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need advice on cleansing-rated R for whole thread
Hi there, I need some advice. I've been a curezone reader for many years and have done some cleansing through the years as well. Though I've had to pause these cleanses on and off through the past 7 or so years due to having three children. Currently I have a 7 month old that is still nursing. I cannot stop nursing her as she is too young to wean and she has never taken formula. she would probably not do well on formula as she is highly sensitive to milk and soy...i.e. I cannot have soy or milk if it comes thorugh the breastmilk she gets very unhappy. However I'm feeling very run down and have some concerning symptoms. I believe they are due to a congested liver and parasites. I know for sure that I have
parasite problems. I feel movement in my intestines, creepy crawly feelings under my skin. Right now my biggest issue is pain and tightness in my shoulders and neck which I have heard can be a congested liver or candida or both. I also have a weird itchy spot on my upper back and it just feels like something burrowing in my muscles. I hope it's not that but that's what it feels like. I've always suspected I've had
parasite issues and have tried some
parasite cleanses (when not pregnant or nursing) in the past with varying success. But lately is the first time that I really feel something moving around inside me and perhaps in my muscles, it is sooo disturbing I don't know what to do.
So I know that I cannot do any serious cleansing while nursing. I also know that if I have a parasite problem i need to do something for my kids as well. So my question for everyone is what to do. For myself are there any safe things I can do while still breastfeeding? Could I do coffee enema's to reduce the overload of toxins in my liver? Could I do a
Liver Flush without first a parasite cleanse? Any advice would be appreciated. Also is there anything I can safely do for my infant who has been exposed in utero and now through the breastmilk to any
parasites I may have. And lastly any suggestions for a parasite cleanse for my 4 and 7 year old?
p.s. I'm posting this to the RIFE forum as well because I can't find the parasite support forum and you guys seem really knowledgeable of parasite issues, thanks for any advice you can provide.