The same as lippylooloo. I to like a great many of you suffer from Angular Cheilitis. I have had it for months now. My lips feel like they will never be the same. However you can reduce the pain so its basically non existent and the cracks and redness so your lips pretty much now appear normal. Ok so my diet is low sugar, fruit & veg and usually 2 pieces of meat a day. Plus I take four lots of vitamins. Vitamin B complex, B-12,Multivitamins, and Zinc. I have not had many problems through the day it has cleared sufficiently with this diet plus using (Lanolin cream on the sides of my lips). However even so every morning just like lippylooloo I wake up with the faint whitish crusts around my lips in the corners and a bit on the top and sometimes bottom of the lips it can be dealt with easy enough but still annoying. I am not sure if it is possible to fully cure. Angular Cheilitis is a great mystery i feel sorry for everyone who like me day in day out has to endure it. But if it at the painful stage i recommend trying what I or lippylooloo have done, change of diet and supplements and cream such as Lanolin. It will heal your lips I gurantee it. Dishwoaping soap is BS it will burn and enflame your lips it only made mine worse.