Re: good news want to share
Thanks so much for your info and willingness to contribute. Were you ever tested for Candida, or did you have any other symptoms that tipped you off, such as bloating, depression, insomnia, etc.? Also, how are your stress levels in general?
Note that Candida is extremely difficult to bring into balance (impossible and not necessary to completely eliminate as it is naturally occuring and itself deals with toxins so your other organs don't have to). Knowledgable health professionals are hard to come by, and many online information is conflicting (like the debate over alkaline vs. acidic environments, or whether other molds can feed it).
Common areas where people fail are cheating on the diet in obvious ways, not carrying out the diet long enough (at least 3 months and possibly longer with a more serious overgrowth), not restoring the bacterial flora in the gut that keeps the candida in check (using probiotics during and after beating down the yeast), or even reinfecting themselves by using the same yeasty toothbrush. I wonder if the white line of slime people are finding (myself included) in the morning is moist dead skin or actually yeast excretion from under the skin.
Two treatments that have gotten a lot of interest are
Colloidal Silver and coffee colonics. Any one on here ever tried them?