Not long after starting with the frequencies, I had one HECK of a reaction that kept me from going out of the house for over a week. I don't think it was a coincidence, that the frequencies that Newport gave me to address what I had going on, was for Measles, mumps and rubella, and Roseola. I felt every one of them when they were ran. vaccinations for MMR had come up for me as a problem before with the biomeridian testing. I think hitting the specific encephalitis that I had hit at the time, uncovered the MMR stuff that was in my lymph/facial area. For months, every time the Alternative Dr did the biomeridian computer testing, the facial Lymphatic was always the highest thing that needed to be addressed. I always thought it was the teeth/amalgams. I haven't been back to him since that took place with the MMR stuff, but I'll bet it would read differently now for the facial lymph.