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good news want to share
lippylooloo Views: 4,435
Published: 16 y

good news want to share

Hello all,
I'm new here. I've had peeling lips for years where soft lip skin would peel, it got way worst about a month ago and the dead skin turned into peeling crusts. I wasn't sure what it was but stumbled on this site, I have to say I became depressed to see that people are struggling with this condition for years. I recently have had good success with what I'm doing currently(don't want to jink it).

step 1: went to my doctor told me my iron stores in my liver were very low, so I started taking iron supplement daily.

step 2: low iron leaves you vulnerable to infections of the skin etc. so got some vaginal yeast infection cream Miconozole 2% and applied it with a q-tip thick on my lips 5-6 times a day for 9 days (don't laugh desperate causes call for desperate measures) chose this cream because Miconozole not only kills candida fungus but also kills the staphylococcus and streptococcus bacteria. kill 3 birds with 1 stone)

step 3: bought good old A+D onitment and apply to my lips on a daliy bases instead of chapstick. It's great for chapped lips has vitamin A,vitamin D, lanolin, petroleum jelly. Again sounds funny but you can find it in the baby section of a store traditionally used for diaper rash but also for chapped lips says so right on the label.

step 4: I've been cutting out sugar,milk, and breads out of my diet been strict for the most part but mainly cut out sugar

step 5: very good oral heal routine listerine mouthwash,floss,brush with toms of maine toothpaste

step 6: always use q-tip to touch lips never finger

and so far it has been working out great havent had anymore hard crusts my lips are supple and soft (knock on wood 3x)
wanted to write this because I felt like it would help let me know if you try it if it works for you.


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