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Been there, done that...Candida/allergy protocol.
nordskoven Views: 3,533
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Been there, done that...Candida/allergy protocol.

Uh, Konnor? KONNOR? Get to the fix. I've been through a similar scenario. Just be patient but stop experimenting and get into rebuild mode. The only test you need is for MERCURY poisoning. Start with some gum. How's that for an easy prescription? Chew some Xylitol gum to start killing off the Candida and other pathogens; ALTOIDS makes one. Now 1/2 hour before every meal, have a glass of carbon filtered or clean spring water to plump up your gut lining. Yours must be in tatters.

CANDIDA/YEAST: Kill the Candida. Candida snitches all your magnesium, eats holes in your guts, and secretes the most toxic, tissue-eating chemical in the body, acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde can only be detoxed with PANTETHINE, the metabolized form of B-5. Stomachs that don't work and can't break down B-5 need PANTETHINE. But kill Candida first. For die off, take charcoal capsules to scrub, not clay, please. KONNOR? Do this thing. It's Candida dictating carb and Sugar diet, old bean. UNDECYLENIC ACID, available off the internet, and the weaker CAPRYLIC ACID, available at health food stores, whacks back Candida. You've been colonized. Candida's dead protein coat causes the most allergic reaction to punish you for killing it. Don't take no back-sass. Croak the stuff. Crack open capsules with your teeth to insure good absorption; start with Caprylic Acid, change up with Undecylenic Acid and Silver Colloid.

Take Silver Colloid to croak Candida and any parasites in one-celled stage. "The worm eats first." You have to kill outsiders before you can profit from your food. Candida is a parasite eating your food. Worry about any specific parasites later. Take this stuff daily, then as needed as Candida never gives up. Banish all yeast breads from your diet period end of story. That stuff is made to feed yeast. Enjoy your new cracker lifestyle. To cure insomnia from Candida, no sugars, fake sugars, sugary fruits or vegetables except bananas for 48 hours. Bananas don't feed Candida.

Use Xylitol or Erythritol, please. They kill Candida as five-carbon sugars. Erythritol (UH-REETH-RI-TALL) will kill a variety of pathogens as it, as Xylitol, is a five-carbon Sugar that starves six-carbon-sugar-loving pathogens. Erythritol won't cause diarrhea as Xylitol can in higher doses, either is fine, though.

LIVER: Hot water and lemon juice first thing in the morning. L-Carnitine daily. When you're on the mend, consider
magnetic pulser to whip any parasites in the one-celled proliferation stage. Their silver pulser also cleans out the blood and makes silver colloid cheap and good. Do not eat any spicy foods as this puts your liver to sleep. Think "Danish Lutheran church supper." Bland...Get some sunshine to perk up the liver and/or take Vitamin D.

ADRENALS: DHEA, 10 mg. three days on, four days off for two weeks, then after any ingestion of sugar, or stimulants like caffeine, nicotine, chocolate, which I hope is rare; or when stressed out and anxious. Do not take DHEA daily as this will make the adrenals "lazy." Take DHEA as needed; and take the KETO-7 form if using long term as this will not turn into other hormones.

Feed the adrenals mineral salts and quality fats and oils, like kelp, Sea Salt , and a good ribeye steak and no fried foods, just good, raw olive oil or sunflower or grape seed oil--no corn oil, please. Consider "Caveman Diet" of good quality un-overcooked beef and lamb if allergic to many foods.

LUGOL'S may be a great idea. Mycoplasmic infection of the Thyroid is pandemic. Do not take any flax seed oil, raw carrots, or beans, esp. soy, as these will block Iodine uptake to the Thyroid (goitrogens). The State-of-the-Art Instruments devices can be used to croak blood-borne and deep-tissue infections. Silver Pulser is a must; just wear it around. Massage the Thyroid. Take 1/2 tsp. raw coconut oil daily to renew the Thyroid. This has Caprylic Acid that kills yeast. Use raw oils containing EFA's/essential fatty acids on skin to feed you as your stomach isn't working.

OK, go get some Xylitol gum, Caprylic Acid and DHEA and get some of those mineral-rich lemons to put in your breakfast hot water. Ditch the yeast breads! Don't take any more strong spices and herbs as this puts the L-Carnitine loving liver in a coma. Eat all the salt you want, kelp is better. No clay to clog up your dead guts. Take it step-by-step. Do this thing because you're just a walking Candida colony eating what Candida commands. Check for mercury and take R-Lipoic Acid or weaker Alpha Lipoic Acid to chelate out heavy metals, but it also snitches iron. Eat black olives preserved in ferrous gluconate to put back iron. Steady on! GBU.


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