other pathogens are associated with cancers as well. There are also cases from naturally occurring radiation in the soil such as radon gas or radiation being released from nuclear power plants such as they did at Hanford. Other cases occur from exposure to toxins dumped in the soil and water by big business. Many of the Superfund sites were linked to high levels of cancer incidences.

Rambling on. Sorry. ....



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